SOFYAN, Kurnia, Indonesia

  • Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Hutan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Ilmu Teknologi Hasil Hutan - Articles

    Biodeterioration should be controlled properly for efficient and sustainable forest products (woods) utilization. This research aimed to know the distribution of wood biodeterioration in house structure; the biodeterioration intensity and its economic loss in Lembang, Bogor, Serang and North Jakarta, which were different in temperature and humidity.  The survey was conducted to 200 houses in the four places.  The result showed that wood biodeterioration occured in most (90%) house buildings.  Doors, windows and roof structures were the most frequent attacked by biodeterioration agents. Decay fungi attacked wet wooden house components, mainly lisplank and ceiling, whereas termites attacked mainly doors, windows, poles and walls. The volume of damaged wooden house components in Lembang and Bogor were higher than those in the warmer and drier regions, Serang and North Jakarta. The average economic loss due to wood biodeterioration in a houses was about  Rp28 000/year.  However the economic loss per region was quite high, about two billion rupiahs per year in Serang and more than eight billion rupiahs in Bogor City.


    Keywords : Biodeterioration, decay fungi, termites, beetles, residential buildings

    Abstract  PDF
  • Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Hutan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2009): Jurnal Ilmu Teknologi Hasil Hutan - Articles

    Candlenut shell as a lignocelullose raw material is a potential by-product for produce activated charcoal. It’s quality are affected by raw material and activated process i.e. temperature, activation time and activating agent.  This paper intends to study the properties of activated charcoal made from candlenut shell. Candlenut shell was carbonization at 500 °Cfor 5 hour. Then activated using phosphoric acid in three different temperatures: 600 °C, 700 °C and 800 °C, in the duration time of 90, 120 and 150 minutes.  The result shows that candlenut shell activated charcoal more influence of temperature than activation time. Overall, the activated charcoal met the Indonesian Standard requirement for commercialised activated charcoal with optimation activation at 800 °C  for 120 minute.


    Keywords :    Candlenut shell, activated charcoal, optimation, activation, phosphoric acid

    Abstract  PDF