RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan 2024-12-26T17:54:49+07:00 JRKPL Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Risalah Kebijakan Pertanian dan Lingkungan: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan atau biasa disingkat JRKPL merupakan jurnal yang disajikan dengan artikel dalam bentuk risalah kebijakan (<em>policy brief</em>). Hasil-hasil penelitian baik berupa paten, artikel ilmiah, sinopsis, teknologi tepat guna, atau buku perlu disebarluaskan kepada pengambil kebijakan, maupun masyarakat pengguna, termasuk industri yang langsung dapat memanfaatkannya. Pusat Studi Pembangunan Pertanian dan Pedesaan (PSP3) memandang bahwa mengantarmukakan sains dan kebijakan merupakan tahapan yang sangat penting untuk mewujudkan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Memperhatikan hal tersebut, maka peningkatan peran IPB University dalam pengambilan kebijakan pertanian merupakan hal yang amat perlu dilakukan.<br><br></p> <p>JRKPL memperoleh <strong>Akreditasi Sinta 4 b</strong>erdasarkan <a title="SK Akreditasi JRKPL" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Salinan Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 152/E/KPT/2023 tanggal 25 September 2023</a> Tentang Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode II Tahun 2023.&nbsp;Akreditasi Baru Peringkat 4 mulai&nbsp;<strong>Volume 8 Nomor 2 Tahun 2021 sampai Volume 13 Nomor 1 Tahun 2026.&nbsp;</strong></p> PEMANFAATAN PUPUK ORGANIK SEBAGAI MITIGASI BENCANA KEKERINGAN DENGAN METODE DIVERSIFIKASI PERTANIAN PERIODE 2020-2023 DI GROBOGAN JAWA TENGAH 2024-12-26T17:54:49+07:00 Muhammad Dymas Aushaf Aqil Afriawan <p><em>Indonesia is said to be an agrarian country because of the abundant reserves of essential food needs in the agricultural sector. This agricultural sector is a reference in the survival of humans now and in the future. This drought crisis occurred in Grobogan, Central Java, which occurred due to several factors, one of which is the anthropogenic factor in the form of many farmers in producing and maintaining agricultural land using inorganic fertilizers. Therefore, research is needed to compare liquid fertilizers, identify external and internal factors of plant growth, and analyze the effectiveness of fertilizers.</em> <em>The research was carried out in two-time stages, namely the time of incubation of the solution and the time of observation of plant growth using planting media in the form of polybags. The fertilizers that are the source of observation are LOF (Liquid Organic Fertilizer) fertilizer, eco enzyme fertilizer, and PGPR fertilizer. Based on the research that has been conducted, the three fertilizers have internal and external factors that affect the growth period.</em> <em>Internal factors can be in the form of growth hormones, while external factors that affect growth, namely environmental conditions (temperature, pH, humidity, sunlight, and soil). The most effective fertilizer to be used as an ingredient to accelerate plant growth is PGPR fertilizer.</em></p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan MODAL DAN STRATEGI NAFKAH PEDAGANG PASAR SAWO KOTA JAKARTA TIMUR 2024-12-26T16:43:21+07:00 Mayang Pusparani Hana Indriana <p><em>Traditional market traders, especially in Pasar Sawo, face numerous challenges, including limited trading space. These challenges are compounded by variations in livelihood capital among traders, restricting their ability to grow. This study aims to analyze the livelihood capital ownership and diversity of livelihood strategies among Pasar Sawo traders in Cipinang Cempedak Village, as well as to examine the relationship between livelihood capital ownership and strategy diversity. This research employs a quantitative method with questionnaires and qualitative data gathered through in-depth interviews. Respondents were selected purposively. The findings indicate that the majority of traders in Pasar Sawo have a low level of livelihood capital ownership, while the diversity of livelihood strategies employed by traders is relatively varied, including intensification and diversification strategies to boost income. A significant relationship exists between livelihood capital ownership and the diversity of livelihood strategies adopted by Pasar Sawo traders.</em></p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan ADOPSI INOVASI PENGELOLAAN KEBUN KAKAO DI DESA KARUNIA, KECAMATAN PALOLO, KABUPATEN SIGI 2024-12-26T16:43:18+07:00 Kevin Aditia Pemerena Tarigan Muhammad Iqbal Nurulhaq Leonard Dharmawan Agief Julio Pratama <p><em>Cocoa is one of the largest plantation commodities in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the largest cocoa producers in the world, ranking 6th. However, recently cocoa production in Indonesia has started to decline. The factor that inhibits cocoa production in Indonesia is the management of cocoa farms that are not in accordance with good agriculture practices (GAP). Hereditary cultivation is still often practiced by farmers in Indonesia, including cocoa farmers in Karunia Village. Managing cocoa farms in accordance with GAP cocoa cultivation will have an impact on farm productivity. The purpose of this study was to identify and measure the implementation of cocoa farm adoption and management innovations in Karunia Village. Data were collected through questionnaires, field observations, and documentation. The results showed that the adoption of innovations applied by cocoa farmers in Karunia Village includes making roraks, making vegetable pesticides, and side grafting.</em></p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan STRATEGI PENGHIDUPAN KELOMPOK KEMITRAAN KONSERVASI DI TAMAN NASIONAL GUNUNG CIREMAI 2024-12-26T16:43:06+07:00 Inama Didik Suharjito Soni Trison <p><em>The change in function of the forest environment has an impact on the condition of community livelihood assets and a variety of livelihood strategies for communities around the forest. The livelihood system is defined as a household's ability to meet its daily needs within a sufficient level of income. This research aims to formulate appropriate strategies for developing sustainable livelihoods of family/ household members of the Conservation Partnership Groups in Gunung Ciremai National Park (TNGC). This research used a quantitative approach including livelihood asset analysis, Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) analysis and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) analysis. The results of the research show that The Palutungan Arban group has the highest human capital, social capital and physical capital, namely score of human capital 3.45, social capital 3.76 and physical capital 3.70, while the Cipeuteuy Agung Lestari group has natural capital scores of 3.73 and financial capital 3.80. The priority strategy of conservation partnership groups in TNGC is diversification strategy.</em></p> 2024-12-25T13:18:08+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan PERAN PEMERINTAH DAERAH DALAM MENDORONG KEBERHASILAN UMKM DI KABUPATEN BOGOR 2024-12-26T16:43:02+07:00 Ramadhan Kamala Putra Hana Indriana <p><em>UMKM have a central role in the dynamics of the national economy. UMKM face both internal and external problems, including data discrepancies that show that few UMKM have experienced business improvement or success. Business improvement or success, based on data from the Office of Cooperatives and UMKM. The important role of UMKMs and the problems they face require government intervention to overcome these obstacles and encourage the growth of UMKM. This study aims to analyses correlation between the role of local government and the success of UMKM in Bogor Regency. Bogor Regency. The results showed that the local government has fulfilled its role in encouraging UMKM, the UMKM in the Regency experienced an increase in each indicator of success and the role of local government as a catalyst. Each indicator of success and the role of local government as a catalyst is significantly related to the success of UMKM. </em></p> 2024-12-25T13:29:16+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN PETANI DALAM PEMBUATAN MIKROORGANISME LOKAL DI DESA BULOTALANGI 2024-12-26T16:43:15+07:00 Muhamad Bagus Kariri Leonard Dharmawan Muhammad Iqbal Nurulhaq Mochamad Hasjim Bintoro Djoefrie <p><em><strong>A</strong><strong>B</strong><strong>STRACT</strong></em></p> <p><em>Bulotalangi Village has great potential in utilizing banana stump waste to produce Local Microorganisms (MOL), which are important organic decomposers in agriculture. The study aims to increase the knowledge of Bulotalangi Village farmers about making MOL from banana stumps through counseling activities. Extension involved 30 farmers, with pretest, lecture, demonstration, question and answer, and posttest methods. The results showed an increase in farmers' knowledge on various aspects of MOL, such as understanding, benefits, composition, how to make, how to use, and how to store. The average initial knowledge of 36.48% increased to 94.44% after counseling, with the highest increase in knowledge of MOL composition by 63.34%. The increase reflects the effectiveness of extension in deepening farmers' understanding. This increased knowledge is expected to enable farmers to utilize local resources more effectively, support sustainable agricultural practices, and address the underutilization of banana stump in Bulotalangi Village. This can encourage village government policies to focus on banana stumps MOL to enhance the welfare of farmers and rural communities through home yard utilization.</em></p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan PERAN PEMIMPIN DALAM KEBERHASILAN PROGRAM KAMPUNG WISATA TEMATIK MULYAHARJA 2024-12-26T16:42:59+07:00 Muhammad Agriawan Suryaalim Mohammad Akbar Fathur Rohman Zessy Ardinal Barlan Hana Indriana Rajib Gandi Ghilandry Ramadhan <p><em>Mulyaharja Thematic Tourism Village is one of the tourist villages that experienced an increase in visits when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. The village is managed by the local community who gather in the Tourism Mobilization Group (Kompepar). This research aims to analyze the role of the chairman of Kompepar in the management of the Mulyaharja Thematic Tourism Village in Bogor City, West Java Province. This research used a quantitative approach that examines the relationship between leadership roles and the success of the Mulyaharja Thematic Tourism Village Program. Data collection was carried out using a survey method using a questionnaire, followed by in-depth interviews as supporting data. In this research, a Spearman correlation test was also carried out to see the relationship between the role of leadership and the success of the Mulyaharja Thematic Tourism Village Program. The results of this research show that the leadership role that is related to the success of the Mulyaharja Thematic Tourism Village program is the role of the leader as a facilitator. It can be concluded that the higher the leader facilitates the needs of its members, the higher the success rate of the Mulyaharja Thematic Tourism Village Program</em>.</p> 2024-12-25T23:26:25+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan KEBIJAKAN PENGELOLAAN BAHAYA DALAM WISATA GUA PURWOREJO DAN SEKITARNYA 2024-12-26T16:42:56+07:00 Saharani Kushendaryanti Endang Koestati Sri Harini Muntasib Arzyana Sunkar <p><em>Nature tourism activities are increasingly in demand, one of which is cave tourism. Cave tourism displays exokarst and endokarst formations, cave tourism still has the potential for danger that can cause accidents/losses for visitors. Potential dangers come from physical, biological, and human activities. Risk management is needed to reduce potential losses for managers and visitors. This study aims to compile hazard management in Purworejo cave tourism and its surroundings by inventorying and analyzing potential physical, biological, and human activity hazards through a case study in Seplawan Cave, Purworejo. Research methods; field observation, inventory of potential hazards, literature studies, interviews with managers and visitors. Data were analyzed using modified UNEP 2008 and NSPA 2008 guidelines. Potential physical hazards in the exokarst area include slippery stairs and landslides, no biological hazards were found. Potential physical hazards in endokarst include slippery roads, muddy soil, flooding, low stalactites, narrow corridors, and high humidity; biological hazards in endokarst include bats and guano; the dangers of human activities in both areas are carrying excessive loads, running on stairs, entering the cave when it rains, staying overnight in the cave, not using cave equipment, and approaching the edge of the cliff. Risk management includes educating guides and visitors, adding safety ropes to the cave path, and installing warning signs in low stalactite areas, narrow passages, bat dwellings, and muddy areas.</em></p> Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan JEJAK UPAYA DAN PROSPEK PENGEMBANGAN BAWANG PUTIH DI INDONESIA 2024-12-26T16:43:12+07:00 Miftahul Azis Esty Asriyana Suryana <p class="JRKPLAbstrakKeywords">Permintaan akan bawang putih terus meningkat, namun produksi nasional belum mencukupi, dengan hampir 95% kebutuhan bawang putih dipenuhi melalui impor. Untuk mengatasi ketergantungan pada impor, strategi pengembangan bawang putih di dalam negeri menjadi sangat penting. Tulisan ini mendalami jejak dan prospek pengembangan bawang putih, menyoroti upaya yang telah dilakukan serta potensi perkembangannya di masa depan. Berdasarkan penelitian dan data terbaru, tulisan ini menggambarkan prognosa produksi dan kebutuhan konsumsi bawang putih, tantangan yang dihadapi, dan inovasi terkini dalam budidaya dan pemasaran. Analisis tentang ekspor, impor dan neraca perdagangan bawang putih juga disajikan. Dengan mempertimbangkan peluang dan tantangan yang ada, tulisan ini merangkum prospek pengembangan bawang putih dalam konteks pertumbuhan pertanian dan dinamika permintaan pasar global yang terus berubah. Fokus pada peningkatan produksi, pengadaan benih yang cukup, dan penerapan teknologi yang efisien diidentifikasi sebagai kunci untuk mencapai swasembada bawang putih. Dengan langkah-langkah yang tepat, diharapkan <strong><span style="font-family: 'Garamond',serif;">negara</span></strong> dapat mengurangi impor dan secara signifikan memperkuat ketahanan pangan di negara ini.</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan STRATEGI ADAPTASI DAN MITIGASI PENURUNAN EMISI GAS RUMAH KACA (GRK) MELALUI SEKTOR TRANSPORTASI DI KOTA BOGOR 2024-12-26T16:43:09+07:00 Rendy Prihartono A Faroby Falatehan Widyastutik <p><em>The transportation sector is one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Bogor City, which has an impact on declining air quality and climate change. This study aims to identify the most relevant mitigation and adaptation strategies to reduce GHG emissions from the transportation sector in Bogor City. Based on the analysis, the rejuvenation of the public transportation fleet emerged as the most effective mitigation strategy, with the highest priority weight. This policy involves replacing old vehicles with environmentally friendly technology, such as electric or gas-fueled buses. In addition, transit system reforms and the implementation of parking management support emission reductions through improved public transportation accessibility and control of the use of private vehicles. On the other hand, adaptation strategies such as limiting the number of vehicles and increasing green open spaces are also considered important to reduce traffic density and improve environmental quality. Policy recommendations include the integration of these strategies through financial incentives, regulatory updates, and public education to create a sustainable and low-emission transportation system. This study provides strategic guidance for local governments in formulating effective environmentally friendly transportation policies in Bogor City.</em></p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN: Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan