Fishing grounds in the Java Sea and Makassar Strait are important fishing areas for fishermen. The aim of this research is to analyze the process of determining fishing ground (DPI), explain the results of observations of water temperature and salinity in each DPI that has been determined, and identify the type of catch, using the Tirta Putra Kencana I Fishing Boat (fishing equipment purse seine). This research was conducted at Java Sea and Makassar Strait from December 2022 until April 2023. The research methodology employed was observation and the analysis used was descriptive analysis. Primary data were obtained through on-site observations, including the determination of FG and the measurement of temperature, and salinity at each FG location. The selection of FG is based on several criteria, including fishing license areas, non-interference with commercial shipping, safe water conditions, and minimal impact from adverse weather in the region. Temperature and salinity measured indicated that, on average, the Java Sea and the Makassar Strait waters exhibited similar characteristics. However, FG near the coastline showed lower temperatures and higher salinity levels. The predominant catch consists of shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) dan Indian scad (Decapterus russelli) inhabiting offshore waters, followed by coastal species such as Indian oil sardine (Sardinella sp.). Large pelagic fish species were more commonly captured in the western fishing grounds.
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