Cutting Torque and Blowing Effect of Slanted Blade Model for Rotary-Type Mower

I Nengah Suastawa, Radite Praeko Agus Setiawan, Prima Sanjaya


Rotary-type mower is commonly used for cutting turfgrass as a part of landscape maintenance. Cutting torque and quality to turf surface resulted by cutting are two important factors that have to be considered in designing rotary-type mower blades. The objectives of this research are to design and build a slanted blade model, and to study its cutting torque, blowing effect, and friction between blades and turf surface on a several rotational speeds, slant angles and blade types. The blade model was tested on a specially designed turf-bin test apparatus.


I Nengah Suastawa (Primary Contact)
Radite Praeko Agus Setiawan
Prima Sanjaya
SuastawaI. N., SetiawanR. P. A., & SanjayaP. (1). Cutting Torque and Blowing Effect of Slanted Blade Model for Rotary-Type Mower. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 17(1).

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