Design of the Prototype Instrument for Measuring Freshness of Fish Based on Resistance

I Dewa Made Subrata, Bustani Ibrahim, Anna C. Erungan, Steven G. Tunas


The freshness of the dead fish is very difficult to be known visually whereas the use of chemical analyses is not only time consuming but also is not readily available at for market. Therefore, it is considered necessary to find out a new
method for that purpose. In this. research, a prototype instrument for measuring freshness of the dead fish was designed based on the fish electrical resistance. The sensor was made of a couple of steel wires with diameter of 0.5 mm. During measurement, the wires sensor was inserted into the fish body with the distance of 2 cm to each other. Result of the research showed linear relationship between dead fish freshness and its resistance. The linear relationship was also found between water content of the fish body and its resistance.


I Dewa Made Subrata (Primary Contact)
Bustani Ibrahim
Anna C. Erungan
Steven G. Tunas
SubrataI. D. M., IbrahimB., ErunganA. C., & TunasS. G. (1). Design of the Prototype Instrument for Measuring Freshness of Fish Based on Resistance. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 15(2).

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