Pengaruh Zakat dan Kesempatan Kerja terhadap Tingkat Kemiskinan di Aceh
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This study aims to analyze the effect of zakah revenues and job creation on poverty rates. Using a panel data set of 23 districts in Aceh for the period of 2011-2017, a fixed-effect method of the panel regression model and the Granger causality test was utilized to analyze the functional relationships between the three variables. The study found out that the zakah revenue and job creation have a negative and significant effect on poverty rates. However, the negative effect of job creation on poverty rates is greater than the negative effect of zakah revenues. The Granger causality test indicates that there is bidirectional causality between poverty rates and zakah revenues and between employment creation and poverty rates. Conversely, there is no causality between zakah revenues and job creations.
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Abdullah, M., & Suhaib, A. Q. (2011). The Impact of zakat on social life of muslim society. Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research, 8, 85-91.
Adetunji Babatunde, M., Oyeranti, O. A., Bankole, A. S., & Olawale Ogunkola, E. (2012). Exports trade, employment and poverty reduction in Nigeria. International Journal of Social Economics, 39(11), 875–899.
Aisyah, M. (2014).The role of zakah and binary economics in poverty reduction, ESENSI:Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen, 4(2), 178-197.
Ali, A. F. M., Rashid, Z. A., Johari, F., & Aziz, M. R. A. (2015). The effectiveness of zakat in reducing poverty incident: An analysis in Kelantan, Malaysia. Asian Social Science, 11(21), 355-367.
Amri, K. (2014). Infrastruktur transportasi dan kepadatan penduduk dampaknya terhadap pendapatan per kapita: Panel Data Evidence dari sembilan provinsi di Sumatera. Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2(2), 438-450.
Amri, K. (2017). Analisis pertumbuhan ekonomi dan ketimpangan pendapatan: Panel data 8 provinsi di Sumatera. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Teknologi, 1(1), 1-11.
Amri, K. (2018). The macroeconomic impact of regional minimum wages: A cross-provinces data evidence from Indonesia. Regional Science Inquiry, 10(3), 163-176.
Amri, K., & Nazamuddin. (2018). Is there causality relationship between export and employment: A time series data evidence from Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 7(2), 86–99.
Amri, K., & Marwiyati. (2019). Preferensi muzakki membayar zakat melalui baitul mal: Studi empiris di Kota Banda Aceh. Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains, 4(2), 386-391.
Budiantara, I. N., Diana, R., Purhadi.,& Darmesto, S. (2011). Relationship pattern of poverty and unemployement in Indonesia with bayesian spline approach. International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 11(6), 119-127.
Dumitrescu, E.-I, & Hurlin, C. (2012). Testing for Granger non causality in heterogeneous panels. Economic Modelling, 29,1450-1460.
Hayati, K., & Caniago, I. (2011). Zakat potential as a means to overcome poverty (A Study in Lampung). Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 26(2), 187-200.
Hoque, N., Khan, M. A., & Mohammad, K. D. (2015). Poverty alleviation by zakah in a transitional economy: A small business entrepreneurial framework. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 5(1).
Islam, R. (2004) The Nexus of Economic Growth, Employment and Poverty Reduction: An Empirical Analysis. Discussion Paper 14, International Labour Office, Geneva.
Imai, K., Gaiha, R. & Thapa, G. (2015). Does non-farm sector employment reduce rural poverty and vulnerability? Evidence from Vietnam and India. Journal of Asian Economics, 36, 47-61.
Isiaka, A. O., Johari, F., & Alias, M. (2015). Is zakah effective to alleviate poverty in a muslim society?: A case of Kwara State, Nigeria. Global Journal Al Thaqafah, 5(1), 33-41.
Johari, F., Aziz, M. R. A., & Ali, A. F. M. (2014). The role of zakat in reducing poverty and income inequality among new convert (muallaf) in Selangor, Malaysia. Online Journal Research in Islamic Studies, 1(3), 43-56.
Khasandy, E. A., & Badrudin, R. (2019). The influence of zakat on economic growth and welfare society in Indonesia. Integrated Journal of Business and Economics, 65-79.
Lanjouw, P., & Shariff, A. (2002). Rural non-farm employment in India: Access, income and poverty impact. Economic and Political Weekly, 4429-4446.
Lopez, L., & Weber, S. (2017). Testing for Granger causality in panel data. The Stata Journal, 17(4), 927-984.
Mohamed, A. S. Bin, Ibrahim, A. A. Bin, Zaidi, N. S. B., & Kamaruzaman, M. N. Bin. (2019). Does zakah significantly impact on economic growth in Selangor, Malaysia?. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(6), 786–807.
Mubarokah, I., Beik, I. S., & Irawan, T. (2017). Dampak zakat terhadap kemiskinan dan kesejahteraan mustahik (Kasus: BAZNAS provinsi Jawa Tengah). Al-Muzara’ah, 5(1), 37-50.
Muliadi, & Amri, K. (2019). Infrastruktur jalan, belanja modal dan kesempatan kerja: Bukti data panel kabupaten kota di Aceh. Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains, 4(2), 334-341.
Murniati, R., & Beik, I. S. (2015). Pengaruh zakat terhadap indeks pembangunan manusia dan tingkat kemiskinan mustahik: Studi kasus pendayagunaan BAZNAS kota Bogor. Al-Muzara’ah, 2(2), 135-149.
Nassar, H., & Biltagy, M. (2017). Poverty, employment, investment, and education relationships: The case of Egypt. SAGE Open, 7(2), 2158244017697156.
Niranjan, R., & Shivakumar. (2017). Poverty and employment generation in India. International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(8), 14-20.
Nurjanah, F., Kusnendi, & Juliana. (2019). The impact of economic growth and distribution of zakat funds on poverty (Survey in the third district of West Java province period 2011-2016). KnE Social Sciences, 55–70.
Pratama, Y. C. (2015). Peran zakat dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan (Studi kasus : Program zakat produktif pada Badan Amil Zakat Nasional). Tauhidinomics, 1(1), 93-104.
Redha, B. M., Larbi, G., & Karima, R. M. (2016). The impact of zakat fund in reducing poverty, case of Algeria. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3), 256-264.
Seran, S. (2017). Relationship of education, unemployment, and economic growth with the poverty of population. International Journal of Current Research, 9(7), 55186-55193.
Zivanomoyo, J.,& Mukoka, S. (2015). An empirical analysis of the impact of unemployment on economic growth in Zimbabwe. Archieves of Business Research, 3(6), 38-46.