Portable/Handheld NIR sebagai Teknologi Evaluasi Mutu Bahan Pertanian secara Non-Destruktif

Widyaningrum Widyaningrum, Yohanes Aris Purwanto, Slamet Widodo, Supijatno, Evi Savitri Iriani


The development of NIR technology has now reached a higher level. The transition from chemical analysis which requires a lot of time and money makes NIR technology as a technology option that is efficient, fast and does not produce waste residues. Initially, the NIR was made in a benchtop type with a large size, but now it has developed into a handheld and portable NIR. This is based on the need to detect the content of agricultural materials in real-time in the field which is not possible with benchtop NIR. The use of handheld/portable NIR technology is widely applied in agriculture to measure water content, soluble solid contents, pH, mechanical properties of agricultural materials and so on. Portable/handheld NIRs have small dimensions and are light in weight so as to provide convenience in conducting direct analysis compared to using a large benchtop type NIR. However, the accuracy, measurement sensitivity, noise level, and optical reading stability are not better than benchtop NIR. So that the potential for developing portable/handheld NIRs as IoT-based sensing instruments is still open to be done.


Widyaningrum Widyaningrum
w.widyaningrum@apps.ipb.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Yohanes Aris Purwanto
Slamet Widodo
Evi Savitri Iriani
Author Biographies

Yohanes Aris Purwanto, IPB University

Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering

Slamet Widodo, IPB University

Departement of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering

WidyaningrumW., Yohanes Aris Purwanto, Slamet Widodo, Supijatno, & IrianiE. S. (2022). Portable/Handheld NIR sebagai Teknologi Evaluasi Mutu Bahan Pertanian secara Non-Destruktif. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 10(1), 59-68. https://doi.org/10.19028/jtep.010.1.59-68

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