Tentang Jurnal Ini


Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia (JFI) is an official publication owned by the Indonesian Phytopathology Society (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia). In 2010, JFI management was given to PFI Komda Bogor. Since then, JFI has been published 6 times (January, March, May, July, September, and November).

JFI includes manuscript articles relating to plant diseases and their control, including pathogenic characterization, pathogen detection and identification, physiology and biochemistry of diseases, molecular biology, morphology and ultrastructure, genetics, disease transmission, ecology and epidemiology, chemical and biological control, also topics about characteristics of biocontrol agents and abiotic abnormalities in plant health. Articles can be either original research papers, short communications, or disease note. 

This journal is an open-access, peer reviewed journal that has been Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE), Republic of Indonesia No. 12/M/Kp/II/2015 . Since April 2020 Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia  has been recognized as SINTA 2 journal based on the Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening of Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Indonesian Republic (Decree No. 85/M/KPT/2020). This status valid from Volume 16 number 1 2020 to Volume 20 Number 2 2024.

P-ISSN: 0215-7950
E-ISSN: 2339-2479

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Focus and Scope

Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia (J Fitopatol Indones) contains manuscript relating to plant diseases and their control, including pathogenic characterization, pathogen detection and identification, physiology and biochemistry of diseases, molecular biology, morphology and ultrastructure, genetics, disease transmission, ecology and epidemiology, chemical and biological control, also topics about characteristics of biocontrol agents and abiotic abnormalities in plant health. Articles can be either original research papers, short communications, or disease note.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts can be written in Bahasa Indonesia. Editor in Chief will assign the manuscript to a corresponding section editor for further handling. Section editor are entitled to ask author to revise the manuscript before being reviewed.

Each manuscript will be reviewed by Editorial Board and at least two of reviewers (peer-reviewer) whose their identity will be confidential. Based on the comments from the reviewers and Editorial Board, Editor in Chief will make the decision on the manuscript. Editorial Board are entitled to ask author to revise the manuscript before re-sent to reviewers.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Frequency

Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia is published six times a year: January, March, May, Jully, September, and November.


The Indonesian Phytopathological Society (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia)