Sosial Terapan2024-12-28T09:46:50+07:00Sesar Husen Santosajstrsvipb@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p align="justify">JURNAL SOSIAL TERAPAN : menerbitkan artikel di bidang sosial terapan seperti sosial, ekonomi, hukum, akuntansi, ekowisata, agribisnis, komunikasi, manajemen, rekayasa dan teknologi. JSTR diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Vokasi, IPB University (SV-IPB). JSTR pertama kali dibuat pada tahun 2022 dengan terbitan dua kali dalam satu tahun pada bulan April dan Desember. Editor menerima artikel penelitian empiris dan telaah di bidang sosial terapan.</p> <p>Redaksi menerima hasil tertulis dari penelitian ilmiah, baik berupa penelitian empiris dalam bidang yang berkaitan dengan Sosial Terapan. Redaksi dapat merevisi makalah tanpa mengubah substansi dan isi setelah melalui proses <em>blind review</em>. Artikel yang dikirimkan oleh penulis harus merupakan naskah asli dan tidak sedang dalam proses penerbitan oleh jurnal atau penerbit lain.</p> Pempek Dos dengan Memanfaatkan Hati Ayam sebagai Fortifikan Zat Besi2024-12-28T09:39:22+07:00Firman Muhammad Urip Pambudi Tri Harpin Syahwaniastykhairiinayah@gmail.comHarries Novinuryani<p><em>One of the health problems that often occurs in young girls due to iron deficiency is anemia. Iron deficiency anemia can be prevented by using local food ingredients that contain high iron, namely chicken liver, which is substituted in the product pempek dos so that it becomes an iron fortified food. The research is aimed at developing a product of pempek with the addition of chicken liver. This study uses a complete random design (RAL) of one factor with three treatments. The results of the research showed that there was a significant difference in the hedonic test of color attributes. The chosen pempek formula is F2 with the addition of chicken liver 60 grams, F2 has an energy content of 346 kcal, protein 10.6 g, fat 5.7 g, carbohydrates 63.8 g, and iron 4.6 mg. This formula has a contribution to AKG as much as 16% energy, 16% protein, 8% fat, 21% carbs, and 30% iron.</em></p>2024-12-27T18:27:45+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Terapan Preferensi Konsumen dalam Mempengaruhi Pembelian Permen Susu Pada Unit Bisnis Twinmilk Gemah Ripah2024-12-28T09:40:39+07:00ayutyas sayektiayutyas.sayekti@yahoo.comBimo Ardianayutyas.sayekti@yahoo.comAmadea Selma Agnia Elfathayutyas.sayekti@yahoo.comKharisma Fitri Hapsari ayutyas.sayekti@yahoo.comJihan Zakia<p><em> Twinmilk, a business unit of the Gemah Ripah cooperative in Sukabumi, produces milk candy from milk supplied by its farmer members. Despite its potential, Twinmilk's sales have stagnated, particularly for its milk candy. To address this, the company conducted a consumer behavior analysis. The study aimed to analyze the decision-making process in purchasing, the factors influencing purchasing decisions, and consumer attitudes towards the attributes of Twinmilk’s milk candy. The methods used included descriptive analysis, analysis of factors influencing purchasing decisions, and consumer attitude analysis using the Fishbein multi-attribute model. The analysis revealed five key factors influencing purchasing decisions: psychographics (culture, social class, income), demographics (age, gender, lifestyle), knowledge (motivation, awareness), information sources (family, friends, promotions), and behavior (experience, attitude). The consumer attitude score of 133.64 indicates that Twinmilk’s milk candy is well-regarded, with taste being the most valued attribute. However, improvements in accessibility and promotion are essential priorities for growth.</em></p>2024-12-27T18:35:19+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Terapan Strategi Pemasaran Produk Olahan Ikan Tuna Pada CV Putra Boga Mahdani Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat2024-12-28T09:42:13+07:00Dwicahyo Waskito Br Putri Athallah<p><em>Bogor Regency is one of the West Java regions famous for its fish cultivation production. The considerable potential possessed by the Bogor Regency fisheries sector can generate new business opportunities in maximizing existing potential, especially in the field of processing fishery products. CV Putra Boga Mahdani is one of the MSMEs that applies the added value of fish products by making Basreng Ikan products, there are problems faced by CV Putra Boga Mahdani, namely the sale of fish products that have not been maximized, this is an indication of a marketing strategy that has not been implemented optimally, so the formulation of marketing strategies related to the marketing mix is needed to improve the company's marketing activities. This study aims to analyze the Marketing Strategy of Processed Tuna Fish Products in CV Putra Boga Mahdani. Data analysis uses the AHP method to obtain strategy priorities. The analysis results obtained are market penetration strategies with a value weight of 0.875 and an inconsistency ratio of 0.002. This strategy can be done by adding distribution channels and increasing promotion. The priority factor with the highest priority level, namely price (Price) with a weight of 0.323 and an inconsistency ratio of 0.163, with a price discount strategy so that prices are affordable and products can compete with other types of products.</em></p>2024-12-27T18:36:06+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Terapan Nilai Tambah dan Strategi Pengembangan Teh Rempah Celup di PT Indo Spices Trading 2024-12-28T09:43:06+07:00Ratu Maulida Ahyaratuahya20@gmail.comKhoirul Aziz<p><em>PT Indo Spices Trading took advantage of the opportunity to create functional beverage products, namely spiced tea bags made from leftover export quality cardamom and ginger, plus other spices. Input transformation increases the output value of spiced tea bags due to costs, resulting in a new, higher price and increasing profits. Therefore, added value analysis is needed to determine the extent of added value and level of profitability obtained from processing spiced tea bags, as well as analyzing appropriate development strategies to increase it competitiveness and consumer acceptance in the market. The methods used include the Hayami method and SWOT analysis. The research results show an added value of IDR 138,142 per kilogram for spiced tea bags, with an added value ratio of 47%. The profit obtained from spiced tea bags is IDR 120,642 with a profit margin of 87%. Recommended strategic alternatives for developing spiced tea bags based on SWOT analysis are to utilize Strengths and Opportunities (S-O), namely: 1) increasing sales of spiced tea bags by prioritizing inherent product attributes, and 2) establishing partnerships with modern retail outlets</em></p>2024-12-27T18:36:50+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Terapan yang Berpengaruh terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Susu Kambing Bubuk di Indo Natural Farm2024-12-28T09:43:47+07:00Salsabila Hana Aziz<p><em>This study aims to analyze the factors influencing purchase decisions and marketing strategies of goat milk powder at Indo Natural Farm. The research met</em><em>hod used is quantitative, </em><em>employing descriptive analysis, factor analysis, SWOT analysis, </em><em>and IFAS and EFAS analysis</em><em>. The factors analyzed include purchas</em><em>e decision</em><em>s and the 4</em><em>Ps marketing mix. The </em><em>results show that factors such as </em><em>product, price, promotion, place, and purchasing decisions have a significant impact on customer purchasing decisions. Additionally, SWOT, IFAS, and EFAS analyses provide insights into the company’s position in the industry, as well as the opportunities and challenges it faces. Based on the factor analysis, seven factors were identified: product quality, information access and health, promotion and incentives, product information and value, product appeal and place, price, and accessibility and promotion. Based on the IFAS and EFAS scores, goat milk powder at Indo Natural Farm is positioned in quadrant II and is recommended to implement a diversification strategy.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong><em> Goat Milk Powder, Purchase Decisions, Marketing Strategy </em></strong></p>2024-12-27T18:38:46+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Terapan Paket R untuk Analisis Data Spasial dalam Penelitian Sosial2024-12-28T09:44:50+07:00Bayu<p>This study examines a comparison of R packages used in spatial data analysis, with a focus on the sp, sf, raster, terra, and ggmap packages. Each package offers varying features, performance, and ease of use, which affect the effectiveness and efficiency of spatial data analysis. By utilizing diverse datasets, the researchers evaluate the strengths of each package in terms of vector data manipulation, raster data handling, and map visualization. The sp package, as one of the earliest packages for spatial data analysis in R, provides a solid foundation but has limitations in supporting modern data formats and efficiency. The sf package offers comprehensive support for the Simple Features standard, enhancing usability and performance for vector data with better integration into the R ecosystem. The raster package provides reliable tools for raster data manipulation and analysis, but it faces challenges in efficiency and ease of use with large datasets. The terra package addresses these shortcomings by improving efficiency and capabilities in handling large datasets and performing faster operations. On the other hand, the ggmap package offers powerful tools for interactive map visualization and web-based map data access, which are particularly useful for creating informative and interactive maps. The findings of this study provide practical guidance for researchers and practitioners in selecting the appropriate R package for their analysis needs. The study concludes that the choice of package should consider the type of data being analyzed, the goals of the analysis, and the features and performance of each package to ensure optimal results in spatial data analysis</p>2024-12-27T18:39:58+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Terapan Tarikan Perjalanan Guna Lahan Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kabupaten Demak 2024-12-28T09:45:45+07:00Ari Ananda Salamatus Sa’<p><em>School and work activities are one of the most dominant centers of travel movement in Indonesia. The presence of schools can attract people and vehicles. The attraction of travel will influence the increase in the number/volume of trips which can burden the road network. Educational land use will create quite large human movements for students and teachers and has the potential to disrupt the smooth flow of traffic in the school area. This research aims to identify the characteristics and identify models of travel attractions to junior high schools in Demak Regency. This research uses quantitative methods using secondary data. Analysis of the trip attraction model uses correlation tests, multiple linear regression tests and uses classical assumption tests. The results of the analysis show that the trip attraction to Junior High Schools in Demak Regency (Y) is influenced by the number of classes (X1), class capacity (X2), school size (X3) and number of supporting facilities (X4). The best model to predict the attraction of junior high school travel in Demak Regency is Y = 0.282 + 0.332 (X1) + 0.061 (X2) + 0,95 (X3) – 0.100 (X4) with an R² (Square) value of 0.854. </em><em>The coefficient for the number of classes (X1) has a positive value, indicating that, assuming that there are no other independent variables, the tendency for travel attraction for junior high school land use (Y) has increased by 0.332 for every 1 unit increase in the number of classes. The class capacity coefficient (X2) is positive, indicating that assuming that there are no other independent variables, the tendency for travel attraction for junior high school land use (Y) to increase is 0.061 for every 1 unit increase in class capacity. The school area coefficient (X3) has a positive value, indicating that assuming that there are no other independent variables, the tendency for travel to use junior high school land (Y) will increase by 0.095 for every 1 unit increase in, school area. The coefficient for the number of supporting facilities (X4) is negative, indicating that assuming that there are no other independent variables, the tendency for travel attraction for SMP land use (Y) to decrease by 0.100 for every 1 unit increase in the number of supporting facilities.</em></p>2024-12-27T18:51:16+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Terapan Kinerja Persimpangan Sebagai Upaya Preventif Kemacetan Pada Simpang Kominfo-Kencana-Kodim di Kabupaten Grobogan2024-12-28T09:46:50+07:00Fajar Patria<p><em>Based on data from the Central Java Provincial Statistics Agency, the average vehicle growth in Grobogan Regency is 4.9% per year. This shows that each year more and more vehicles are used by the people. In addition, based on Presidential Regulation No. 60 of 2022 the Purwodadi Urban Area which is included in the Kedungsepur National Strategic Area is planned to be developed into an international Center for Economic Activities. It is feared that in the next few years the traffic flow can no longer be controlled resulting in severe congestion. Preventive efforts are important so that steps in problem-solving efforts can be taken before the problem itself occurs in the future. This is what wants to be applied to the intersection at the R. Suprapto - MT. Haryono Grobogan Regency because this road is located in the Central Business District (CBD) area. Efforts to improve intersection performance are carried out in 2 stages, namely during the existing year and the plan year, to find out the conditions of the plan year, traffic forecasting is carried out. This research uses the basic formula from the Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI 2023). Further comparisons are made to determine the best proposals that can be applied to each intersection.From the analysis calculation, it is known that the performance of the three intersections in 2023 has improved compared to the existing conditions after the best recommendation is made. Kominfo intersection which previously had a delay time of 27.02 sec/pcu to 12.94 sec/pcu, kencana intersection from 38.68 sec/pcu down to 13.18 sec/pcu, and kodim intersection with an existing delay time of 15.94 sec/pcu down to 12.58 sec/pcu. Furthermore, in 2029 handling efforts were again carried out to maintain the performance of each intersection to remain good.</em></p>2024-12-27T19:10:18+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Terapan