PERFORMA PERTUMBUHAN CALON INDUK IKAN GABUS Channa striata YANG DIBERI PAKAN BENIH IKAN NILA Oreochromis sp. Growth Performance of Snakehead Fish Channa striata Broodstock Feeding By Tilapia Seeds Oreochromis sp.

M. Muslim, Andri Iskandar, Andri Hendriana, L. Lutfi


The purpose of this study was to determine the growth of parent stock snakehead fish Channa striata in a pond fed with tilapia Oreochromis sp. seeds using different feeding rates. Studies were carried out using three different treatments feeding rate (FR), which is 2%, 3%, and 4%. The parameters observed included growth, feed conversion ratio, and water quality. The results showed that the growth of the average weight of fish FR 4% per day (growth rate 86,01 g) had higher than other treatments. The value of feed conversion is 2,5 while the fish is given FR 2%. Parameters of water quality, i.e. pH, temperature, alkalinity, and ammonia still in the range of tolerance.


M. Muslim
Andri Iskandar (Primary Contact)
Andri Hendriana
L. Lutfi

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