Research was conducted from January 2023 to February 2023 at the Ruyani Life Sciences Learning Resources (SBIH), aiming to determine the best frequency and efficiency in feeding to estimate the optimal growth of snakehead fish (Channa micropeltes) seeds. This study used four unit plastic boxes (with a size 40x30x30 cm3), with a water level of 30 cm depth from the bottom. The feed used was worms Tubifex sp., feed at a dose of P1 (100% pellets), P2 (75% pellets + 25% sewage worm), P3 (50% pellets + 50% sewage worm), and P4 (25% pellets + 75% sewage worm). The method used in this study was experimental, namely Completely Randomized Design (CRD), and continued with the LSD test. From the results of the experiment, turns out the best treatment was feeding the treatment of P4 (pellets 25% + sewage worm 75%), the weight growth of the fish during the study reached 18.18 g, the growth in the length of the fish 2.95 mm, the growth in the width of the fish 3.18 mm. Water quality during the study were pH 4.1-6.6, temperature 27.0-29.8°C, TDS 5.1-8.8, and DO 4.6-7.9. From the results of the study analyzed using the BNT test, it was found that the P4 treatment was significantly different compared to other treatments. Result of a further T-test in all treatments, were obtained significantly results for the growth of the snakehead fish.
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