Hubungan Orang Tua-Guru dan Praktik Pengasuhan Ibu pada Keluarga yang Memiliki Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus
Mothering practices and support form surrounding environment are needed to stimulate special need children.
This research aimed to analyze the correlation of relationships parent-teacher and mothering practices, in families
with special need children. The research involved mother and teacher of 30 students aged 7-12 years from two
Extraordinary School in West Bogor and South Bogor Sub District, Bogor City. The sample selected using
purposive method. The result showed that there were positive correlation between the length parent’s education
and the per capita income of the family with the dimensions of maternal consistency. In addition, the parentteacher
relationship had a positive correlation with mother-child relationship at home.The result also found that
the length of the parent’s education has a positive correlation with the dimension of sharing information.
Furthermore, according to the teacher's perception, the mother’s age has a positive correlation with the dimension
of dependability and availability of both parties. But on the contrary, there are negative correlation between the
longer the father’s education with the dimensions of feeling of affiliation and support. And also the children’s age
has a negative correlation with the dimensions of sharing information.
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