Population Structure of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea irredalei, Thunberg 1793) in Pabean Ilir, Indramayu

Struktur Populasi Tiram Pasifik (Crassostrea irredalei, Thunberg 1793) di Pabean Ilir, Indramayu

  • Fredinan Yulianda Department of Aquatic Resources Management, IPB University
  • Agustinus M. Samosir Department of Aquatic Resources Management, IPB University
  • Risna Rosalina Siregar Department of Aquatic Resources Management, IPB University
  • Dudi Muhammad Wildan Department of Aquatic Resources Management, IPB University
Keywords: Crassosstrea irredalei, distribution, pacific oyster, population


Pacific oyster (Crassostrea irredalei) belongs to the class Bivalvia or mollusk that was filter feeder characters. The oysters had been mostly consumed by the local community and serve as a livelihood. The purpose of the research was to analyze the population structure of pacific oysters in Pabaen Ilir, Indramayu. Oyster used in this researchedwas a catch result by self on researched location. It belongsused in this researchedwas a catch result by self on researched location belong April-August2016 and used a purposive sampling method combined with random sampling. Oyster catch during research was 1591 individual with 1156 individual of female and 435 individual of male. Oyster density on each month is lower into middle. Mean length of shell is about 70.24 mm. Population of oyster are decreased which marked many fishermen just caught smaller oyster.


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How to Cite
YuliandaF., M. SamosirA., SiregarR. R., & Muhammad WildanD. (2020). Population Structure of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea irredalei, Thunberg 1793) in Pabean Ilir, Indramayu: Struktur Populasi Tiram Pasifik (Crassostrea irredalei, Thunberg 1793) di Pabean Ilir, Indramayu. Habitus Aquatica, 1(2), 38–49. https://doi.org/10.29244/HAJ.1.2.38