Strategi Pengembangan Bank Pakan Sapi Dengan Pendekatan Model Bisnis Kanvas
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The purpose of this study was to describe and improve the business model of Sepakat feed bank group, Tanggat Village, Monta District, Bima Regency. Data collection procedures through in-depth interviews and focus group discussion. Data analysis using business model canvas approach and SWOT analysis to produce a business model prototype. The results of this study show elements that must be improved in the initial mapping of the business model are value proposition, channel, key activities, key resources, key partner and revenue stream. The SWOT analysis illustrates that the strengths possessed are well-mapped customers and abundant raw materials. The weaknesses are low quality of human resources to maintenance feed process equipment, limited land, lack of superior forage varieties, product distribution channels are not varied and limited business capital. Opportunities that can be exploited are the development of new feed product, utilization of information technology and government support. The threats they face are dependence on one feed product and the climate. Improvement strategies carried out include creating new products (value proposition), utilizing various facilities for selling product such as social media and BUMDes (channels), establishing separate business units to manage feed banks (key activities), making superior forage by utilizing Bima Regency government land (key resources), cooperate with financial institutions (key partners) and add variety of feed product as main source of income (revenue stream).
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