The Effect of Financial Capital, Human Capital, and Early Marriage on Extreme Poverty in Kaliombo Village The case study in this research is Kaliombo Village, Rembang Regency.
This study aims to determine the effect of financial capital (income, asset ownership and employment status) and human capital (education, outlook on life and early marriage) on extreme poverty in Kaliombo Village. The type of data used is primary data obtained from research questionnaires and short interviews to 100 respondents in Kaliombo Village with binary logistic regression analysis method. Based on the results, five variables (income, education, house asset ownership, other asset ownership, and outlook on life) have a significant influence on extreme poverty in Kaliombo Village and two other variables (early marriage and employment status) do not have a significant influence on extreme poverty in Kaliombo Village. However, all research variables simultaneously affect extreme poverty in Kaliombo Village.
Keywords: Poverty Measurement, Low income, Education Quality, Regression Models
JEL Classification: C360, I320, I210
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