Analysis of Flood and Tsunami Hazards Based on Ecoregion in Banten Province

Analisis Zona Bahaya Banjir dan Tsunami Berbasis Ekoregion di Provinsi Banten

  • Zulham Husein Program Studi Mitigasi Bencana dan Kerusakan Lahan, Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB, Jl. Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680
  • Boedi Tjahjono Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Jl. Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680
  • Nurwajedi Nurwajedi Badan Informasi Geospasial, Jl. Raya Jakarta – Bogor KM 46, Cibinong Bogor


The ecoregion is a characteristic of a region which commonly used to assess the potency of land. The objective of this study is to see how far the ecoregion analysis can be used to predict susceptibility zones of flood and tsunami disasters in Banten Province. The ecoregion-based determination of susceptibility zones was analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which is implemented in terms of geoindicator weights and scores. In this study, the selected geoindicator was extracted by ecoregion frames. The next step is determining the hazard zone through the parametric approach, where each disaster used different parameters. The results of AHP analysis show that landforms are the most influential geoindicators in assessing susceptibility zones. The landform geoindicator’s weight in flood and tsunami disaster are 0.678 and 0.605. Otherwise, the ecosystem geoindicators and vegetation communities' weight in floods are 0.150 and 0.173, while for tsunami disaster, their weight is 0.157 and 0.237. Furthermore, the results flood susceptibility was tested using kappa accuracy, and the result showed more than 81% correlation between the analysis result and the existing condition. Otherwise, the hazard analysis showed an accuracy of less than 80%. The results of the ecoregion-based analysis of disaster susceptibility can be used as additional information for local government to develop disaster-based areas, considering Indonesia is one of the most country with high disaster potential.

 Keywords: Ecoregion, flood, landform, susceptibility, tsunami


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How to Cite
HuseinZ., TjahjonoB., & NurwajediN. (2017). Analysis of Flood and Tsunami Hazards Based on Ecoregion in Banten Province: Analisis Zona Bahaya Banjir dan Tsunami Berbasis Ekoregion di Provinsi Banten. Jurnal Ilmu Tanah Dan Lingkungan, 19(2), 60-67.