MSMEs Distribution Pattern Tourism Village in Increasing MSMEs Income in Biduk Biduk District, Berau Regency Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IPB Univeristy
Understanding Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMs) clustering is important in developing regional policies, business locations and economic growth in a region. This study analyzes MSMEs distribution pattern in tourist villages in increasing their income in Biduk Biduk District, Berau Regency. Data were collected through a survey of 98 MSMEs and analyzed using nearest neighbor analysis, and location theories. The results show that the MSME distribution pattern forms a clustering pattern based on z-score and the nearest neighbor ratio (NNR) value. The lowest NNR was 0,567589 in Teluk Sumbang Village, the highest was in Giring Giring Village with an NNR of 0,776032, and the average the closest distance between MSMEs was 2 meters. The clustering pattern of MSMEs is related to proximity to village tourism objects, residential areas, main roads, school facilities, hotel and homestay.. The MSMEs income varies with total income and the highest average income of MSMEs is in Biduk Biduk Village. However, studies related to the distribution pattern of MSMEs in tourism villages are still limited. This research is useful as a reference for researchers, policy makers and business practitioners in developing MSMEs, especially in rural Berau Regency and the region beyond.
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