Ervina Aprianti, Budi Suharjo, Istiqlaliyah Muflikhati


Positioning is required in every company to influence consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions. Biofertilizer is important to support organic agriculture so market competition in fertilizer industry was increasing. It is important for companies to develop positioning strategies continuously. This study was aim to analyze the position of biofertilizers based on product excellence, identifying attributes that affect consumers choosing biofertilizer, and recommends alternative positioning strategies of biotilizers. Samples consist of 120 respondents, drawn from population farmers in Bogor who know biofertilizer. Respondents were determined using purposive and simple random sampling. The survey was conducted by direct interview. Descriptive, Thurstone Case V, Correspondence, and Chi-Square analysis were used to analyze data. The study find that the EM-4 was the most known biofertilizers. It assessed as trustworthy product, reliable product, cheaper than others, easy to obtain, as well as spread advertising. While Sumber Subur assessed as a product that always want to used. Three main attributes that influence the selection of biofertilizers are quality, price, and content of product. Companies have to improve product quality in order to win market competition. Companies must provide clear information about the advantages and how to use the product on the product packaging. Companies need to approach consumers through farmers' groups, to do direct promotion such as demontration plots and free samples.

Keyword: positioning, biofertilizer, thurstone case v, correspondence analysis


Positioning perlu dilakukan setiap perusahaan, dengan tujuan membentuk persepsi konsumen yang berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian. Pentingnya pupuk hayati dalam menunjang budidaya pertanian organik menyebabkan persaingan pada industri pupuk semakin meningkat. Sehingga menjadi penting bagi perusahaan untuk selalu mengembangkan strategi positioning Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis posisi pupuk hayati berdasarkan keunggulan produk, mengidentifikasi atribut yang yang dipentingkan konsumen memilih pupuk hayati, serta merekomendasikan alternatif strategi positioning pupuk hayati. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 120 responden, diambil dari populasi petani di Kabupaten Bogor yang mengetahui pupuk hayati dan minimal mengenal satu merek pupuk hayati. Responden ditentukan dengan metode purposive dan simple random sampling. Survei dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung. Analisis Deskriptif, Thurstone Case V, Korespondensi, serta Chi-Square digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa EM-4, pupuk hayati yang paling banyak diketahui, dinilai sebagai produk terpercaya, produk dapat diandalkan, harga murah, mudah diperoleh, serta iklan tersebar. Sedangkan Sumber Subur dinilai sebagai produk yang selalu ingin digunakan. Tiga atribut utama yang dipentingkan konsumen dalam pemilihan pupuk hayati antara lain kualitas, harga, serta kandungan produk. Perusahaan perlu meningkatkan kualitas produk agar dapat bersaing. Perusahaan sebaiknya memberikan informasi yang jelas mengenai keunggulan serta cara pengaplikasian produk kepada konsumen pada kemasan produk. Perusahaan perlu pendekatan konsumen melalui kelompok tani, untuk melakukan promosi langsung berupa demplot dan pemberian sampel gratis.

Kata kunci: positioning, pupuk hayati, thurstone case v, analisis korespondensi


Ervina Aprianti
jma.mbipb@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Budi Suharjo
Istiqlaliyah Muflikhati
ApriantiE., SuharjoB., & MuflikhatiI. (2015). POSITIONING PUPUK HAYATI (STUDI KASUS PT. KARYA ANUGRAH RUMPIN). Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis, 12(2), 106. https://doi.org/10.17358/jma.12.2.106

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