Uji Teknis Pengecilan Partikel Gula Tebu menggunakan Disk Mill Tipe FFC-15

Muhammad Iqbal Abdi Lubis, Andasuryani Andasuryani


Agricultural tools and machinery (Alsintan) are made to facilitate human work in agriculture. For example, to facilitate the shrinking process and achieve uniformity in the size of cane sugar, a disk mill can be used. This study generally aims to conduct technical tests on Disk Mill type FFC-15, and specifically to find out the yield of cane sugar from the results of reducing the size using a disk mill. This research has been conducted at the Agricultural Machinery Management and Production Laboratory of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University in September 2022. This study used a completely randomized design (RAL) factorial with five repeats. The results showed respectively the average yield value and effective working capacity of reducing the particle size of cane sugar for all treatments are 88.13% and 7.62 kg/hour with the water content averages before and after reducing the size by 3.36% and 2.04%, respectively. The best yield value was found in the third treatment (90.93%) with an average engine speed of 2,781.20 rpm. In addition, the highest loss was found in the first treatment with the average is 15.37% at an engine speed is 1,733.20 rpm.


Muhammad Iqbal Abdi Lubis
miqbalabdi@ae.unand.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Andasuryani Andasuryani
LubisM. I. A., & AndasuryaniA. (2023). Uji Teknis Pengecilan Partikel Gula Tebu menggunakan Disk Mill Tipe FFC-15. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 11(2), 138-152. https://doi.org/10.19028/jtep.011.2.138-152

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