Flood Hazard Mapping Level Paddy Field at District Karawang
Pemetaan Bahaya Banjir Lahan Sawah di Kabupaten Karawang
Flooding is one of the natural disasters that frequently hit several countries, including Indonesia. Data from the BNPB show of the year 1815 - 2013 ranks first flood disaster events most of the other disasters that as many as 5,394 events. Karawang District was ranked 3rd highest number of flood events in West Java. Nationally data from BNPB show Karawang ranks 8th flood-prone area. The purpose of this study to analyze the level of hazard of flooding the paddy field in Karawang. The method used in analyzing the level of hazard of flooding is done by overlaying and scoring from the paddy fields map, rainfall maps, soil drainage maps, and flood events maps. The results of this study indicate the paddy field in Karawang District which has a high flood hazard level contained in the Telukjambe West, East Telukjambe, and Jayakerta Sub Disctrict.
Keywords: Hazard, flood, mapping
Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Faculty of Agriculture Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University