Proses Pembuatan Manisan Kering Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea Batatas L.) dengan Dehidrasi Osmotik dan Pengeringan Oven
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a local food group that has the potential to be developed in order to support the program of diversification of non-rice food for food security, one of sweet potatoes product is sweet potatoes candied. The purpose of the study was to develop sweet potato manufacturing process
for osmotic dehydration and oven drying. Each sweet potato treatment is weighed 1000 grams, then immersed with citric acid (C6H8O7) 2% solution for 1 hour, the next step is sweet potatoes boiled 10 minutes at the concentration of sugar solution 32.8°Brix, 37.4°Brix, and 40.5°Brix, and then drying using
an oven at 50°C and 60°C for 5 hours. Parameters tested in this research were: Water content, total dissolved solid (TDS) Brix, water loss, solid gain. The water content of sweet potatoes as raw material from each treatment ranged from 70.03%-74.61%, the water content after boiling 10 minutes ranged from
57.58%-72.64%, and the moisture content after drying for 5 hours ranged from 19.99%-20.58%. Total dissolved solids (TDS) after booiling for 10 minutes ranged from 24.8-26.0°Brix, and TDS after drying for 5 hours ranged from 67.2-74.0°Brix. Sweet potato water loss after boiling the osmotic solution for 10 minutes ranged from 1.21- 8.20%, sweet potato solid gain after boiling the osmotic solution for 10 minutes ranged from 2.25-17.06%.
Ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) merupakan kelompok pangan lokal yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan yang menunjang program diversifikasi pangan non beras menuju ketahanan pangan, salah satu produk olahan ubi jalar adalah manisan kering ubi jalar. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengembangkan proses pembuatan manisan ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) terhadap dehidrasi osmotik dan pengeringan konvektif. Pada setiap perlakuan ubi jalar ditimbang beratnya yaitu 1000 gram, selanjutnya dilakukan perendaman dengan larutan asam sitrat (C6H8O7) 2% selama 1 jam, seterusnya ubi jalar direbus 10 menit pada konsentrasi larutan gula 32.8°Brix, 37.4°Brix, dan 40.5°Brix, selanjutnya dilakukan pengeringan menggunakan oven pada suhu 50°C dan 60°C selama 5 jam. Parameter yang dianalisis pada penelitian ini yaitu meliputi parameter proses kadar air, total padatan terlarut, water loss, solid gain. Kadar air ubi jalar sebagai bahan baku dari setiap perlakuannya berkisar antara 70.03%-74.61%, kadar air setelah perebusan 10 menit berkisar 57.58%-72.64%, kadar air setelah pengeringan selama 5 jam berkisar antara 19.99%-20.58%. Total padatan terlarut setelah peebusan dalam larutan osmotik selama 10 menit berkisar 24.8-26.0°Brix. Total padatan terlarut setelah pengeringan selama 5 jam berkisar 67.2-74.0Brix. Water loss ubi jalar setelah perebusan larutan osmotik selama 10 menit berkisar 1.21-8.20%, Solid gain ubi jalar setelah perebusan larutan osmotik selama 10 menit berkisar 2.25-17.06%.
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