Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat2025-01-08T10:44:24+07:00Dr. drh. Ridi Journal Systems<table style="height: 249px;" width="782"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="198"><img src="/public/site/images/jpim/JPIM-COVER-MASTER-Cover1.jpg" width="162" height="229"></td> <td width="425"> <p><strong>Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (JPIM) </strong>terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober oleh Direktorat Pengembangan Masyarakat Agromaritim, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Artikel yang dimuat meliputi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berupa karya ilmiah yang berisi penerapan hasil penelitian atau pengembangan IPTEKS (inovasi) meliputi deskripsi inovasi, praktik, dan perubahan kondisi dari masyarakat. </p> <p>e-ISSN; <a href="">2721-897X</a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Rumput Gajah dan Jerami Padi dalam Pembuatan Pakan Alternatif di Desa Jerukwudel, Gunungkidul2025-01-06T21:11:36+07:00Rikiya Iinumarikiyaiinuma14@gmail.comNabila Nurul Izzatiddienirikiyaiinuma14@gmail.comBaitia Zahrarikiyaiinuma14@gmail.comMuhamad Ibnu Haidirrikiyaiinuma14@gmail.comAdinda Cahaya Feruszarikiyaiinuma14@gmail.comMuqita Putrika Assalamiarikiyaiinuma14@gmail.comRavi Mahesa Pramudyarikiyaiinuma14@gmail.comBambang Dwi<p>Farmers in Jerukwudel Village, Gunungkidul, face challenges related to the limited availability of green fodder and the lack of nutritional supplements in their feed. To address these issues, silage and ammoniated feed have been proposed as alternative solutions that not only serve as reserve feed during the dry season but also provide additional nutrition for livestock. This community service program aims to enhance the interest of farmers and livestock keepers in Jerukwudel Village in utilizing and developing agricultural waste as alternative feed during the dry season. The methods implemented in this program include preparation and execution of material dissemination, training, feed provision, monitoring, and evaluation. The innovation in alternative feed production in Jerukwudel Village consists of two types of feed: silage and ammoniated feed. The production of these feed types had not previously been attempted in the village. Results from the socialization indicate that the community in Jerukwudel Village actively participated and engaged in a two-way interaction. The community also gained an understanding of the materials and composition used in feed production, as evidenced by a 21% increase in understanding based on pre-tests and post-tests. The fermentation process for silage and ammoniated feed took 21 days, yielding good results indicated by changes in texture, color, and aroma. These changes signified that the production of alternative livestock feed was successful and ready to be distributed to the local livestock. The alternative feed distribution activities demonstrated positive responses, with the livestock showing a preference for the taste and aroma of these feed types.</p>2024-12-27T11:00:27+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Ketahanan Pakan Ternak Melalui Pembuatan Silase di Desa Pesantren, Kecamatan Blado, Kabupaten Batang2025-01-06T21:11:29+07:00Nihawa Hajar Ayu Arya Mei Diinaa Sashy Fadia Lutfiyatus Cahyo<p>Silage is forage processing done by fermentation using lactic acid under anaerobic conditions. Silage is an alternative animal feed that can fulfil animal feed needs when it is difficult to obtain. The rich nutrient content in silage, such as protein, carbohydrates and minerals can fulfil the nutritional needs of animals and support optimal productivity. This activity aims to provide in-depth knowledge and skills to farmers regarding silage making techniques as quality animal feed. Activities start from information gathering; preparation and making of silage materials, concepts, and samples; preparation and procurement of silage material tools; implementation of socialisation; opening of silage results, and evaluation of activities that have been carried out. This test consists of several variables including; aroma, texture, colour and the presence of fungi. The results of the activity showed an increase in farmers' knowledge about silage making, there were 82% of farmers who understood the material presented and 55% of farmers were very satisfied with the activities that had been carried out. The silage results that have been made show some characteristics that are less in accordance with the category of good quality silage at the top of the silage, but the silage results at the bottom are still in the category that can be accepted by livestock. Good quality silage can be determined through its physical quality, so an organoleptic test is carried out to see the physical quality of silage. The quality of the silage produced based on organoleptic tests has a brownish green colour, a slightly smelly aroma, a slightly watery mushy texture and the presence of fungi in the top layer. Thus, making silage has the potential to be a solution to overcome the problem of feed availability in the dry season and increase the capacity of farmers in managing feed.</p>2024-12-27T12:54:52+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Pakan dengan Penggunaan Feed Supplement sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Peternakan di Desa Karangtengah, Banjarnegara2025-01-06T21:11:25+07:00Kuniawan Kurniawankurniawanhary117@gmail.comDevi Gibran Purnama Arya Kaisa Az Sekar Rafif<p>Karangtengah Village in Batur District, Banjarnegara Regency, is an area that has the potential to be developed, especially in the livestock sector. The geographical conditions surrounded by plantations and the socio-economic conditions of the community, most of whom earn a living as farmers and breeders, are supporting factors for the livestock business's development. Development is carried out by introducing feed supplements and their application as additional feed given to livestock to increase farmers' awareness of meeting micronutrient needs and providing information related to the technology of making mineral blocks as animal feed supplements. The method used is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), which involves farmers from the beginning to the end of the program. Activities began with data collection, physical examination of sheep, and education on the importance of feed supplements, especially mineral blocks, which help overcome livestock health problems due to mineral deficiencies. Training on making mineral blocks was conducted theoretically and practically by 12 participants from the Serdang Merdada livestock group and individual farmers. The results showed a significant increase in knowledge, as indicated by a higher post-test score than the pre-test. The "Mineral Block Making Demonstration" Activity Program of IPB 2024 Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik (KKNT Inovasi) in Karangtengah Village encourages the adoption of better and sustainable animal husbandry practices. This program provides tangible benefits in improving the welfare of farmers and the quality of livestock products.</p>2024-12-27T13:02:24+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Ecoenzyme melalui Pembuatan Sabun Cuci Piring Limbah Mawar Guna Meningkatkan Nilai Tambah Mawar di Desa Mriyan, Boyolali2025-01-06T21:11:21+07:00Fadhlan Muhammad Andika Salsha Amalia Syihabuddin Rizqi<p>The Community Service Program (KKN) in Mriyan Village aimed to transform rose waste into value-added products, specifically ecoenzyme-based dish soap, while raising community awareness about organic waste management. The program involved the local women’s group or Pemberdayaan<em> dan Kesehatan Keluarga</em> (PKK) as the main participants in training on ecoenzyme production and its derivative products. The Implementation strategies included socialization, practical instruction, and assessment using pre- and post-tests to gauge participants' increased understanding. The results showed that participants successfully mastered the techniques of producing ecoenzyme and dish soap, as evidenced by significant improvements in post-test scores. Additionally, the high enthusiasm of the participants indicated the effectiveness of the socialization methods employed. This program not only enhanced the community's skills in waste management but also positively affected the local economy through the possible growth of ecoenzyme-based businesses. The conclusion drawn from this activity is that utilizing rose waste to produce ecoenzyme holds promising prospects for sustainable implementation, provided the local administration and the community work closely together, as well as product diversification.</p>2024-12-27T13:09:24+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Kulit Buah Carica sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Eco-Enzyme di Desa Dieng Kulon2025-01-06T21:11:18+07:00Edit Lesa Sakilanurofazasakila@gmail.comHafidhah Nur Putri Aulia Nadira Zahra Abdul Ravi Malik<p>Carica is a typical highland fruit that is one of the mainstay commodities of the Dieng Plateau. This plant is widely produced as processed syrup which will be marketed as a typical souvenir of Dieng Kulon Village. This program aims to strengthen the capacity of the Dieng Syariah Women Farmers Group (KWT) of Dieng Kulon Village in maximizing the utilization of carica fruit. This activity involved 24 KWT members who produce an average of 25 kilograms of carica peel waste per day. The implementation method begins with exploring and identifying problems, program planning, implementation, and monitoring. The manufacture of eco-enzyme began with the collection of 9 kilograms of carica peel from the members of KWT Dieng Syariah then mixed with water and brown sugar then stirred and gallons were closed. The fermentation process was carried out for 90 days. Monitoring of the eco-enzyme was done on the 3rd, 7th, 30th, and 90th day. This program produced 3 gallons of eco-enzyme which is still in the fermentation process. However, the last observation process at 30 days of fermentation, the eco-enzyme product was dark brown in color, fresh sour aroma, with a high amount of gas. This shows the tendency of success of the eco-enzyme product made.</p>2024-12-27T13:17:02+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Limbah Organik Sebagai Eco enzyme dalam Mengatasi Antraknosa pada Tanaman Cabai di Desa Kiarapandak, Bogor2025-01-06T21:11:53+07:00Astrida Syahwa Nur Amalia Huda Syifa Samoda<p>Household waste management is one of the problems that remains unsolved to this day in Kiarapandak Village, Sukajaya Subdistrict, Bogor Regency. This problem is caused by the lack of optimal waste management, especially household waste. The <em>Cozy </em>(eco enzyme) program is executed as a form of public service in hopes to solve said problem by empowering the village community in managing household waste. This program is done through socialization about the utilization of household organic waste as eco enzyme, monitoring the eco enzyme product, and application of the eco enzyme on several plants. The plants that were given the eco enzyme showed good growth and are also protected from anthracnose. This program is considered to provide benefits to the community, especially farmers who are having troubles regarding anthracnose on chili plants.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Masyarakat Desa Pasir Tanjung Melalui Optimalisasi Edu-Tani untuk Mencapai Pembangunan Desa Berkelanjutan2025-01-08T10:19:29+07:00Gita Putri Rahmawati 'Athiyya Junita Edison Raisha Dinar Made<p>The Thematic Community Service Lecture (KKNT) activity held in Pasir Tanjung Village, Tanjungsari District, Bogor Regency aims to empower the Pasir Tanjung Village community to support sustainable village development through the edu-tani optimization program. This activity was carried out using a method involving socialization, demonstration, mentoring, and cooperative learning in several programs: making liquid organic fertilizer (Green Craft), natural pesticides (Integrated Pest Management), agricultural technology applications (IPB Digitani and Agricount), and character development of school-age children using the cooperative based learning method. As a result, this activity succeeded in achieving its target with a positive response from the community, where more than 60% of participants felt very satisfied. The programs implemented provided direct benefits in the form of increasing soil fertility, pest control, access to agricultural technology information, and strengthening children's character. This activity shows that the programs implemented are effective in supporting community empowerment and contributing to village sustainability. Recommendations include further training, program integration into the curriculum, and strengthening cooperation with partners are needed for program sustainability.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Tanaman melalui Program Green Harmony di Kelurahan Situgede, Jawa Barat2025-01-06T21:11:39+07:00Muhammad Reza Abdillahmuhrezaabd@gmail.comNursyifa Uswatun Nurul Azhar Nugraha Fabian Alif<p>The Green Harmony program, implemented by the Thematic Community Service (KKN-T) team from Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) in Situgede Village, West Java, aims to enhance community awareness and skills in environmental conservation through plant education. The program comprises three main sub-programs: Green Day, Kisah si Biji, and the Workshop Taman Rumah Ceria, all integrated with the Five Capitals Framework theory. The program's implementation involved collaboration with a local partner, Abdi Tani Farm, and educational outreach to elementary school students and the local community. Green Day focused on land reorganization, Kisah si Biji provided horticultural education to elementary school students, and the Workshop Taman Rumah Ceria offered practical training to residents on techniques for planting and caring for home garden plants. The program successfully engaged 53 children and 19 community members, improving environmental quality and strengthening community knowledge and practices in sustainable gardening. The education and empowerment provided through Green Harmony not only positively impacted the physical environment but also inspired the community to continue environmental stewardship and more effectively utilize their home gardens.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Gizi sebagai Upaya Atasi Permasalahan Stunting di Desa Cikahuripan, Kabupaten Sukabumi2025-01-06T21:11:48+07:00Rahmadiyanti Aditya Tsaniya Nur Tri Wahyu Raka Aulia<p>Stunting is a serious health problem in Indonesia that can occur due to chronic malnutrition, infections, low parental education, low household socio-economic levels, and other factors. Cikahuripan Village, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, is one of the stunting loci, with 24 toddlers recorded as experiencing stunting. One of the challenges in preventing stunting in rural areas is the limited access to health information. Nutrition education interventions are needed to increase knowledge about stunting. The Gemilang program aims to increase public understanding of stunting prevention through weaning food and to distribute Supplementary Food for stunted children and pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED). This program is implemented through education, weaning food cooking demonstrations and supplementary food making. The evaluation was conducted using pre-test and post-test and analyzed with a paired t-test statistical test and N-Gain calculation. The results showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in participants' knowledge, with an average pre-test score of 48.82%, an average post-test score of 85.29%, and an N-gain value of 0.69. The result is is interpreted as a moderate increase in knowledge, showing that the activity was quite effective in increasing participant knowledge. Improvement efforts related to the provision of materials and participant participation are still needed to strengthen the health education program. Further research and evaluation can be conducted to assess sustainable programs' impact on stunting reduction rates in Cikahuripan Village.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Masyarakat Loji, Kota Bogor dalam Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Program Perisai Keluarga dan Percepatan Kebun Stunting2025-01-06T21:12:00+07:00Kania Bagus Dwi Rizky Rihadatul Arzela Dewimaharaniarzeladewi@gmail.comWurianty Nur Rosyid Sahrina<p>The nutritional problems that are still inherent in Indonesia, especially stunting among toddlers, have had a serious impact on the quality of human resources. Loji Subdistrict in Bogor City is facing problems related to increasing stunting rates, which has sparked action from IPB students through the KKN-TI program to help reduce stunting rates. This program is carried out in the form of education and planting of family medicinal plants, cultivating fish in buckets (budikdamber) based on aquaponics, as well as cooking demonstrations using ingredients from family medicinal plants, through a program called Perisai Keluarga and Acceleration of Stunting Gardens. The success indicator of the Perisai Keluarga with the Loji BERTOGA subprogram is the achievement of the Family Medical Plant (FMP) planting process with a minimum of three types of plants and conveying an understanding regarding the benefits of these plants, Perisai Keluarga with the Gandeng PMT-ji subprogram was said to be successful with a percentage of 80% of toddlers liking the churros and moringa leaf sauce menu as well as Trilaa tea, the high level of enthusiasm of the mothers when they took part in the cooking demonstration, and received the Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP) recipe menu book, while the Stunting Garden Acceleration was said to be successful by achieving the resumption of installation of catfish cultivation in buckets based on aquaponics. It is hoped that this activity can improve community nutrition, reduce stunting, and encourage awareness of the importance of balanced nutrition.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Gizi Balita dan Demonstrasi Memasak MP-ASI di Desa Dramaga, Bogor 2025-01-06T21:11:45+07:00Nawangsari Naabil Tasya Ullul Sahrul Lisna Za’im<p>An increase in the number of children under the stunting category has become a challenge for Dramaga Village. One of the factors causing such an increase is the shortage and lack of public awareness and education regarding practices to prevent stunting, one of which involves providing sufficient nutrition in children under two years of age. Stunting in children can prove detrimental in later years as it in hibits both physical and mental development in children. Intervention in the form of a workshop with cooking demonstration for expectant mothers and mothers with toddlers serves to increase public awareness and understanding about appropriate practices to prevent stunting. All participants indicated moderate to high satisfaction towards the event whether from the speaker or from the cooking demonstration conducted. Pre-test results indicated that participants already possessed an adequate understanding of the material presented with an overall pre-test average of 94,4%. Participant understanding did not have a significant increase based on a t-test evaluation, however, materials presented in a lecture setting with visual aid and a cooking demonstration may be a more interesting method of presentation and socialization for participants.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Pembuatan Sabun Transparan dan Legalitas Usaha dalam Program UMKM Level Up di Desa Lerep2025-01-06T21:11:42+07:00Mohammad Khollaqul Mega Fattahul Surya Ragili Yantiyuliaragiliyanti07@gmail.comReniandi Dzaki<p>Lerep Village, located at the foot of Mount Ungaran, West Ungaran District, Semarang Regency, has transformed into a tourist village. One of the important pillars in supporting the progress of tourist villages is the growth of competitive MSMEs. MSME players in Lerep Village experience difficulties in developing product innovations and do not yet have business legality so that their marketing reach has not expanded and product sales levels tend to stagnate. The method of implementing innovation includes socialization, interviews, discussions, and mentoring with a descriptive analysis approach. The data sources used are primary data, namely MSME players in Lerep Village and GenBI administrators of Semarang State University, as well as secondary data in the form of relevant literature studies. The results of this service show that the training program on transparent soap making and business legality has enabled MSMEs in Lerep Village to develop varied product innovations and official licenses so that they can attract more tourists and expand their market share. This has an impact on increasing income and welfare for MSME players in Lerep Village. The Level Up MSME program experienced several obstacles in its implementation, such as the low participation rate of participants, the fact that many MSME players are not technologically literate, and the minimal participation of the younger generation in entrepreneurship. Program sustainability efforts are carried out through further assistance so that Lerep Village MSME products can be of higher quality and competitive with other products.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Desa Mandiri: Peningkatan Kapasitas UMKM di Desa Mekarsari melalui Pelatihan Fundamental Bisnis2025-01-06T21:11:15+07:00Nur Laila Nur Nabilla Ihsan<p>The development of technology and digitalization has driven significant transformation in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector in Indonesia. In Mekarsari Village, Bandung Regency, MSMEs face various challenges, especially in financial management, marketing, and product packaging. The program “Be Fun for U: Business Fundamental for MSMEs” initiated by the IPB Innovation KKN-T Team aims to strengthen business management in Mekarsari Village MSMEs to focus on four management pillars including financial management, marketing, human resources (HR), and supply chain. The training was held on July 6, 2024 at Mekarsari Village Hall, involving 17 MSME players representing various business sectors. Findings from the training showed that while some MSMEs have adopted digital marketing, key issues such as unstructured financial management and lack of brand identity are still significant. Solutions introduced included the use of Lamikro app for financial record keeping, logo creation for branding, and assistance in the halal certification process as well as Business Identification Number (NIB) registration. The program successfully improved MSMEs' understanding of business management and provided practical solutions to the constraints faced. This success is expected to strengthen MSME competitiveness and support sustainable economic growth in Mekarsari Village.</p>2024-12-27T14:06:26+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Digitalisasi dan Branding untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tarik Produk Olahan Jambu Air di Desa Pranan2025-01-06T21:11:10+07:00Dhiyaa Faa’ Irfan Satriya Rahmad Annisa Athira Athar Assisi Rosyada<p>This study aims to enhance the competitiveness and appeal of processed water guava products in Pranan Village through digitalization and branding training using hands-on supervised training. The training was designed to empower the PKK women's group with knowledge and skills in utilizing digital technology for product marketing. The program began with theoretical education on effective branding concepts, followed by hands-on practice using Canva and Capcut applications. Participants received step-by-step guidance in creating creative and engaging digital marketing media. The hands-on training was supervised to ensure that each participant could effectively apply the taught materials. The results of this training showed a significant improvement in participants' ability to understand and implement branding techniques, as well as utilizing digital tools in their marketing strategies. Additionally, feedback from participants indicated increased confidence in managing and marketing processed water guava products more professionally. The conclusion of this study is that hands-on supervised training in digitalization and branding can effectively enhance digital marketing competence and ultimately support the increased sales and competitiveness of local products. This success highlights the importance of practical and targeted training approaches in empowering local communities to adapt to the increasingly digital market demands.</p>2024-12-27T14:16:53+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat UMKM dengan Inovasi Pengemasan dan Kemitraan di Desa Tamansari, Bogor2025-01-08T10:44:24+07:00Syahrul Fadila Maria Judith Trianadewi Luthfi Al Azimah Nur<p>Tamansari Village in Bogor Regency boasts a key commodity in pohpohan leaves, which has significant potential to be developed by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) into processed products such as chips through packaging innovation and partnership strategies. The UMKM "CLB Raos," which has been producing pohpohan chips since 1998, faces key challenges in marketing due to unappealing packaging and a limited partnership network, causing the business to temporarily halt. This mentoring program aims to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of pohpohan chips through strategic planning, social approaches, implementation, and evaluation. The main interventions in this program include improving packaging from simple clear plastic to full-print aluminum foil, rebranding the product to "KEPOTA," and registering the business with a Business Identification Number (NIB) and Halal Certification. Partnerships with the "Sobat Tani IPB" cafe and the entrepreneurship extracurricular program at SMA N 1 Tamansari were also established to broaden the market reach. The results show a significant increase in the product's appeal and competitiveness in the market. The main challenge faced by this micro-enterprise is the limited mobility of the UMKM actors, which hinders independent product distribution. Therefore, packaging innovation and strategic partnerships are crucial for UMKM development, especially in expanding market reach.</p>2024-12-27T14:23:13+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat dan Evaluasi Konsep SDGs pada Sektor Formal (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Phatnawitya Thailand) 2025-01-06T21:11:03+07:00Daffa Ibra Danendradaffaibradane@gmail.comFadhley Muhammad<p>Education is a fundamental pillar in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Thailand, as a Southeast Asian nation, demonstrates its commitment to these goals by starting within formal institutions like schools, guided by national strategies. This community service research aims to assess Thai students' understanding of SDG concepts, identify barriers to comprehensive learning, and propose strategies for sustainable implementation of SDGs in schools. Using a mixed-method approach that includes phenomenology, causal loop diagrams, and fishbone analysis, the research highlights key findings: participatory and contextual educational interventions effectively enhance students' SDG awareness and engagement, while interconnected challenges, such as limited discussions in schools, insufficient teacher training, and inadequate access to information and educational resources, hinder progress. To address these issues, the study recommends improving teacher training and enhancing access to high-quality educational materials as critical strategies to break the cycle of unawareness among students in Yala, Thailand. The overarching conclusion underscores that participatory and contextual education, supported by strong teacher capacity and resource availability, is essential for sustainable success in embedding SDG concepts within formal education.</p>2024-12-27T14:30:01+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Keterampilan Bahasa Inggris melalui Permainan Bingo di Thamkhiri Wittaya School, Thailand2025-01-06T21:10:59+07:00Selena Suardi Damrahselenadmrh@gmail.comDeni<p>The era of globalization is characterized by interactions between languages and cultures. This condition requires countries in the world to master foreign languages, especially English. Thailand is one of the countries that strives to improve English language skills through educational curriculum development, especially in secondary schools such as Thamkhiri Wittaya School. This activity also aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Bingo games in improving student's English skills at Thamkhiri Wittaya School. The program was part of IPB University's Community Service Program (KKN) involving students from grade 2-6 at Thamkhiri Wittaya School. The program runs from Sunday to Thursday, at 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. The results showed that the interactive learning method through Bingo game was effective in improving student’s English skills at Thamkhiri Wittaya School, but there were challenges in increasing students' learning motivation and lack of variety in learning activities.</p>2024-12-27T14:33:25+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Situregen: Mengatasi Abrasi dan Sampah di Desa Situregen2025-01-06T21:10:52+07:00Reza Miftahul Ryan Fahreza Y Fathonah<p>KKNT IPB Innovation 2024 is a community service program that integrates higher education curricula to train students in analyzing and finding solutions to societal problems. Situregen Village has the potential for tourism, particularly the Cimandiri Beach, but faces issues with coastal cleanliness. This community service activity aims to implement innovation through the planting of abrasion-preventing plants such as mangroves, sea pandanus, and sea pines, as well as waste management practices. The program involves various local communities and institutions, including the Beach and Sea Lovers Community (KPPL) and the Disaster-Resilient Village (Destana), in activities such as socialization, planting, and beach cleaning to reduce the negative impacts of environmental pollution and improve aesthetics and public health. The activities include socializing waste segregation and practical actions like planting and beach cleaning on different dates. The results show positive impacts in reducing abrasion, increasing environmental awareness, and building active community participation. Challenges faced include suboptimal participation and miscommunication between parties. Sustainability recommendations include periodic education, continuous planting, and the establishment of local working groups to monitor the program. This program demonstrates that with active involvement from various stakeholders and the community, Situregen Village can become a model for a clean, healthy, and sustainable village.</p>2024-12-27T14:37:18+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat