Analisis Impostor Syndrome dalam Aspek Religiositas terhadap Waqf Behavior Mahasiswa IPB dengan Pendekatan Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve
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In the context of productive waqf development in Indonesia, especially at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), this research is rooted in the high potential of waqf followed by the tendency of students to contribute. With the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) as the main mover and IPB as an educational institution that acts as a nazir, increasing waqf literacy has had an impact on people's anxiety about post-life in the world, motivating them to actively waqf. Furthermore, this study links the phenomenon of Impostor Syndrome with the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve, highlighting the psychological and cognitive role in the retention of waqf-related information. This research uses a mixed method, namely quantitative derived from the results of CIPS and STAI tests of respondents to identify impostor syndrome and power function decline to find the new ebbinghaus forgetting curve. The qualitative method carried out is derived from interviews with key persons. Through a focus on IPB students, this study aims to understand how Impostor Syndrome feelings can affect aspects of religiosity and student waqf contributions, with the hope that the results can form emotionally stable, sincere, and balanced waqf behavior in achieving life balance.
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