Parenting and Child Quality on Poor and Nonpoor Families in Cimanuk Watershed
The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of family characteristics, child characteristics, and parenting quality of poor and nonpoor families toward their quality of children. The design of this research was cross-sectional study conducted at Cimanuk Watershed Area in Indramayu and Garut Sub-District, involving a total of 200 families with 2-5 years old children. The sample consist of 64 poor families and 136 nonpoor families. The analysis results indicate that the length of mother education, the age of children, and parenting quality have significant and positive influence on the quality of children. There is no difference in the quality of children between poor and nonpoor families, eventhough there are significant differences on family size, age of father, length of parental education, family income, and parenting quality done by the parents between poor and nonpoor families.
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