Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat 2024-12-12T16:19:53+07:00 Dr. drh. Ridi Arif Open Journal Systems <table style="height: 249px;" width="782"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="198"><img src="/public/site/images/jpim/JPIM-COVER-MASTER-Cover1.jpg" width="162" height="229"></td> <td width="425"> <p><strong>Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (JPIM) </strong>terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober oleh Direktorat Pengembangan Masyarakat Agromaritim, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Artikel yang dimuat meliputi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang&nbsp; berupa karya ilmiah yang berisi penerapan hasil penelitian atau pengembangan IPTEKS (inovasi) meliputi deskripsi inovasi, praktik, dan perubahan kondisi dari masyarakat.&nbsp;</p> <p>e-ISSN; <a href="">2721-897X</a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Pendampingan Sertifikasi Halal Produk Kopi Komboro di Desa Jeporo, Kecamatan Jatipurno, Kabupaten Wonogiri 2024-12-12T16:19:53+07:00 Novericko Ginger Budiono Reza Alfreda Rahma Sandy Fauzan Tiko Arasy Balqis Naila Ath-Thifa Nisrina Hasna Salsabila Afini Rizkyana Nadya Azzahra Salsabilla Saragih Valentino Silalahi Putri Dewi Anjumi <p>The increasing trend of halal product consumption is happening globally, including in Indonesia. Original Indonesian coffee has global market potential, considering Indonesia is the world's number 3 exporter. Coffee produced by Kopi Komboro Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Jeporo Village, Jatipurno Sub-district, Wonogiri District, Central Java Province also has the potential to be developed. This community service activity aims to provide assistance in halal certification for Kopi Komboro products in Jeporo Village, Jatipurno Sub-district, Wonogiri District, Central Java Province. The community service activities carried out are 1) Education on halal certification requirements and processes; 2) Assistance in making Taxpayer Identification Numbers (NPWP); 3) Assistance in registering Business Identification Numbers (NIB); and 4) Assistance in registering halal certification for Kopi Komboro products. The output achieved from this activity is 1) Education of MSME Kopi Komboro executives regarding the requirements and halal certification process; 2) Registration of NIB of Kopi Komboro MSME executives; 3) Registration of NPWP of Kopi Komboro MSME executives; and 4) Certification of coffee products produced by Kopi Komboro MSME executives by the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency (BPJPH). Efforts to certify halal products for Kopi Komboro products are expected to increase opportunities for product market coverage and public trust regarding the halalness and quality of Kopi Komboro products.</p> 2024-12-05T13:02:23+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Pendampingan Pengelolaan Keuangan, Perpajakan, dan Kewirausahaan Yatim Center Al-Ruhamaa’ 2024-12-12T16:19:51+07:00 Lokita Rizky Megawati Srihadi Winarningsih Wahyudin Zarkasyi Citra Sukmadilaga <p>Over the past decade, social organizations in Indonesia have faced increasingly complex challenges related to financial management, taxation, and entrepreneurship development. Yatim Center Al-Ruhamaa', as an amil institution focused on the welfare of orphans and the poor, is no exception. Challenges such as non-standard financial record-keeping, manual tax reporting, limited utilization of waqf funds, and the lack of diversification in business activities have become key issues requiring innovative and sustainable solutions. Financial and entrepreneurship assistance has proven to be an effective approach to improving the management and independence of amil institutions. The objectives of this activity are to 1) Establish a standardized and efficient financial recording system; 2) Facilitate the online tax reporting process; 3) Optimize the utilization of waqf funds for investment; and 4) Support the diversification of business activities at Yatim Center Al-Ruhamaa’. A qualitative approach was employed to examine the process of developing standard financial recording formats, improving financial records, EFIN registration, waqf fund management, and business activity diversification. The results of this initiative show significant improvements in financial management and entrepreneurship at Yatim Center, providing insights into best practices and recommendations for similar organizations. The conclusion of this mentoring process has successfully enhanced the efficiency of financial management and entrepreneurship, leading to greater transparency and sustainability of the institution.</p> 2024-12-05T13:12:16+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Pendampingan dan Transfer Teknologi Pengembangan Padi Sawah di Desa Pangelak, Kalimantan Selatan 2024-12-12T16:19:49+07:00 Sherly Eka Maulidiya Ahmad Junaedi Purwono Purwono Mohamad Rahmad Suhartanto Suryo Wiyono Khairani Khairani Gesa Nur Cahyani Muhammad Ramdhani Fitriansyah Lystiana Dewi Putri Arvin Muhammad Fadillah <p>The agricultural technology transfer and mentoring program in Pangelak Village, South Kalimantan, aims to improve the efficiency and productivity of paddy rice cultivation through the application of appropriate technology and environmentally friendly cultivation practices. This activity involved 4 active IPB students, 1 person as project manager, 1 person as supervisor, and 4 IPB lecturers. The mentoring implementation method consists of preparation, program implementation, and evaluation. The program implementation stage begins with preparation, which includes field surveys and FGDs to understand the needs and conditions of the community. The next stage is assistance and technology transfer, which includes assistance in paddy rice cultivation, bioimmunization of seeds, and making organic plant ingredients as alternative fertilizers. The evaluation stage includes conducting interviews and discussions with farmers after the mentoring and technology transfer activities. The creation of IPB 3S demonstration plots was carried out in the context of innovation adoption through training and direct practice to farmers on more efficient cultivation techniques and the use of organic fertilizers. The mentoring program can increase knowledge and skills on effective and efficient cultivation techniques to farmers, introduce the latest technologies and innovations in rice cultivation, increase the productivity of paddy rice and the welfare of farmers.</p> 2024-12-05T13:13:37+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Inovasi Pemenuhan Nutrisi Ternak: Penyuluhan Perawatan Anak Domba dan Pembuatan Mineral Blok di Desa Pekasiran 2024-12-12T16:19:48+07:00 Azzahra Cahyarani Putri Mukti Ichsan Fariz Widya Oktaviani Alifia Tul Fitriani Khairil Abdy Ritonga Ananda Putri Tulus Claudina Theresia Bara Muhammad Adi Wijaya Indah Wijayanti <p>The development of the livestock sector in Indonesia, particularly for sheep farming, still faces many challenges. Farmers continue to use traditional methods, resulting in slow growth of livestock and suboptimal profits. Mineral blocks are supplemental feed designed to enhance the adequacy of energy, protein, and minerals, as well as to improve the palatability of ruminant animals in block or cylindrical forms. Milk replacer is a substitute milk for livestock, expected to help provide nutrients for pre-weaned lambs. The outreach program on lamb care and mineral block production aims to increase the knowledge, awareness, and interest of farmers in Pekasiran Village regarding the nutritional needs of livestock through the provision of milk replacer and mineral blocks. The methods used in the implementation of the program include direct observation of farms, interviews, mapping, distributing invitations to farmers in Pekasiran Village, conducting trials of mineral blocks, outreach by providing materials on lamb care and mineral block production, demonstrations, and interviews with farmers present at the outreach event. This activity was attended by 38 breeders with a total of around 720 livestock. The outreach activities were carried out in collaboration between KKN-T students from IPB University and CV. Al Mumayyaz Group. During the program, it was found that the farmers were very enthusiastic about participating, actively discussing with the resource persons, and they were able to demonstrate the production of mineral blocks correctly and effectively. This activity also contributed to improving the health and productivity of livestock, as well as the well-being of farmers in Pekasiran Village. Farmers are expected to be able to implement better and more innovative practices in livestock management so that they can contribute to increasing efforts to develop livestock potential in Pekasiran Village.</p> 2024-12-05T13:22:26+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Rebranding Wisata Giwangkara River Tubing Neglasari sebagai Upaya Pembangunan Pedesaan 2024-12-12T16:19:46+07:00 A.Nur Fajar Oktaviani Risky Amelia Putri Saidati Arifa Ilma Hidayat Nur Alim Nurul Amirah Zessy Ardinal Barlan <p>The tourism sector plays an important role in supporting rural development through the establishment of tourism villages, but not all tourist attractions are successful in creating effective branding. This action research activity aims to make efforts to rebrand Giwangkara River Tubing Tour in Neglasari Village as a strategic step in rural development. The method used was a descriptive qualitative approach, obtained from in-depth interviews with tour managers. The results showed that Giwangkara River Tubing Tourism has not done optimal branding due to the lack of human resources in managing social media accounts and the lack of skills in graphic design affects the effectiveness of social media management. The existence of rebranding efforts has a positive impact as seen from the increase in the number of followers, viewers, and likes on @giwangkararivertubing Instagram reels. In addition, the number of tourist visitors also increased after the implementation of the rebranding action. This activity emphasizes the importance of a good branding strategy in increasing tourism attractiveness and supporting rural development. Rebranding not only increases online visibility but also encourages local economic growth through increased tourist visits. The results of the implementation of this activity are expected to be a reference for other tourism managers in developing effective and sustainable branding strategies. Rebranding efforts that involve digital skills training for tourism managers are also recommended to ensure sustainability and long-term success.</p> 2024-12-05T13:31:27+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Edukasi Tablet Tambah Darah bagi Remaja Putri untuk Pencegahan Stunting di SMPN 2 Ciledug 2024-12-12T16:19:45+07:00 Mayang Nur Aini Naufal Hafiz Abdurrahman Zahra Safira AS Seftianti Rajuwi Rizka Lutfiani Herpina Riantika Putri Syahrani Roma Noris Ahmad Firza Zuraidah Nasution <p>Anemia is a condition of hemoglobin levels below normal limits which has the potential to increase the risk of stunting in future pregnancies of adolescent girls. Stunting is a health problem that is influenced by the nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy. To prevent stunting, early intervention through the provision of Blood Additive Tablets (TTD) in adolescent girls is crucial. The educational activity entitled “Healthy Teenagers, Great Indonesia” was held at SMPN 2 Ciledug, Jatiseeng Kidul Village, Ciledug Village, Cirebon Regency. This program aims to improve the knowledge and attitude of adolescents regarding TTD consumption to prevent stunting. Education was carried out through powerpoint media, posters, interactive games “Cheerful Snakes and Ladders,” and a session of taking blood supplement tablets together. Pre-tests and post-tests were conducted to evaluate respondents' understanding and attitudes before and after education. The results showed low scores during the pre-test. The educational activities conducted affected the schoolgirls' understanding of the effect of anemia on stunting. The post-test results showed a significant increase in participants' knowledge, although there was no significant change in attitude and behavior. This education is expected to contribute to breaking the cycle of stunting through improving the health of the younger generation. The sustainability of this program is expected to be monitored through collaboration with Puskesmas Ciledug, installation of educational posters, filling in the blood supplement tablets schedule calendar, and monitoring of blood supplement tablets consumption.</p> 2024-12-05T13:39:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Garci-Tea: Inovasi Pengolahan Limbah Kulit Manggis menjadi Produk Teh di Desa Sagalaherang Kidul, Subang 2024-12-12T16:19:43+07:00 Muhamad Arya Fadhillah Safira Firdaus Khairunnisa Aulia Azzahra Ridwan Ramdani Aisyah Salsabila Namira Argya Zahra Oka Hasana Agustiani Muhammad Rifki Ramdhani Setiawan Erianto Indra Putra Anne Carolina <p>Sagalaherang Kidul Village has great potential in the utilization of mangosteen peel waste which has not been optimized. To utilize this potential, KKNT-I IPB students carried out community service activities aimed at processing mangosteen peel waste into Garci-Tea, a healthy tea innovation with high economic value. This counseling was aimed at women members of the Family Empowerment and Welfare Institution (PKK) and was held on July 28, 2024 at the house of the Head of Dusun 4 Krajan.&nbsp; Through this program, participants were taught about the economic potential of mangosteen peel, which is rich in antioxidants, and its easy and practical processing techniques. The program methods included training and hands-on demonstrations, starting from drying, grinding, and serving the tea. The results of the activities showed an increase in participants' knowledge and skills and provided opportunities to create products of economic value from agricultural waste. This activity is expected to improve community welfare and health and encourage more optimal utilization of local resources. This activity also emphasizes the importance of empowering women in developing skills that support family economic improvement.</p> 2024-12-05T14:00:48+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Pemetaan Lahan Pertanian Berbasis Data Spasial Menggunakan Aplikasi QGIS di Desa Mojorembun Kecamatan Rejoso 2024-12-12T16:19:42+07:00 Nikma Syukira Syukira Sabrina Salsabila Utomo Dyah Rakhmayanti Rafi Dhianaufal Herdyan Xepy Abdul Rohmat Muhamad Fahri Nur Rifki Angga Saputra Salsabila Fatiyah Liyantono Liyantono <p>The high need for fast and accurate information in the data collection of agricultural land currently requires a digital mapping system. Digital mapping that utilises advanced technologies, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and satellite imagery, is capable of producing detailed and accurate data on the condition of agricultural land. With its ability to provide real-time updates and integrate various data thoroughly, digital mapping is becoming an indispensable tool to fulfil the need for fast and precise information. Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) is an open-source GIS software that uses referenced spatial data or geographic coordinates presented in graphical form through maps. QGIS can be applied to mapping shallot farmland in Mojorembun Village. The purpose of using QGIS is to facilitate the community in accessing information and processing data related to ownership, area, and types of agricultural commodities in the village. The QGIS application provides various features, such as a land map that contains information about the location, area, and land ownership data. The results of this mapping are expected to be utilised by the community to obtain more complete information about agricultural land in Mojorembun Village.</p> 2024-12-05T14:08:15+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Olah Makan Ikan: Peningkatan Keterampilan Pengolahan Ikan Bagi Masyarakat Desa Sawarna 2024-12-12T16:19:40+07:00 Didin Komarudin Jonathan Lim Afnenda Gina Sonia Muhamad Rizky Azru Azwar Elma Arista Kurnia Indah Cahyani Muhammad Farrel Irdiansyah Salsabila Sajidah Fadhal Abiyu Ridho <p>Sawarna Village has fisheries potential and natural beauty which makes it one of the famous tourist village destinations in Banten Province. The training activities carried out were aimed at diversifying processed fish products, namely making fish dim sum from fish as an effort to fulfill nutrition and increase community income in Sawarna Village. The PLA (Participatory Learning and Action) method was used during the training outreach activities for making fish dim sum. The training activity was attended by 11 residents of Sawarna Village. The results of the evaluation of the training outreach activities for making fish dimsum can be seen in the average pretest score of 72,7 and the posttest score of 89,1 regarding understanding of fish dim sum, starting from the meaning, how to make it, and its benefits. The evaluation results are used as evidence that the fish dim sum making training outreach activities can be carried out by the people of Sawarna Village. Fish dim sum making activities can be used as a business idea that can develop MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) in Sawarna Village. This processed fish dim sum can be part of a culinary tour in Sawarna Village which is famous for its beautiful beaches and seas.</p> 2024-12-05T14:17:01+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat PETIS: Pendampingan Intensif untuk Anak Sehat dalam Mengatasi Masalah Stunting di Kelurahan Tukmudal, Cirebon 2024-12-12T16:19:30+07:00 Muhammad Aries Pandu Pamungkas Sangaji Permono Agung Nusaibah Nusaibah Zoraya Nurafifa Banupa Aurelia Vania Alsyah Allamah Shabrina Iskandar Silvia Sry Wahyuni Mirza Hafiz Muhammad Rakanita Faatihah Ramadhina <p>Stunting represents a chronic nutritional problem that persists at a high prevalence (8%) in Cirebon. Intensive Mentoring Program for Healthy Children (PETIS) was implemented in Tukmudal, Cirebon, with the objective of addressing the issue of stunting. This program involves five stunted children selected by accident from two Posyandu with the highest prevalence of stunting. The methodology employed encompassed a range of techniques, including anthropometric measurements, 24-hour recall interviews to assess children's feeding practices, nutrition education, and supplementary feeding. Nutritional education was conducted in stages over a period of three weeks, with different topics addressed each week. These included balanced nutrition patterns, motor development, and clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). The results of this programme demonstrate that intensive nutrition education can enhance mothers' awareness of the importance of a balanced diet and clean living behavior in stunting prevention. Furthermore, the mentoring programme succeeded in encouraging the growth of children's BW and PB/TB. However, dietary modifications among children remain constrained. Therefore, a more comprehensive and sustainable strategy is essential to achieve optimal nutritional advancement.</p> 2024-12-05T15:02:07+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat CERIA BERSAMA: Implementasi Program Edukasi dan Demonstrasi Pembuatan MP-ASI untuk Mencegah Stunting di Desa Sidawangi, Kabupaten Cirebon 2024-12-12T16:19:38+07:00 Afifa Ahmi Nisa Sirfi Sarifah Jasmine Mutiara Indira Nurdin Syahira Fadhla Syifa Adawiyah Jumrotul Khasanah Aidil Amin Tozzar Daiva Aqilyanda Ramaditya Fendy Septyanto <p>Stunting is one of the unresolved nutrition problems in Indonesia. In 2023, West Java province has a stunting prevalence above the national level with a percentage of 21.7%. Stunting not only affects health, but also affects the quality of the nation. The purpose of this activity is to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of pregnant women and mothers of under-five children. The method used was action research through socialization of stunting and demonstration of making complementary food. The tools used were leaflets, PPT, educational fans, as well as pre-test and post-test used to measure changes in knowledge and attitudes. The results showed that more than half of the respondents had good knowledge related to stunting. Overall, respondents have experienced an increase in attitude, even so there are still 8.3% of respondents who experience a decrease in attitude. The MP-ASI cooking demonstration activity provides ways to make MP-ASI to the target so that the target knows how to make MP-ASI.&nbsp; To support the sustainability of the program, it is expected that DASHAT kitchen partners can utilize the pocket book that has been given in making complementary food and PMT to children.</p> 2024-12-05T14:30:46+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Strategi Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Edukasi MPASI di Kelurahan Tanah Baru, Kecamatan Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor 2024-12-12T16:19:37+07:00 Radithya Annaafi Solahuddin Dindana Fitriani Putri Anggarani Lay Agnes Magdalena Nia Julianti Hasibuan Munawaroh Elnatasra Athilla Selananda Putra Dini Khairani Rheyhan Fahry Prita Indah Pratiwi <p style="font-weight: 400;">Stunting is a long-term nutritional issue arising from prolonged inadequate dietary ingestion. Stunting can begin during fetal development and typically becomes evident when a child reaches two years of age. It represents a critical health system concern, as it reflects impaired growth in young children due to chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections. This program aims to reduce the risk of stunting by enhancing awareness, behaviors, and habits regarding food intake and complementary feeding (MPASI). The program is one of the initiatives organized by the KKN (student community services program) IPB group in Tanah Baru Sub-district, Bogor Utara District, Bogor City. The program consisted of the participation in health services at the Posyandu, including anthropometric measurements for infants and toddlers, and the educational campaign on stunting prevention through MPASI. The activities were conducted at Posyandu Cempaka B, Tanah Baru, with a total of 24 participants, including mothers of infants and toddlers, women of childbearing age, and health cadres. The socialization program was conducted in a hybrid format, featuring expert speaker in the field of nutrition. Educational materials included presentation slides, MPASI recipe videos, recipe book, and examples of balanced and nutritious MPASI. The activities was succeed, marked by high participant enthusiasm, as demonstrated by their active engagement throughout the program and their eagerness to ask questions and consult with the experts. This program is expected to improve awareness of the importance of fulfilling nutritional needs during early childhood, thereby contributing to stunting prevention in the area.</p> 2024-12-05T14:44:12+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Penyuluhan Cegah Stunting dengan Tolak Pernikahan Dini pada Remaja di SMA PGRI 1 Purwakarta 2024-12-12T16:19:35+07:00 Yulina Eva Riany Thariq Final Tamimi Sinta Naria Suryani Fadilah Akbar Nurohman Natasya Aulian Iskandar Amanda Anindya Elsyahra Rieskiza Martha Nafila Syiffa Cinta Fithria Ahla Ulya Daradinanti <p>Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest rates of early marriage in the world, ranking 37th globally and second in ASEAN after Cambodia. Early marriage is also a concern for policy makers related to marriage, because the risks that can occur are very high. One of the risks is stunting in children who are born. Early marriage and stunting are interrelated because the health and nutrition of the mother before, during, and after pregnancy affect fetal development and the level of stunting risk. This community service activity aims to provide direct counseling to adolescents at one of the high schools in Purwakarta, SMA PGRI 1 Purwakarta. This activity was carried out using a seminar method and structured question and answer in the hall of SMA PGRI 1 Purwakarta with 130 participants. The results of the activity showed that after participating in the counseling activity, there was an increase in knowledge related to stunting and early marriage. This indicates that further programs are needed in other schools so that the dissemination of education can be more widespread.</p> 2024-12-05T14:46:35+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Strategi Pengembangan Budi Daya dan Pemasaran Ubi Jalar di Desa Sukajadi, Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Bogor 2024-12-12T16:19:33+07:00 Lindawati Kartika Windi Gunawan Lutfi Syahreza Lubis Naufal Amir Jouhary Jezila Amana Nousra Atsemani Ilham Tyas Sulistyo Saputro Karennina Shinta Muhammad Mirza Sukardi Silvi Cantika <p>Sukajadi Village, located in Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Bogor, has significant agricultural land with the majority of its residents being farmers. Despite its high agricultural potential, most farmers still face various challenges such as traditional marketing methods, unstable crop prices, limited commodity variety, and lack of knowledge about cultivation techniques. One of the potential yet underutilized commodities is sweet potatoes. KKN-T IPB students designed the Agriwork program, a workshop on sweet potato cultivation and marketing techniques, in collaboration with the Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP) of IPB University. This program aims to enhance farmers' understanding of effective cultivation and marketing techniques, and establish partnerships with ATP IPB University. The implementation of the program involved four main stages: socialization, land survey, assistance, and partnership. The Agriwork program successfully initiated partnerships between Sukajadi Village farmers and ATP IPB University. Three farmers from local farmer groups expressed interest in partnering, two of whom have undergone land surveys, and one has started planting seedlings. This partnership continues with the harvesting process of 3.5 tons of white and yellow sweet potatoes, supervised by ATP IPB University, and the preparation for signing the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the farmers and ATP IPB. The AgriWork program by KKN-T IPB and ATP IPB supports Sukajadi farmers in improving sweet potato production and marketing. Three farmers became partners, receiving production assistance, price assurance, and access to modern markets, positioning Sukajadi as a potential sweet potato hub in Bogor.</p> 2024-12-05T14:49:36+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat Pengolahan Sampah Organik Menggunakan Maggot BSF sebagai Pakan Ikan Alternatif pada Desa Lesmana, Banyumas 2024-12-12T16:19:32+07:00 Dimas Andrianto Rifqi Yusriya Gavriel Allenfar Daeli Dwiandra Hadi Prasetyo Muhammad Ade Firmansyah Najwa Putri Nayanda Syifa Ainul Qolbiyah Salsabila Yasmin Budi Putri Habibah Assa’addah <p>Organic waste has become a significant problem in Lesmana Village, Ajibarang District, Banyumas Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. The treatment of organic wastes needs to be done by various means, one of them using black soldier fly (<em>Hermetia illucens</em>) maggots. The training in maggot farming aimed to explore maggot potency as a decomposing agent in organic waste treatment, and analyzed the factors affecting the process, including environment, type of waste, and operational scale. The establishment of maggot farming has the potencial to be developed as an alternative fish pellet with high protein content. The community service methods involved eight persons from a community self-help group (Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat), namely Berkah Runtah in Lesmana Village, who participated in the education seminar on 2nd July and continuous maggot farm training in July 2024. Besides the training, a seminar about using maggot as fish pellets was also held on 15th July to increase community knowledge about maggot use as a fish pellet. The farming cage size was 1.5 m x 1 m x 0.5 m, which was also an output of this activity. In conclusion, education and implementation of organic waste treatment using maggots in Lesmana Village showed great potency in establishing sustainable organic waste treatment as well as empowerment of society.</p> 2024-12-05T14:52:41+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat