Rancang Bangun dan Pengujian Penghalang Heliks sebagai Pencampur Udara-Biogas pada Motor Otto

Herbert Hasudungan Siahaan, Armansyah H Tambunan, Desrial, Soni Solistia Wirawan


A helical barrier as air-biogas mixing device was designed and tested for direct use of biogas from digester in otto cycle generator set. Homogeneity of the air-fuel mixture can give better combustion reaction and increase engine power. The design was based on simulation, which shows that a 0.039 m length of helical barrier gave a 5% increase in power compared to non-helical barrier. Likewise, the simulations also showed that the helical barrier reduced specific fuel consumption (SFC) by 8%. Accordingly, the mixer with helical barrier was designed, and fabricated. Its performance test confirms the improvement resulted by using helical barriers as air-biogas mixer in the engine. The experiment showed that the power increased by 5% when using helical barrier, while SFC decreased by 4.5%. It is concluded that the helical barrier can increase the homogeneity of the mixture resulting in better engine performance. Besides, emissions produced from the engine using a helical barrier also decreased.


Herbert Hasudungan Siahaan
herbert9an@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Armansyah H Tambunan
Soni Solistia Wirawan
SiahaanH. H., H TambunanA., Desrial, & Solistia WirawanS. (2021). Rancang Bangun dan Pengujian Penghalang Heliks sebagai Pencampur Udara-Biogas pada Motor Otto. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 8(3), 89-96. https://doi.org/10.19028/jtep.08.3.89-96

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