Screening and Identification of Plant Growth Promotion Endophyte from Five Sugarcane Varieties in PT Gunung Madu Plantations Lampung
Seleksi dan Identifikasi Endofit Pemacu Pertumbuhan dari Lima Varietas Tebu di PT Gunung Madu Plantations Lampung
Endophyte is the bacteria or fungi which are associate and colonize of internal plant tissues naturally without negatively impacting of their host. A number of endophytes are useful to plants because play a role as plant growth promotion or as biological control agent. The purpose of this study were to select and identify of plant growth promotion endophytes from five sugarcane varieties in PT Gunung Madu Plantations Lampung. A total of 82 isolates that had passed from hypersensitive reaction and hemolysis test were screened in two stages. The first stage was performed in laboratory by inoculating of the endophytes on the rice seed and evaluating of the sprouts performance after seven days. Isolates that passed in the first stage were continued to the second by inoculating them to the sugarcane seed in semi-field test. Growth of the sugarcane plant test was evaluated up to six weeks after planting. A total of 9 bacteria and 9 fungi isolates were indicated as plant growth promotion in the first stage, but only two bacterial and one fungal isolates were consistent in the second stage. Molecular identification and alignment of the sequences on the BLAST showed that N12 (isolated from GMP3 root) was 100% identical with Bacillus safensis, L16 (isolated from GMP3 leave) was 99% identical with Domibacillus robiginosus, and C78 (isolated from PS48 stem) was 99% identical with Cladosporium cladosporioides. The three isolates were able to produce of auxin, cytokines, and gibberellins, but B. safensis is higher than the other two.
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Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Faculty of Agriculture Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University