Limbah Padat Kelapa Sawit sebagai Alternatif Energi Pembangkit Listrik di Barat Selatan Aceh (Barsela)

Agustiar, Tajuddin Bantacut, Muhammad Romli, Bambang Pramudya


The source of electrical energy from palm oil waste has been successfully developed as a renewable energy substitute for fossil energy. The amount of potential waste energy is quite good and has the potential to reduce the amount of biodiesel in the oil palm processing process, energy availability, and available palm oil waste. The potential for energy produced is quite good in terms of quantity, reducing the use of biodiesel for palm oil processing. Palm oil solid waste has the capacity, quantity of substitute for diesel energy (petroleum) in the processing process at the palm oil mill. This study aims to determine the availability of electrical energy from oil palm waste biomass. The potential of solid waste electrical energy in the Aceh Jaya, West Aceh and Nagan Raya regions shows a surplus of energy respectively 32,479,139 GW, 559,506.094 GW and 4,470,241.985 GW. The needs of PKS in each company are 0.75%, 67% and 85.19%. This potential can absorb the need for electrical energy in the Barsela region against the potential value of solid waste electrical energy generated for the region and the allotment of Aceh as a whole to supply electrical energy through North Sumatra. This is supported by the related management of oil palm waste in an integrated and well-organized manner, especially in the palm oil mill area in the South West of Aceh (Barsela), indicating that the potential for electrical energy to be produced is highly dependent on the capacity and time of production as well as biomass waste


Agustiar (Primary Contact)
Tajuddin Bantacut
Muhammad Romli
Bambang Pramudya
Agustiar, BantacutT., RomliM., & PramudyaB. (2022). Limbah Padat Kelapa Sawit sebagai Alternatif Energi Pembangkit Listrik di Barat Selatan Aceh (Barsela). Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 10(1), 1-10.

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