Eksplorasi Potensi Airtanah pada Kawasan Industri Air Mineral Dalam Kemasan, Cemplang, Bogor

Roh Santoso Budi Waspodo


Exploration of water resources is an attempt to provide water accesibility for society’s. Required in-depth study of geological analysis-hydrogeological springs and groundwater that it will be processed into clean water to support communities. The intent of this study was to determine the geoelectric-hydrogeological conditions through the distribution characteristic of the aquifer by resistivity rocks around Cemplang, Bogor. The purpose of this investigation was to provide a data where groundwater sources are used for industrial mineral water The exploration results obtained by the location of shallow groundwater in the range between 2-14 m below the surface of the local soil. Free groundwater depth (shallow groundwater) conducted in the study area, groundwater depths ranging between 2-8 m below ground surface (bmt) local. The groundwater is estimated from Mount Salak as a groundwater resource, The estimation geoelectric investigation area is resistivity 3-400 Ωm. Rock aquifer consists of sandy loam, silty sand and sand hydraulic conductivity estimated 3-40 m/day. Layer has a smaller resistivity of 13 Ωm and is at a depth of 17 m bmt. The slopes of this research area is 0017 to obtain the potential of groundwater in at 18,947.37 m3/day, equivalent as 219.30 liters/sec.


Roh Santoso Budi Waspodo
rohsbw@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
WaspodoR. S. B. (2016). Eksplorasi Potensi Airtanah pada Kawasan Industri Air Mineral Dalam Kemasan, Cemplang, Bogor. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.19028/jtep.03.2.%p

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