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Purnomo, Herry
Purnomo, Herry, Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Academic Ring Road, Campus IPB Dramaga, PO Box 168, Bogor, Indonesia, 16680
Purnomo, Herry
Purwaning, Diyah
Purwanto, Judin, Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University, Dramaga Main Road, Campus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, Indonesia 16680
Purwanto, Ris Hadi, Jurusan Manajemen Hutan Fakultas Kehutanan UGM
Purwanto, Ris Hadi, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281
Purwanto, Ris Hadi, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Jl. Agro Number 1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Purwanto, Ris Hadi
Purwanto, Ris Hadi, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Purwanto, Ris Hadi, Department of Forest Resource Conservation, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Jl. Agro No. 1, Bulaksumur, Sleman, Indonesia 55281
Purwanto, Ris Hadi, Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281
Purwanto, Ris Hadi, Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Jln. Agro, Bulaksumur No. 1 Kocoran, Caturtunggal Kec. Depok, Kab. Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281
Purwanto, Ris Hadi, Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Jl. Agro No. 1. Bulaksumur, Sleman Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281
Purwanto, Yohanes
Purwanto, Yohanes, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Cibinong Science Centre, Bogor, Indonesia 16911
Purwawangsa, Handian, Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University
Purwitasari, Hania
Purwowidodo, P
Puspaningsih, Nining
Puspaningsih, Nining
Puspanti, Antun, Research Center for Ecology and Ethnobiology, The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jalan Raya Cibinong Km. 46, Bogor, Indonesia 16911
Puspito Dyah Setiyorini, Heri, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia 40154
Putri, Ajeng Miranti, Pusat Informasi Lingkungan Indonesia (PILI Green Network), Bogor-Indonesia
Putri, Lollie Agustina Pancawaraswati, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No. 3 Kampus USU Medan, Indonesia 20155

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