Siswiana Emila, Isda MN. Respons Pertumbuhan Biji Anggrek Dendrobium Edfrans Charming x Dendrobium Deni Erianto terhadap Penambahan Air Rebusan Kentang pada Media Vacin and Went (VW) secara In Vitro: Growth Response of Dendrobium Edfrans Charming x Dendrobium Deni Erianto Orchid Seeds to the Vacin and Went (VW) Media Supple Mented with Potato Boiled Water In Vitro. J Hort Indonesia [Internet]. 2024Aug.1 [cited 2024Oct.20];15(2):84-0. Available from: https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jhi/article/view/49773