Determination of Hydrodynamic Dispersion Coefficient of Solute Transfort in Soil Using Inverse Problem Method

Hermantoro ., B. I. Setiawan


Solute transport in porous medium is affected by two parameters i.e : 1) average velocity of solute particle, and 2) solute dispersion. Theoretically, the solute transport can be describes by Convective Dispersion Equation, when the methods to determine D in this paper we present a modified method of inverse problem to calculate D. The results indicated that the inverse problem much or less matched with the analytical solution.


Hermantoro . (Primary Contact)
B. I. Setiawan
.H., & SetiawanB. I. (1). Determination of Hydrodynamic Dispersion Coefficient of Solute Transfort in Soil Using Inverse Problem Method. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 16(1).

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