Jurnal Manajemen dan Organisasi 2024-06-13T11:47:02+07:00 Anggraini Sukmawati Open Journal Systems Jurnal manajemen merupakan jurnal ilmiah populer. Isinya adalah artikel-artikel di bidang manajemen yang mengedepankan analisis obyektif dalam perspektif akademik. Jurnal ini ditulis dengan gaya bahasa ilmiah populer yang sistematis analitis namun tetap mudah dipahami oleh khalayak luas Servant Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior: The Mediation Role of Flow at Work and Trust 2024-04-02T14:19:16+07:00 Dhea Rifa Rahmah Edyawati Putri Mega Desiana <p style="text-align: justify;">Competitiveness in the context of digital business encourages companies to continuesly innovate in their daily operations to achieve market dominance and adapt to changes in environmental forces and competitor strategies. Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) of employees is considered to be an important element for companies to carry out sustainable innovation. This research aims to determine the influence of Servant Leadership (SEL) on IWB as well as the mediating role of Flow at Work (FAW) and Trust (TR) between the relationship between SEL and IWB. This research used the survey of 247 employees from digital business companies using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as a data analysis method. The research results show that the majority of employees working in digital business companies feel that their desire to engage in innovative behavior is influenced by the role of their supervisor who demonstrate servant leadership characteristics as well as a feeling of flow that makes employees feel total involvement in completing their work. SEL plays a significant role in increasing employee IWB and FAW is proven to partially mediated the relationship between SEL and IWB. Meanwhile, in the indirect effect of TR, it was identified that TR did not mediate the relationship between SEL and IWB. This research is expected to provide insights for company HR management in increasing the active role of employees' innovative behavior in the workplace.</p> 2024-03-31T22:37:01+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dhea Rifa Rahmah Edyawati, Putri Mega Desiana Factors of Increasing Intention to Use Information Systems 2024-04-02T14:19:19+07:00 Siswanto Rokiah Kusumapradja <p style="text-align: justify;">This research is based on information from the IT division regarding non-performance of implementation since the use of HIS at RSU Bhakti Asih began in 2005 until 2022, which has changed three times and none of the implementation achievements for the three HIS have ever reached 100 percent. The aim of this research is to empirically reveal the influence of training and utility on intention to use HIS with work motivation as a mediating variable. This type of research is quantitative with a causality design. The population used is health workers consisting of outpatient nurses, inpatient nurses, emergency room nurses, pharmacy departments, laboratory departments and radiology departments. The sampling technique used proportional sampling, with calculations using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 5 percent, so that the sample size was determined to be 175 respondents. Data collection analysis techniques use survey methods, and data analysis techniques use SEM with the help of the Lisrel program and three box method analysis. The results of the analysis prove that training and utility influence the intention to use HIS with work motivation as a mediator, training influences utility, training and utility influence work motivation and intention to use HIS, and work motivation influences intention to use HIS and is also able to provide positive intervention on the influence training and utility on intentions to use HIS, so that with work motivation, the effectiveness of training and utility will be higher in increasing intentions to use HIS<em>.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Siswanto, Rokiah Kusumapradja Peran Pemerintah Dalam Mengatur Tataniaga Garam: Dominansi Political Will atau Economic Interest? Sebuah Tinjauan Actor-Network Theory 2024-04-02T14:19:13+07:00 Yasmin Mumtazah Al’Amani Alexander Anggono Tarjo <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Conflicting interests among parties involved in the salt commodity trade create challenges. This study employs qualitative methods to investigate the interactions between human and non-human actors. The primary data used in this study was collected through in-depth interviews with relevant parties. Additionally, the triangulation method utilizes secondary data from statistical sources such as the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), related Ministries, and regulations issued by related Ministries. The results indicate that the government's efforts to regulate salt trading have primarily focused on regulations and policies related to production, distribution, and imports. However, the government has not been extensively involved in regulating market players, which include salt farmers, landowners, middlemen or trade intermediaries, consumers (including the salt processing industry and salt user industries), and salt importers. According to the perspective of actor-network theory, the government plays a significant role in organizing the interaction of actors in the salt trade. However, the existence of competing interest in the salt trade illustrates that the actors involved have systematically gathered in a network based on their economic interests. </em></p> 2024-03-31T22:48:25+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yasmin Mumtazah Al’Amani, Alexander Anggono, Tarjo Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Customer Satisfaction pada Aplikasi Mobile Health 2024-04-02T14:23:03+07:00 Amalia Ramadhina Ghaisani Alim Setiawan Slamet Amzul Rifin <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The COVID-19 pandemic has brought positive changes to the digital health industry in Indonesia. Kimia Farma Mobile is a mobile health application that offers comprehensive features for its users. The difference in ratings on Google Play Store and Apple App Store can influence trust (brand trust) and customer satisfaction with this application. The quality of electronic services, such as application interface, delivery quality, and transaction security, is increasingly crucial in influencing customer evaluations and ratings. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the factors influencing customer satisfaction with this application. The research was conducted quantitatively online through Google Form. The sampling method used convenience sampling and was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling-Analysis Moment of Structural (SEM-AMOS). The research findings indicate that e-service quality significantly affects brand trust and customer satisfaction. This suggests that to improve brand trust and customer satisfaction, the mobile health application should be user-friendly and secure. Furthermore, brand trust significantly influences customer satisfaction. This implies that to enhance customer satisfaction, the mobile health application should provide educational and accurate information and offer customer guarantees.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amalia Ramadhina Ghaisani, Alim Setiawan Slamet, Amzul Rifin Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Perencanaan Keuangan, dan Lingkungan Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Keuangan Pegawai Pemerintah Non Pegawai Negeri (PPNPN) Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha 2024-04-02T14:19:10+07:00 Ema Wijayanti Ni Kadek Sinarwati Putu Indah Rahmawati <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study is to examine the partial and simultaneous effects of financial literacy, financial planning, and social environment on PPNPN Undiksha's financial behaviour. Utilising a questionnaire as a research instrument, quantitative research is the method employed. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a total sample of 56 people consisting of educational staff (PPNPN) with Contract Agreements and assigned to the finance section of the Rectorate, institutions and various faculties within Undiksha. It is known that Undiksha includes 9 faculties including Postgraduate. The findings demonstrated that financial behaviour is significantly and favourably impacted by financial literacy, financial planning, and the social environment. Additionally, financial behaviour is significantly and favourably impacted by financial literacy, financial planning, and the social environment combined. on the PPNPN Undiksha's financial conduct. These findings have implications and contribute to PPNPN Undiksha to increase financial literacy, finalize financial planning and choose a positive social environment to be able to foster good financial behavior in each individual.</em></p> 2024-03-31T23:13:07+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ema Wijayanti, Ni Kadek Sinarwati , Putu Indah Rahmawati Dampak Opinion Leadership terhadap Keinginan Penonton untuk Mengikuti Rekomendasi Produk dan Terus Menonton Konten (Studi pada Channel Youtube Review Produk Elektonik dan Gadget Ternama di Indonesia) 2024-04-02T14:19:07+07:00 Matthew Sebastian Tjakradinata Retno Ardianti <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This study was conducted to explain&nbsp; viewers’s intention to continue watching and to follow the recommendations given by opinion leaders on the YouTube platform. In addition, the effects of the characteristics of content such as originality, uniqueness and quality on opinion leadership. This study took a quantitative approach and relied on a survey data from viewers of the the most popular YouTube channels that specialized on electronic gadget review in Indonesia. By using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique in data analysis, the results showed that there was a significant effect of perceived originality and perceived quality on opinion leadership. However, the effect of perceived uniqueness&nbsp; on opinion leadership was not significant. In addition, the findings showed that opinion leadership had positive and significant effects on viewers’ intention to follow the advice and to continue watching. In sum, the study higlights the importance of collaboration between business organizations and opinion leaders to create honest product reviews for viewers given its significant effects on the viewers’ consumption behavior.</em></p> 2024-03-31T23:20:19+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Sebastian Tjakradinata, Retno Ardianti Determinants of Patient Safety Culture: The Role of Safety Leadership Interactions 2024-06-13T11:47:02+07:00 Eka Setiawan Rokiah Kusumapradja <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This research was motivated by several problems related to patient safety in central surgical installations. The aim of this research is to empirically reveal the influence of interprofessional collaboration and implementation of the surgical safety checklist on patient safety culture with safety leadership as a moderating variable. This research is included in quantitative research with a cross sectional study design, the population is health workers in central surgical installations, the sampling technique uses saturated samples so that the sample size is 77 respondents using a purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is three box method analysis and PLS-SEM. The results of the analysis concluded that interprofessional collaboration, the application of the Surgical Safety Checklist and Safety Leadership had a positive and significant effect on patient safety culture. Safety Leadership was not able to moderate interprofessional collaboration but positively moderated the application of the Surgical Safety Checklist to patients. patient safety culture.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Setiawan, Rokiah Kusumapradja Do Public University Business Incubators in Indonesia Have Good Performance? 2024-04-03T15:41:56+07:00 Atina Hasanah Sarjono Alim Setiawan Slamet Elisa Anggraeni <p style="text-align: justify;">Indonesia's innovation management focuses on enhancing competitiveness, independence, and economy through research and development, with university-based business incubators connecting research and commercialization. Three public incubators have an A rating, indicating an 86 percent survival rate. This research aims to explore the level of efficiency of business incubator performance, and level of tenant satisfaction, and classify business incubator services into different levels of satisfaction/dissatisfaction through a satisfaction matrix. The research employs a quantitative method, utilizing a Paired Sample t-test and IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) matrix. The results show that job creation (on average per year) exceeds the benchmarking value, so it can be said that the public universities’ business incubator has contributed to job creation. There are differences in all variables for the level of effectiveness and importance which have negative values or tenants feel dissatisfied with the services provided by the business incubator, business incubator services that need attention are IP protection and startup legal, exhibitions and business matching with investors or potential partners, business network support after graduation and business expansion assistance after graduation.</p> 2024-04-02T14:16:55+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Atina, Alim Setiawan Slamet, Elisa Anggraini