Analisis Performansi Model Roda Ramping Bersirip (Narrow Lug Wheel) pada Tanah Basah di Soil bin

Muhammad Idkham, Tineke Mandang, Wawan Hermawan, Gatot Pramuhadi


The design of lug wheels are generally used for cultivation only, not for seeding, planting and weeding. This is due not compatible the shape and size of the lug wheel general design (existing). Therefore it would need to develop a design of narrow lug wheel which shape and size suitable for rice cultivation on the activities of seeding, planting and weeding. The purpose of this study is to analysis the performance of narrow lug wheel for wetland at soil bin test. Lug angle and lug height were were varied, designed lug angle of 300, 400 and 450, with with lug width 7 cm and lug heights 7 cm , 10.5 cm and 14 cm. Research result analysis included relation of tractive efficiency, wheel slip, wheel sinkage to several levels of drawbar load, and several levels of lug angle and lug height ratio. Lug angle have a dominant influence on the change of slip, sinkage and tractive efficiency. The optimal Lug dimension and lug angle is was was resulted by wide of lug was was 7 cm, high was was 10,5cm and and angle of of 45 degrees, maximum tractive efficiency value on optimal lug dimension and lug angle was was 24.5%.

Rancangan roda besi bersirip pada umumnya digunakan untuk budidaya pertanian terbatas hanya pada kegiatan pengolahan tanah, tidak untuk pembenihan, penanaman dan pemeliharaan tanaman. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tidak cocok bentuk dan ukuran roda besi bersirip rancangan umum (existing). Oleh sebab itu perlu kiranya dikembangkan sebuah rancangan roda ramping bersirip (narrow lug wheel) yang bentuk dan ukurannya sesuai untuk budidaya padi sawah pada kegiatan pembenihan, penanaman dan pemeliharaan. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis kinerja model roda ramping bersirip (narrow lug wheel) pada lahan basah dengan pengujian di soil bin. Sudut sirip dan tinggi sirip divariasikan, sudut sirip dirancang sebesar 300, 400 dan 450 dan lebar sirip tetap 7 cm serta tinggi sirip 7 cm, 10.5 cm dan 14 cm. Analisis hasil penelitian meliputi: hubungan tractive efficiency (%), slipp (%), sinkage (cm) terhadap
beban tarik (N) pada berbagai tingkat sudut dan rasio sirip roda. Sudut sirip memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap perubahan slip roda, ketenggelaman roda (sinkage) dan efisiensi traksi. Ukuran sirip dan sudut sirip optimum dihasilkan oleh sirip berdimensi lebar 7 cm dan tinggi sirip 10.5 cm dengan sudut sirip 45 derajat, nilai efisiensi traksi maksimum pada ukuran sirip dan sudut sirip optimum adalah sebesar 24.5%.



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Idkham, et al.


Muhammad Idkham (Primary Contact)
Tineke Mandang
Wawan Hermawan
Gatot Pramuhadi
Author Biographies

Muhammad Idkham, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Program Studi Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian

Tineke Mandang, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem,

Wawan Hermawan, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem,

Gatot Pramuhadi, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem,
IdkhamM., MandangT., HermawanW., & PramuhadiG. (2018). Analisis Performansi Model Roda Ramping Bersirip (Narrow Lug Wheel) pada Tanah Basah di Soil bin. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 6(1), 15-22.

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