Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan) 2024-10-08T10:31:03+07:00 Prof. Dr. Ir. Ernan Rustiadi, M.Agr Open Journal Systems <p><img style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 10px 0;" src="/public/site/images/p2wd/Front_Cover_minimize.jpg" alt=""></p> <p>Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan - JP2WD) is initiated and organized by Center for Regional System Analysis, Planning, and Development (CRESTPENT) of Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (IPB), Study Program of Regional and Rural Development Planning Sciences IPB, Study Program of Regional Planning Sciences IPB, and Association of Rural and Regional Development Planning Alumni.</p> <p>JP2WD is a publication media for original manuscripsts related to regional and rural planning and development written in Bahasa or English. JP2WD is published three times a year (February, June, and October).</p> <p>Manuscripts accepted for publication in JP2WD may be results of the latest scientific research (maximum during the past 10 years), policy analysis, research note, and Region/rural profile and issues.</p> <p>JP2WD covers topics related to regional science, regional and/or rural planning, regional economics, spatial and environmental planning, regional information system, community development, and public policy.</p> <p>Manuscript received shall never been published before and not in the process of scientific publication in national and/or international publications. Manuscripts shall be written in accordance to the JP2WD manuscript writing guideline.</p> <p>Manuscripts received by the editorial office will be sent to the editor. Editor will select and shortlist the manuscripts. The editor will ask authors to make improvements/revisions before the manuscript is sent to reviewers.</p> <p>Shortlisted manuscripts will be reviewed by minimum two experts in the concerned field. Corresponding authors will be informed by e-mail on the progress of their submission.</p> <p>ISSN&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;: <a title="ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-3922</a></p> <p>E-ISSN&nbsp; : <a title="E-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-3930</a></p> Does the Special Allocation Fund Reduce Rural Poverty? 2024-10-08T10:30:59+07:00 Ni Kadek Sinarwati Pardomuan Robinson Sihombing <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of special allocation funds for thematic poverty reduction assignments in the fields of water, sanitation, and the field of settlement and housing on poverty in rural areas. The data collected by secondary data is number of poor people in rural areas is accessed through the BPS website, and special allocation funds for thematic poverty reduction assignments in the fields of water, sanitation, and settlement and housing are collected by accessing the Simtrada website (Information System Transfer to Regions and Village Funds) The population of 34 provinces and the sample of 25 provinces in Indonesia that experienced a decrease in rural poverty were analyzed in this research. The data were analyzed by multiple regression analysis techniques. The results showed that special allocation funds for thematic poverty reduction assignments in the water sectors, and in the field of sanitation sector, did not significantly affect poverty reduction, (sig p-value 0.461&gt;0.05 and sig p-value 0.751 &gt; 0.05 respectively). The value of special allocation funds for thematic poverty reduction assignments in the field of the housing sector had a significant effect on reducing rural poverty (sig p-value (0.007&lt; 0.05). This study recommends that poverty reduction funds in rural areas, especially in the field of housing, continue to be distributed and managed appropriately, so that poverty in rural areas is alleviated.</p> 2024-10-08T09:02:25+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan) The Role of Village Fund in Local Economic Development through Revamping the Bah Biak Waterfall Ecotourism Area 2024-10-08T10:30:59+07:00 Jef Rudiantho Saragih Mhd. Asaad Nurhayati Nurhayati <p>The Village Fund (VF) drives local economic growth by fostering ecotourism development. This study investigates the impact of the VF program on Local Economic Development (LED) in the Bah Biak Waterfall Ecotourism area, located in Sidamanik Sub-district, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra. The VF program aims to enhance community income, create employment opportunities, and improve the productive capacity of rural communities. We use a purposive sampling method to collect data from 64 households out of 174 in the area. Critical indicators of LED, including local employment, household income, and expenditure, were analyzed using paired sample t-tests to compare conditions before and after using the VF. The results indicate a significant increase in local employment, household income, and expenditure following the utilization of the VF. This research underscores the importance of community participation in all stages of program activities, from planning to evaluation, and highlights the need for enhanced involvement in monitoring processes. The findings contribute to understanding how the VF can effectively support local economic development and provide recommendations for future ecotourism package development that integrates local resources and attractions. Future studies will focus on developing integrated ecotourism packages that combine multiple attractions and activities in the region, such as the panorama of tea plantations, Arabica coffee farming, creative economics based on beekeeping, and educational tourism related to sustainable practices.</p> 2024-10-08T09:38:16+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan) Pola Spasial Pergeseran Pusat Pertumbuhan Desa di Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2024-10-08T10:31:00+07:00 Dina Rahayu Luthfi Muta'ali <p><em>Kulon Progo is a poorest district and has the highest development inequality in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) based on Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) publication. The local government has made various efforts to overcome the problems, one of which is by establishing growth centers since 2003. However, Kulon Progo Regency has experienced rapid development with the existence of Yogyakarta International Airport, which affected the dynamics of regional growth centers. The purpose of this study is to identify the potential Rural Growth Center (PPD) and identify the spatial patterns of PPD shifts in Kulon Progo to see the trickle down effect. This study used descriptive quantitative methods using scalogram index, centrality index, urban network analysis, and gravity index, also moran’s I index and Local Indicator Of Spatial Association (LISA). The results showed that there was a shift in rural growth centers, but the spatial analysis did not show any trickle down effect from rural growth centers that had been formed before. However, new centers were formed that were not related to the previous rural growth centers. These results indicates that the rural growth centers in Kulon Progo cannot have a growth effect on the surrounding area.</em></p> 2024-10-08T09:58:39+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan) Pengaruh Transformasi Struktural dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap Ketimpangan Pendapatan di Sulawesi Tenggara 2024-10-08T10:31:00+07:00 Burhan Asril Jabani Bambang Juanda Sri Mulatsih <p><em>Economic development basically focuses its attention on the process of changing the underdeveloped economic structure so as to enable the emergence of new industries to replace the agricultural sector as the driving force of economic growth. The industrial sector has the largest contribution to the formation of the Gross Regional Domestic Product in Southeast Sulawesi Province. However, when considering employment absorption by sector, the concentration of labor absorption remains focused on the agriculture and services sectors. The industrial sector has the smallest share in terms of employment absorption among sectors in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of structural transformation and economic growth on income inequality in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The method used is panel data regression analysis. Research findings show that the transformation of the industrial sector, the transformation of the industrial sector without mining, and economic growth have a negative impact on income inequality. Meanwhile, the service sector transformation variable and economic growth without the mining subsector have a positive impact on increasing income inequality in Southeast Sulawesi Province.</em></p> 2024-10-08T10:04:12+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan) Penilaian Standar Pariwisata Berbasis Komunitas (CBT) dalam Pengembangan Wisata Puncak Pagerbatu, Kota Banjar 2024-10-08T10:31:01+07:00 Firman Prayoga Hadi Wahyono <p><em>The tourism sector is one of the sectors that has a major contribution to the growth of a country that contributes to creating new jobs and increasing foreign exchange. The focus of tourism development today lies in sustainable tourism development initiatives, which seek to achieve a balance between industrial, social, and economic activities. CBT (Community Based Tourism) is a form of tourism that empowers communities to organize and manage tourism growth and benefit in terms of economic, social, and sustainable environmental development. This research aims to assess the sustainability of Pagerbatu Peak Tourism, Banjar City based on indicators in the ASEAN Community Based Tourism (CBT) Standard. The method used is qualitative descriptive by utilizing field observations and interviews in extracting information and data. The results show that most of the criteria still cannot be fulfilled comprehensively. The lack of fulfillment of CBT standards on Pagerbatu Peak Tourism is partly due to the operationalization period of tourism which is not so mature so that synergy between many parties is needed in the process of developing Pagerbatu Peak Tourism, Banjar City.</em></p> 2024-10-08T10:11:04+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan) Pemetaan Banjir Kawasan Sungai Gadjah Putih dan Evaluasi Kinerja Saluran Drainase RW 14, Sumber, Banjarsari, Surakarta 2024-10-08T10:31:01+07:00 Marita Putri Handayani Isma Nurul Fadhilah Mirza Ghulam Al-Farrasi Kusumaningdyah Nurul Handayani <p><em>Floods often occur due to river water overflowing to the surface. Flooding can also be caused by land development which increases surface runoff and impacts the drainage system. This can cause a decrease in the performance of the drainage channel. This research aims to map floods caused by runoff from the Gadjah Putih River, and the performance of existing drainage channels in RW 14 Sumber, Banjarsari, Surakarta. The rain data used is rain data from the Pabelan, Mojolaban, and Baki rain stations from 2000 to 2019. The Gumbel method is used to analyze rain return periods, runoff discharge analyzed by using Rational Method. Runoff discharge is explained at return periods of 2, 5, and 10 years, producing discharges of 8.15 m3/s respectively; 9.76 m3/day; and 10.61 m3/day. Floods are mapped using HEC-RAS by conducting steady flow analysis. The results of the flood mapping of the Gadjah Putih River showed that the area that experienced flooding at the return period of 2, 5 and 10 years respectively was 50,326.77 m2; 56,865.37 m2; 60,756.82 m2. Drainage performance analysis compares hydrology and hydraulic calculations. The analysis resulted drainage performance in RW 14 Sumber show that at the 2 year discharge period, 34 types of channels are safe, and 11 types of channels require repair; in the 5 year discharge period, 30 types of channels are safe, and 15 types of channels require repair; at the 10 year discharge period, 25 types of channels are safe, and 20 types of channels require repair.</em></p> 2024-10-08T10:16:53+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan) Pemberdayaan dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove: Strategi Regenerasi Lingkungan di Desa Bedono, Demak 2024-10-08T10:31:02+07:00 Ardhia Nurul Vitra Iskandar Mussadun <p><em>The abrasion and tidal disasters had the impact of reducing the area of Bedono Village, both administratively and functionally. Environmental regeneration through mangrove ecosystem management that focuses on community participation and empowerment is a solution to overcome these impacts. However, low participation, the existence of people who are less empowered, and a lack of understanding of the importance of mangroves are problems raised in this research. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the relationship between empowerment and participation of coastal communities in managing mangrove ecosystems as an environmental regeneration effort in Bedono Village, Demak Regency. This research method is a mixed method using quantitative and qualitative approaches and carried out 4 stages of analysis, including quantitative descriptive analysis, scoring and weighting, Spearman Rank correlation, and qualitative descriptive analysis. The research results show that there is a positive relationship between mangrove ecosystem management, the level of empowerment, and forms of community participation. The mangrove ecosystem in Bedono Village has an ecological function (resisting abrasion and tidal erosion), a socio-economic function (development of MSMEs and creating employment opportunities), as well as a socio-cultural function (ecotourism). The community also has a level of empowerment in the "sufficient" criteria and the form of community participation that dominates is contractual participation at 77%. So, efforts to regenerate the environment through mangrove ecosystem management will work well if the community is empowered and has control over managing the mangrove ecosystem.</em></p> 2024-10-08T10:22:33+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan)