Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM)
<p>Journal of Applied Business and Management (JABM) published articles in the field of business and management applications such as business strategy management, financial management, human resources and organization, business value chain and other issues in the field of business and management. This scientific journal is published by School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB) associated with <span class="st">Indonesian </span><span class="st">Alliance of Magister Management Program (APMMI)</span>. JABM began the publication in August 2015 with a frequency of three times a year. Starting in 2016, JABM will be published in January, May and September.</p> <p>JABM is a peer reviewed journal that has been <strong>Accredited</strong> by Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE), Republic of Indonesia No 51/E/KPT/2017 which is valid for 5 (five) years since enacted on 4 December 2017. Base on Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No 30/E/KPT/2018 JABM get <strong>ranked 2 accredited (SINTA 2)</strong> status. JABM has been registered in <strong>Crossref, DOAJ, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Google Scholar, </strong>and other scientific databases.</p> <p>Editors receive written results of scientific research, both in the form of empirical research in fields related to business and management applications. Editors can revise the paper without changing the substance and content after a blind review process. The articles sent by the author must be an original script and is not being considered for publication by other journal or publishers.</p> <p>Download the <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OLTGLqQK5JT6SdIqRD-D11EmVqMhWwRp">Submissions Guidelines</a> and Author Guidelines <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=19FgVW0uOLqScyAVQU42SE_bM50rN7_1d">[Bahasa]</a> <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KzOiE8mCF8CYpeDnACS4WOLFBhX4q40_">[English]</a></p> <p>P-ISSN: <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&1469435578&1&&">2528-5149</a><br>E-ISSN: <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&1439371234&1&&">2460-7819</a></p>en-USjabm.ipb@gmail.com (Andina Oktariani)jabm.ipb@gmail.com (Sulistiyo)Wed, 22 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700OJS Mitigation of PGA Surgical Suture Distribution in Distribution Companies
<p>Background: The demand for PGA surgical suture is increasing, which was recorded from 2017-2019, reaching 148 million in the world and 1.2 million in Indonesia. This is in line with the increase in surgery. Currently, many foreign medical device products are supplied from imports, reaching 70%, and have high prices. PT XYZ is one of the medical device distributor companies that collaborates with companies in the European region as suppliers. The company often experiences problems in procuring product inventory because it depends on one supplier, which affects supply chain performance and creates various risks in its business processes.<br>Purpose: This research focused on risk mitigation at PT XYZ.<br>Design/methodology/approach: The HOR analysis and fishbone method.<br>Findings/Result: Based on the HOR analysis and fishbone method, 3 priority sources of risk that must be mitigated are supplier errors, fluctuating demand, and limited storage space. Furthermore, the mitigation that must be done is to encourage suppliers to build factories in Indonesia, provide quarterly order forecasting, and hold regular meetings for evaluation and strategy making.</p> <p>Keywords: fishbone, house of risk, PGA surgical suture, risk, risk mitigation</p>Alfonsia Febriyana, Hermanto Siregar, Arif Imam Suroso (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/56977Wed, 22 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700Transforming The Institutional and Governance Frameworks of Indonesia’s Downstreaming Policy
<p>Background: Despite the significant benefits generated by Indonesia's downstreaming strategy, including a substantial increase in exports and investments, there remains considerable potential for further refinement. The implementation of this policy is hindered by ineffective coordination among various ministries and stakeholders. <br>Purpose: This paper seeks to address the existing governance and institutional challenges that obstruct effective policy execution through an integrative literature review and comparative analysis. <br>Finding/Result: Drawing insights from the successful industrial policies of China, South Korea, and the United States, this research found the existing discrepancy in the institutional and governance arrangements between Indonesia’s downstreaming policy and the best practice from other countries which accentuate the necessity for vigorous reforms.<br>Conclusion: This research offers novel insights into the discourse on downstreaming policy by examining its institutional design and governance frameworks.<br>Originality: The paper provides practical recommendations aimed at enhancing the institutional design and governance of downstreaming, thereby aligning the policy more closely with its stated objectives.</p> <p>Keywords: institutional policy, downstreaming industry, industrial policy, governance, coordination agency </p>Bahlil Lahadalia, Chandra Wijaya, Athor Subroto (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/58220Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:17:58 +0700The Influence of The Financial Sector on The Success of Micro Enterprises in Surabaya City
<p><strong>Background:</strong> Micro enterprises in Indonesia are the largest in number compared to small and medium enterprises. Micro enterprises are spread throughout Indonesia, including Surabaya City. Micro enterprises will succeed if supported by good internal and external management of the business units. External factors come from outside the micro enterprise, while internal factors come from within the micro enterprise, one of which is the financial sector. Variables related to the financial sector include financial literacy, financial attitude, financial inclusion, business capital, and digital financial systems. Micro enterprises require research on financial variables to achieve success.<br><strong>Objective:</strong> This research aims to analyze the influence of financial factors, consisting of financial literacy, financial attitude, financial inclusion, business capital, and digital financial systems on the success of micro enterprises.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study is quantitative research using secondary data. The research involves 70 micro enterprises that received assistance from Ciputra University Surabaya. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Data analysis employs multiple linear regression analysis on micro enterprise data. The research location is in Surabaya City, corresponding to the location of micro enterprises that received assistance from Ciputra University Surabaya.<br><strong>Finding/result:</strong> The research findings show that the significance values for financial literacy and financial attitude variables are 0.00, which is less than 0.05 (α = 5%). This indicates that the financial literacy and financial attitude variables significantly influence the success of micro enterprises in Surabaya City. The significance values for financial inclusion, business capital, and digital financial systems are greater than 0.05 (α = 5%). This means that the success of micro enterprises assisted by Ciputra University Surabaya is not significantly influenced by the financial inclusion, business capital, and digital financial systems variables.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Micro enterprises succeed when they enhance their knowledge of financial literacy and financial attitudes. This improvement can be achieved when micro enterprises participate in assistance and training from Ciputra University Surabaya.<br><strong>Originality/value (state of the art):</strong> This study finds that increasing financial literacy knowledge in micro enterprises has the greatest impact on their success. The role of educational institutions is crucial in enhancing skills and creating the success of micro enterprises. Micro enterprises should participate in training and assistance, especially in financial matters.</p> <p>Keywords: financial literacy, financial attitude, financial inclusion, business capital, micro enterprises</p>Sri Nathasya Br Sitepu, Andri Wijanarko, Florencia Gunawan (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/62146Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:19:14 +0700Determinant of Financial Distress on The Retail Public Companies: Indonesia Case
<p>Background: The retail sector plays a significant role in the Indonesian economy. According to data from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in 2020, the retail sector contributed 12.93% to Indonesia's total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, results from the Retail Sales (SPE) survey by Bank Indonesia indicated a downward trend in the average annual growth of real sales for retail from 2015 to 2020. A decline in sales can lead to a decrease in income. The company's inability to balance income and costs raises the potential for financial distress. <br>Purpose: This research aims to study which financial factors may influence financial distress. <br>Design/Methodology/Approach: The observation period is from 2017 to 2021. This research uses the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) as a proxy for financial distress. This research also employs a binary logistic model to identify which financial factors influence financial distress.<br>Findings/Result: Logistic regression analysis revealed that Return on Equity (ROE) has a negative and significant effect on the DSCR value with a coefficient of -15.066. Equity-to-Total Assets ratio (EQ/TA) also has a negative and significant effect on financial distress with a coefficient of -5.042. <br>Conclusion: The results emphasize the importance of consistent management of company performance, particularly by monitoring financial ratios that significantly affect the likelihood of financial distress.<br>Originality/value(State of the art): This research offers new insights into the impact of financial ratios on financial distress, specifically within the context of the retail sector experiencing economic uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is focusing on a critical period and a specific sector, thereby providing valuable contributions to stakeholders such as investors, company management, and policy makers.</p> <p>Keywords: DSCR, financial distress, financial ratios, logistic regression, company management</p>Audry Arsyila Utomo, Noer Azam Achsani, Aruddy (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/62147Wed, 22 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700The Impact of Liquidity and Digital Transformation on The Bank Performance: Board of Commissioners and Directors’ Turnover Moderator
<p>Background: Many banks are not achieving their full profit potential due to suboptimal management of their assets and capital.<br>Purpose: This study seeks to investigate how liquidity and digital transformation (the independent variables) influence profitability (the dependent variable), with the frequency of changes in commissioners and directors acting as a moderating factor.<br>Design/methodology/approach: The research analyzed 47 banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2012 to 2022. These banks were selected through purposive sampling from the IDX and Financial Services Authority (FSA) websites. Pure moderation, Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA), and subgroup analysis were applied.<br>Findings/Result: The study found that both liquidity and digital transformation positively impact profitability. Furthermore, changes in the leadership, specifically commissioners and directors, significantly influence this relationship.<br>Conclusion: Liquidity and digital transformation plays a pivotal role in driving bank profitability. Additionally, the commissioners and directors turnover was found to moderate this relationship, indicating that leadership stability may enhance the benefits of these factors. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence from Indonesian banks, offering insights into how these variables interact to influence financial performance.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This study explores how banks listed on the IDX can boost their profitability by optimizing liquidity and applying digital transformation, considering the influence of leadership changes at the commissioner and director levels.</p> <p>Keywords: liquidity, digital transformation, bank profitability, commissioners turnover, director turnover</p>Divia Maudy Ariesta, Yuli Soesetio (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/54744Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:22:50 +0700Consumer’s Purchase Intention Towards Sustainable Fashion Products: Effect of Perceived Consumer Effectiveness and Attitude
<p>Background: The existence of fast fashion as an environmentally unethical business model has an impact on increasing excessive consumption of fashion products. Sustainable fashion was created as a response to preventing and reducing negative impacts on this phenomenon. The idea of sustainable fashion is a love for the environment that shows up in our clothing choices and sustainable living habits.<br>Purpose: This research aims to determine the influence of perceived consumer effectiveness on consumer intentions to buy sustainable fashion products with attitude as a mediating variable.<br>Design/methodology/approach: conducted using a quantitative design. The total sample was 196 respondents using the purposive sampling technique. Quantitative data was collected through an online questionnaire via Google Form and distributed to people who met the sample size requirements: consumers over 17 years old who live in Jabodetabek and have minimal awareness of sustainable fashion products. The collected data were analyzed using WarpPLS 7.0 software, and a variance-based partial least squares-structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was applied to evaluate the hypothesized model.<br>Findings/result: The findings show that consumers' perceived effectiveness has a positive significant influence on purchase intentions. Furthermore, consumers' perceived effectiveness positively influenced purchase intentions through attitudes.<br>Conclusion: These findings show that this research model is partial mediation, where consumers' perceived effectiveness still has a positive significant effect on purchase intentions, with or without attitude as a mediating role.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): Identifying attitudes in mediating the influence of Perceived consumer effectiveness on purchase intention.</p> <p>Keywords: sustainable fashion, perceived consumer effectiveness, purchase intention, attitude, fast fashion</p>Annisa Tusholihah, Liza Nora (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/54163Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:26:44 +0700The Factors That Influence The Financial Performance of Islamic Banks
<p>Background: The distinction between sharia and conventional practices has enabled sharia banks to withstand monetary crises. It is crucial to assess Sharia Commercial Banks' performance using capital adequacy ratios, operating expenses to income, net operating margin, and non-performing financing. These metrics help increase bank income through return on assets and address high financing issues, ensuring operational efficiency and alignment with management expectations.<br>Purpose: This research aims to determine the factors that influence the performance of Sharia Commercial Banks which are proxied by return on assets as the dependent variable, capital adequacy ratio, operating expenses to operating income and net operating margin as the independent variable and non-performing financing as the intervening variable.<br>Design/methodology/approach: This research is quantitative research using secondary data through financial reports. The total population from 2017 to 2023 is 16 banks. The analytical method used in this research is panel data regression with the help of the Eviews application through the Chow, Hausman and Lagrange tests.<br>Finding/result: The research results show that the capital adequacy ratio has no effect on non-performing financing, operating expenses to operating income has no effect on non-performing financing, net operating margin has an effect on non-performing financing, the capital adequacy ratio has no effect on return on assets, operating expenses to operating income has an effect on return on assets and net operating margin has no effect on return on assets. Then the indirect influence is that non-performing financing is unable to mediate the influence of capital adequacy ratio on return on assets, non-performing financing is unable to mediate the influence of operating expenses to operating income on return on assets and non-performing financing is unable to mediate the influence of net operating margin on returns. <br>Conclusion: The capital adequacy ratio, operating expenses to operating income and net operating margin have no influence on non-performing financing, then the capital adequacy ratio, net operating margin and non-performing financing have no influence on returns. on assets, while operating expenses to operating income have an influence on return on assets. An indirect influence can be conveyed that non-performing financing is unable to mediate the capital adequacy ratio, operating expenses to operating income, net operating margin to return on assets. This research can be used as a guide for assessing business performance through the factors that influence it.<br>Originality/value (state of the art): In assessing the relationship between capital adequacy ratio, operating expenses to operating income and net operating margin to non-performing financing mediated by return on assets, this research explores the contributing factors to the prosperity of developing countries, especially Indonesia, which can help investors and policy makers in making decisions. appropriate way to improve company performance.</p> <p>Keywords: capital adequacy ratio, net operating margin, return on assets, non-performing financing, operating expenses on operating income</p>Evi Maulida Yanti, Andi Syahrum, Agussalim M, Denni, Rahmah Yulianti, Boihaki, Ali Abdullah Amer Bin Al-Shaibah (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/62148Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:48:18 +0700Destination Service Quality and Destination Image To Enhance Revisit Intention: Role of Perceive Risk in Post-Covid-19 Era
<p>Background: The tourism industry has made an important contribution to the economy and society in various countries, including Indonesia. <br>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine Destination Service Quality (DSQ) on Destination image and the revisit intention of tourists. By exploring and understanding the specific aspects of service quality, this study provide better comprehend how these elements contribute to a tourist's overall satisfaction and their likelihood to revisit. Tourists' perceived risk is examined as a moderating variable.<br>Design/methodology/approach: This study used Quantitative method. This study surveyed 295 local and international tourists who met the criteria. This research utilizes PLS-SEM 7.0, a flexible statistical method for hypothesis testing, ideal for complex models with multiple variables. <br>Findings/Result: The results of this study prove that the dimensions of destination service quality: accommodation, hospitality, cleanliness, and airport service, positively influence the destination image. The destination image has a positive effect on revisit intention. <br>Conclusion: The findings prove that destination image is a key factor in determining revisit intention. Despite the influence of various service quality dimensions, the overall perception of the destination strongly drives the revisit intention. The study shows that destination service quality, particularly accommodation, hospitality, cleanliness, and airport service, significantly shapes the positive image of Lampung, encouraging repeat visits. However, the perceived risk, such as health concerns like COVID-19, does not significantly moderate this relationship, indicating that these concerns do not deter tourist's revisit intention.<br>Originality/value (state of the art): This study underscores the theoretical importance of destination image in tourism studies and highlights the practical necessity for destination managers to prioritize and enhance this image to encourage revisit and foster tourist loyalty.</p> <p>Keywords: destination service quality, destination image, indonesia tourism, revisit intention, perceived risk, tourist behaviour</p>Lia Febria Lina, Berlintina Permatasari, Dian Novita, Angga Febrian (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/56178Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:53:51 +0700Antecedents of Traveller Identification and Satisfaction As a Consequence of Traveller Decisions
<p>Background:This research is motivated by the North Luwu Regional Government's concerns that in order to increase and attract visitor interest in the Rinding Allo Tourism Village, Rongkong District, North Luwu Regency, tourist attraction managers must develop the potential of tourist attractions and maximize promotional activities for tourism potential to consumers, so as to foster desire. make visits with the hope of creating tourist satisfaction.<br>Purpose:This research aims to see the extent of the influence of tourist attractions and promotions on tourist satisfaction through tourists' visiting decisions.<br>Methodology:This research is quantitative research with an associative approach with data collection instruments using questionnaires. The sample consisted of 100 respondents, with using the margin of error (MOE) formula. The data that has been collected will be subjected to verification and descriptive analysis with statistical tool SmartPLS.<br>Finding:The research results show that the attractiveness of tourist attractions and promotions has a positive and significant effect on the decision to visit. The decision to visit has a positive and significant effect on tourist satisfaction. The attractiveness of tourist attractions and promotions has a positive and significant effect on tourist satisfaction. The attractiveness of tourist attractions and promotions has a positive and significant effect on tourist satisfaction through the decision to visit.<br>Conclusion: Increasing infrastructure and supporting facilities can increase tourism potential and wider use of promotional media such as social media promotions can increase the reach of promotions carried out.<br>Originality/Value (State of The Art): Research on the Rinding Allo Tourism Village is the first research conducted using tourist attraction and promotion variables to highlight local wisdom and regional culture in attracting tourists and increasing tourist satisfaction.</p> <p>Keywords: attraction, tourist attractions, promotion, tourist visiting decisions, tourist satisfaction</p>Muhammad Aqsa, Aetken Ibrahim, Suparman Parintak, Anne Attas (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/55210Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:58:43 +0700The Role of Exchange Rate As a Moderating Variable in CAR, NPF and BOPO Influencing Profitability
<p>Background: A bank's capacity to generate earnings on the goods produced by its daily operations is a crucial sign of its financial health. With the exchange rate serving as a moderating element.<br>Purpose: The objective of this study is to ascertain how operating costs, CAR, NPF, and BOPO affect ROA. <br>Design/methodology/approach: Regression analysis is one of the quantitative methods used in the research process. As an illustration, take into account Islamic Commercial Banks that routinely release their financial reports for the years 2018–2022 and are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. 35 samples from 7 different organizations were collected for this study using the purposeful sampling technique. The data was analyzed using partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). <br>Findings/Result: The exchange rate, BOPO, and NPF all have a major effect on ROA. Meanwhile, the CAR has little effect on ROA in Islamic Commercial Banks between 2018 and 2022. The impact of exchange rates on ROA can be lessened for BOPO and NPF, but not for CAR, as the latter has no control over ROA<br>Conclusion: The study's conclusions demonstrate that the exchange rate, BOPO, and NPF all have a major effect on ROA. Meanwhile, the CAR has little effect on ROA in Islamic Commercial Banks between 2018 and 2022. The impact of exchange rates on ROA can be lessened for BOPO and NPF, but not for CAR, as the latter has no control over ROA. The establishment of an efficient capital adequacy ratio for Islamic banking is facilitated by this research, which enhances financial performance.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): The originality/value (State of the art) of this research is by providing empirical evidence about the importance of risk management and operational efficiency in determining the financial performance of Sharia Commercial Banks. On the other hand, this research also highlights that although capital is important, operational factors and credit risk are more dominant in influencing ROA.</p> <p>Keywords: CAR, BOPO, NPF, ROA, Islamic Commercial Banks</p>Desman Serius Nazara, Dede Hertina, Listiana Sri Mulatsih, Alfiana, Loso Judijanto (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM)
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/54461Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:05:58 +0700Modification of Business Strategy Through The Application of Circular Economy in Coffee Shop Business Units in Pontianak City: Case Study of Four Coffee Shops
<p>Background: The increasing number of coffee shops in Pontianak every year makes competition even tighter. These conditions require the development of alternative strategies, especially by adopting environmentally based strategies.<br>Purpose: This study aims to analyze the choice of modern coffee shop strategy, to analiyze strategy development by adding the circular economy concept to it, and to analyze the sustainability of the circular economy-based strategy that will be implemented.<br>Design/methodology/approach: This study uses qualitative research with interactive analysis techniques and SWOT analysis to develop the strategies. The respondents of this study are four coffee shop owners. The study was conducted for six months in May – November 2023.<br>Findings/Result: The study reveals that although all four coffee shops have a low understanding of circular economy-based strategies, they have unintentionally implemented some of these practices. The main priority of the identified strategies is to increase awareness of the circular economy. These strategies are then developed by integrating elements like eco-friendly packaging, recycled materials, and digital technology.<br>Conclusion: Modern coffee shops in Pontianak are shaped by the owners' diverse backgrounds and focus on sustainability. Koffiestelsel, Segitiga Coffee, Saca Coffee, and Tumbuh Coffee each take different approaches to eco-friendly practices. A SWOT analysis suggests strategies at three levels: corporate, business, and functional.<br>Originality/value (state of the art): This study explore the implementation circular economy concept on business strategy especially in smaller scale business.</p> <p>Keywords: environmental, modern coffee shop, strategy development, sustainability, SWOT analysis</p>Mahardika Agung Madepo, Lina Budiarti, Faaiza Soraya Khalida (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/56302Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:11:05 +0700Application of Design Thinking For The Design of Bogor Batik Tilu Sauyunan Motif
<p>Background: The diversity of batik motif designs is one of the key factors driving public interest in batik. In the batik industry, particularly among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), innovation in creating new batik motifs presents a significant challenge to the sustainability of the business in Indonesia. Therefore, this study focuses on one of the SME batik businesses in Bogor.<br>Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the mapping process involved in creating the Tilu Sauyunan batik motif, a signature design of Bogor City, at the Handayani Geulis Batik Bogor enterprise.<br>Design/Methodology/Approach: This study employs a qualitative approach using the design thinking method to analyze the problems and solutions in the batik creation process.<br>Findings/Results: The analysis reveals that applying the design thinking method to the creation of the Tilu Sauyunan batik motif successfully establishes a visual identity that encapsulates the cultural essence and identity of Bogor.<br>Conclusion: The design thinking approach demonstrated in this study effectively integrates elements and icons of Bogor into the Tilu Sauyunan batik motif, resulting in an appealing and distinctive visual identity.<br>Originality/Value (State of the Art): Handayani Geulis Batik Bogor is a rapidly growing SME in the Indonesian batik industry. Through the innovative efforts of its owner and support from the Indonesian government, the business has expanded internationally. Positioning the Tilu Sauyunan batik motif as a cultural identity and icon of Bogor has the potential to drive further business growth and recognition.</p> <p>Keywords: bogor batik, design thinking, indonesian batik, local wisdom, visual identity</p>Asep Taryana, Sri Ratna Handayani Budhie, Amelia Rizky Savitri, Meira Dewi Arianingrum (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/55810Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:15:02 +0700User Needs of Online Tutoring Applications Using House of Quality
<p>Background: Technology has significantly influenced the education sector, particularly with the rise of mobile learning through online tutoring applications. However, users have reported several shortcomings, such as overly minimalist user interfaces, excessive animations, and suboptimal video and audio content quality. Additionally, data security concerns in mobile learning remain a critical issue.<br>Purpose: This research aims to analyze the user needs of online tutoring applications as identified by users and potential users and translate these needs into actionable technical responses.<br>Methodology: The study employs the House of Quality method and was conducted in the Jabodetabek area from 2021 to 2022. Data collection methods included voluntary and purposive sampling, using questionnaires distributed via Google Forms, as well as interviews and focus group discussions.<br>Results: The House of Quality analysis highlights the prioritized user needs in the following order: 1) security and privacy, 2) performance, 3) information, 4) responsiveness, 5) technical reliability, and 6) design. The technical requirements identified to address these needs include network coverage, storage capacity, data transmission speed, application size, power consumption, network accessibility, and display resolution.<br>Conclusion: The top user priorities for online tutoring applications are security and privacy, performance, and information. The most critical technical responses to meet these needs are improvements in network coverage, storage capacity, and data transmission speed.<br>Originality/Value (State of the Art): This study translates user needs for online tutoring applications into specific technical responses, providing a foundation for the development and improvement of such applications.</p> <p>Keywords: online tutoring applications, mobile learning, house of quality, user needs, technical responses</p>Qurrata Aini, Eko Ruddy Cahyadi, Faqih Udin (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/45516Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:18:07 +0700The Influence of Marketing Mix and Cafe Atmosphere on Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction As a Mediation Variable
<p>Background: The development of cafes and restaurants represents one of the fastest-growing sectors in Indonesia's culinary industry. This growth is evident not only in major cities but also in remote areas. As lifestyles become more sophisticated, the increasing needs of the community are driving changes in consumption patterns.<br>Purpose: This study aims to examine the role of the marketing mix and café atmosphere on customer loyalty, mediated by customer satisfaction, in cafes and restaurants in Samarinda City.<br>Design/Methodology/Approach: A total of 100 café and restaurant owners participated in this study. Data were analyzed using SmartPLS 3.3.<br>Findings/Results: The results show that the marketing mix significantly influences customer satisfaction through factors such as fair pricing, appealing products, effective promotions, and strategic locations, which meet consumer expectations. Similarly, the café atmosphere, characterized by pleasant lighting, comfortable seating, and enjoyable background music, enhances customer satisfaction. Both the marketing mix and café atmosphere contribute to customer loyalty, as consumers are willing to return and recommend these establishments when they feel satisfied. Additionally, customer satisfaction itself plays a crucial role in fostering loyalty, demonstrating that a positive experience with pricing, products, promotions, and ambiance leads to higher retention rates.<br>Conclusion: The marketing mix, café atmosphere, and customer satisfaction significantly influence customer loyalty. Each variable and its indicators play a critical role in shaping consumer behavior.<br>Originality/Value (State of the Art): While the marketing mix and café atmosphere have been studied conceptually and theoretically, research on café atmosphere remains limited. This study contributes to the field by exploring a specific research object, including a distinct sample size, providing valuable insights for further research in this area.</p> <p>Keywords: café atmosphere, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, marketing mix, café and restaurant</p>M. Risal, Achmad Efendi, Adi Firmanzah (Author)
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/55125Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:22:24 +0700Barriers to Creativity, Market Knowledge Acquisition and Market Performance: The Moderating Role of Network-Building Capability in SME Sector
<p>Background: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in economic development, but various barriers often hinder their ability to drive innovation through creativity. This study aims to investigate these barriers and their impact on market performance, with a focus on the moderating role of network-building capability and the mediating role of market knowledge acquisition.<br>Purpose: The primary objectives of this study are to (1) identify environmental and management barriers that hinder creativity in SMEs, (2) explore how market knowledge acquisition mediates the relationship between creativity and market performance, and (3) evaluate the role of network-building in moderating the impact of these barriers.<br>Design/methodology/approach: The study used a survey-based approach, collecting data from 195 SME owners or managers across nine manufacturing sub-sectors in Bandung, Tasikmalaya, and Majalengka. Data analysis was performed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS 3.0.<br>Findings/Result: The results show that environmental barriers are not significant on creativity, but management barriers significantly inhibit creativity. Then, creativity positively affects market knowledge acquisition and market performance. In addition, market knowledge acquisition is a mediator between creativity and market performance, and network-building capability effectively moderates the negative impact of management barriers on creativity.<br>Conclusion: SMEs should focus on enhancing their network-building capabilities to mitigate management barriers that hinder creativity. Moreover, continuous market knowledge acquisition is critical for turning creative ideas into practical innovations that can improve market performance.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This study provides insights into the managerial and environmental barriers faced by SMEs in fostering creativity and highlights the importance of network-building and market knowledge acquisition. It contributes to the literature by offering an understanding of how SMEs can overcome barriers to improve market performance.</p> <p>Keywords: barriers, creativity, market knowledge acquisition, market performance, SME</p>Fansuri Munawar, Rini Handayani (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/56127Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:28:14 +0700Comparison of The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on The Performance of SMES/MSMEs in Indonesia in The Pre-Pandemic Period and Pandemic: A Meta-Analysis Approach
<p>Background: The number of research publications examining the correlation between entrepreneurial orientation and performance in Indonesia increased significantly from January 2015 to June 2023. However, the findings have been inconsistent, with entrepreneurial orientation reported to have large, medium, small, neutral, or even negative effects on the performance of SMEs/MSMEs. This variation has led to confusion regarding the actual strength of the correlation between these two variables.<br>Purpose: This study aims to determine the actual influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of SMEs/MSMEs in Indonesia under two different turbulent business environments.<br>Method: A meta-analysis approach was employed, utilizing secondary data sourced from research articles in Indonesia indexed in the Science and Technology Index (SINTA), Copernicus, EBSCO, Google Scholar, and Scopus.<br>Findings: During the pre-pandemic period (Industrial 4.0 boom), entrepreneurial orientation had a positive influence on the performance of SMEs/MSMEs in Indonesia, with an effect size of r=0.25–0.34r = 0.25 – 0.34 (mean r=0.30r = 0.30, p<0.001p < 0.001). In the pandemic period, the effect size was r=0.24–0.32r = 0.24 – 0.32 (mean r=0.28r = 0.28, p<0.001p < 0.001). According to Cohen’s classification, these effects are small to moderate but significant. Subgroup analysis revealed no significant difference between the two periods (p=0.71,>0.05p = 0.71, > 0.05).<br>Conclusion: The influence of entrepreneurial orientation on SME/MSME performance remains consistent across different turbulent business environments, with a small to moderate effect.<br>Originality/Value (State of the Art): This study demonstrates how meta-analysis can synthesize varying research findings in the field of management to provide more robust conclusions. It offers a clearer understanding of the extent to which entrepreneurial orientation impacts the performance of SMEs/MSMEs in Indonesia.</p> <p>Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, business performance, variations, meta-analysis</p>Akhmad Ali Rusdi, Lily Sudhartio (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/54901Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:31:38 +0700Financial Performance Evaluation Between Traditional Bank and Digital Bank During Digital Transformation: Evidence From Indonesia
<p>Background: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the transformation of the financial sector by significantly altering consumer behavior. This shift led to the rise of digital banks as replacements for traditional banks. However, some digital banks have underperformed compared to their initial performance or after undergoing mergers and acquisitions.<br>Purpose: This study aims to analyze the financial performance of traditional banks before their digital transformation, providing insights to inform alternative strategies for digital banking.<br>Design/Methodology/Approach: The research examines the financial performance of nine banks (four digital banks and five traditional banks) from 2019 to 2022. The performance metrics include liquidity ratio (Loan-to-Deposit Ratio, LDR), solvency ratio (Equity-to-Asset Ratio, EAR), profitability ratios (Net Interest Margin, NIM, and Return on Assets, ROA), and activity ratio (Total Asset Turnover, TATO). Data were collected online from the Financial Services Authority website, and the analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, parametric tests (Paired Samples t-Test), and non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney U Test).<br>Findings/Results: The study finds that after transitioning to digital banks, there is a significant increase in the solvency ratio (EAR) but a notable decline in profitability (ROA) and activity (TATO). Compared to traditional banks, digital banks exhibit lower LDR and ROA but higher EAR and NIM.<br>Conclusion: The study highlights key financial performance aspects associated with digital bank transformation. The findings suggest that enhancing financial performance requires improving liquidity, solvency, profitability, and activity ratios. Strategies include engaging with the digital ecosystem, acquiring new customers through innovation, consumer-focused financing, and strengthening core capital.<br>Originality/Value (State of the Art): This research uniquely applies multiple financial performance parameters to compare digital banks before transformation with traditional banks in Indonesia. It identifies potential strategies to address challenges faced by digital banks, enhancing academic understanding and offering practical solutions to improve their financial performance.</p> <p>Keywords: digital bank, digital transformation, financial performance, traditional bank</p>Ahmad Jihan Tamami, Tony Irawan, Dikky Indrawan (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/62149Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:36:44 +0700Examining The Impact of Liquidity And Solvency Ratios on Firm’s Profitability: Insights From The Indonesian Tech Companies
<p>Background: Indonesia's technological landscape has undergone a swift transformation, marked by rapid innovation, digitalization, and a surge in technology companies seeking to capitalize on emerging markets and opportunities. <br>Purpose: This paper explores the relationships between solvency ratio, liquidity ratio, and profitability ratios (ROA and ROE) within the context of technology companies in Indonesia. <br>Design/Methodology: This quantitative study uses datasets of 35 technology companies in the IDX. The datasets were collected from OSIRIS and publicly available data relevant to the tech companies in Indonesia. The analysis period is from 2018 to 2022.<br>Results: Based on the data analysis, we found that solvency ratios correspond only to better profitability ratios. Therefore, the study fills a research gap by identifying a positive correlation between solvency ratios and ROA, indicating that moderate debt levels can enhance profitability through leverage. This study also highlights the financial characteristics of the tech sector, underscoring the importance of industry-specific analysis.<br>Conclusion: The research finds that the lack of a direct relationship between current ratios and profitability in Indonesian tech firms may arise due to the firms’ capital-intensive nature, reliance on intangible assets, and prioritization of growth and innovation over short-term liquidity. <br>Originality: This study explored financial metrics in Indonesia's tech firms, highlighting their structures with high capital investment and intangible assets. Examining solvency and liquidity ratios' impact on profitability offers insights for stakeholders better to assess financial health in this fast-growing industry in Indonesia.</p> <p>Keywords: financial performance, liquidity, ROE, solvency ratio, tech company, profitability</p>Miranda tanjung (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/54364Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:39:22 +0700Enhancing Patient Loyalty Through Operational Strategies and Service Quality: The Impact of Patient Satisfaction on Company Revenue
<p>Background: Hospitals, as public companies, must prioritize not only healthcare quality but also revenue and sustainability. Patient satisfaction serves as a key indicator of service quality, while effective operational strategies and high service quality are essential for fostering patient loyalty.<br>Purpose: This study analyzes how operational strategies and service quality influence patient loyalty and, consequently, company revenue.<br>Design/Methodology/Approach: A quantitative research methodology was employed, utilizing simple random sampling to collect data from 187 patients in private hospitals in Bandung. Data were gathered through questionnaires on a 7-point Likert scale, complemented by interviews. SmartPLS 4.0 software was used for data analysis.<br>Finding/Result: The findings reveal that operational strategies significantly enhance service quality and patient loyalty. Improved operational strategies lead to better service quality, which in turn boosts consumer loyalty. Additionally, service quality plays a crucial mediating role in the relationship between operational strategies and patient loyalty.<br>Conclusion: Satisfied patients are more likely to return, contributing to increased revenue and sustainability for hospitals.<br>Original/Value: This research innovatively links operational strategies to patient loyalty in private hospitals, demonstrating how service quality mediates this relationship and drives revenue growth and business sustainability.</p> <p>Keywords: operational strategies, service quality, patient loyalty, patient satisfaction, company revenue</p>Renaldus Iwan Sumarta, Maun Jamaludin, Iman Sudirman (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/55457Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:42:31 +0700Factors Influencing QRIS Adoption in Warkops
<p>Background: The rapid advancement of technology has significantly transformed how individuals interact, work, shop, and communicate. In Indonesia, digital payment systems have gained prominence, and the Quick Response Indonesian Standard (QRIS) has emerged as an important method for transactions in traditional coffee shops or Warkops (short for Warung Kopi).<br>Purpose: This study explores the factors that influence the adoption of QRIS as a digital payment method in, focusing on subjective norms, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, perceived security, risk, anxiety, and comfort.<br>Design/methodology/approach: We utilized a quantitative approach. Using purposive sampling in Warkops, we collected data from 230 respondents through a structured survey. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS).<br>Findings/Results: The analysis reveals that attitude, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness significantly impact the intention to use QRIS. In contrast, perceived security, risk, anxiety, and comfort do not significantly affect the intention to adopt QRIS.<br>Conclusion: Warkop, aiming to enhance customer convenience and transaction efficiency, should consider adopting QRIS, as psychological and social factors play a crucial role in its adoption.<br>Originality/value: This research contributes to the academic literature by emphasizing the role of subjective and psychological factors in digital payment adoption. It provides a foundation for future studies to investigate QRIS adoption in different contexts.</p> <p>Keywords: technology adoption, QRIS, Warkop, subjective norms, TPB</p>Muhammad Zahran Nurendra, Liliana Inggrit Wijaya, Bobby Ardiansyahmiraja, Jun Kajee (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/62150Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:55:29 +0700Business Development of The Ecotourism of Javan Gibbon: A Marketing Mix Strategy at Gede Pangrango National Park
<p>Background: Javan gibbons are a protected species facing conservation challenges in Bodogol Resort, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park. Ecotourism has been shown to benefit both conservation and local economies in other regions.<br>Purpose: This study aimed to assess visitor perceptions of Javan gibbon ecotourism development using a 4Ps marketing mix approach to identify areas for improvement and inform future conservation and tourism initiatives. The areas for improvement include product attributes such as offered package for tourists, chosen tourist provider, the offered price by seeing the willingness to pay, spots to enjoy the tourism, and effective promotion channels.<br>Methods: Descriptive analysis and statistic descriptive analysis were employed to examine visitor perceptions. Data were collected through surveys administered to visitors to Bodogol Resort.<br>Results: Findings indicate that tourists have a positive perception of Javan gibbon ecotourism, proven by the score given by local tourist and foreign tourists are 5.7 and 5.9 in a row. These scores show the degree of agreement (out of 7) about Javan gibbon ecotourism that brings positive impacts for the environment, social, and the Javan gibbon itself. However, there is a need to enhance the 4Ps marketing mix, including pricing, product offerings, promotion, and place. Specifically, prices should be adjusted based on visitor willingness to pay is IDR500,000 to IDR1,000,000 which have not been analyzed before. Social media promotion should be done with the involvement of influencers and community.<br>Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into the potential of Javan gibbon ecotourism to contribute to both conservation and local development. By implementing recommended strategies with 4P’s marketing mix approach, Bodogol Resort can further enhance visitor experiences such as formed package to offer to the tourist from various potential activity found from this research. The offered package adjusted to the willingness to pay of local and foreign tourist that ranged from IDR500,000 to IDR1,000,000. Respondents also agree that this ecotourism activity also support the long-term survival of this endangered species.<br>Originality: There’s no business development for javan gibbon ecotourism before at Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park. This research also uses VALS Survey analysis to form the promotion strategy.</p> <p>Keywords: business development, ecotourism, javan gibbon, marketing mix, touris</p>Fandawa Saputra, Tutut Sunarminto, Harnios Arief, Khairiyah Kamilah (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/62152Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:01:31 +0700Understanding Global Defense Budgeting Dynamics: A Systematic Literature Review on Economic and Geopolitical Factors
<p>Background: Defense budgeting plays a critical role in shaping a nation's strategic and military capabilities, reflecting its global positioning and priorities. It is influenced by a complex intersection of global politics, security concerns, and economic factors. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for guiding national policies and strategies.<br>Purpose: This study aims to analyze the intricate factors shaping military expenditures globally, with a focus on understanding the role of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, geopolitical tensions, and international political dynamics.<br>Design/methodology/approach: The research employs a systematic literature review (SLR) guided by the PRISMA protocol to synthesize insights from existing studies. Utilizes Scopus-indexed journals to ensure the quality and reliability of the literature.<br>Findings/Results: The findings highlight GDP growth as a central determinant of military expenditure, influenced by geopolitical interdependencies and regional dynamics. Theoretical frameworks, such as "Realist Theory" and "Neoclassical Theory," frequently appear in the literature, emphasizing the interplay between economic and defense paradigms. <br>Conclusion: Defense budgeting is shaped by multidimensional factors, requiring further research with broader data sources and regional focus.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This study provides a systematic synthesis of defense expenditure dynamics, bridging gaps in economic and geopolitical perspectives.</p> <p>Keywords: defense budget, military expenditure, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), defense economics, Systematic Literature Review (SLR)</p>Muchamad Bachtiar , Irdam Ahmad, Zainal Abidin Sahabuddin, Trismadi (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/62153Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:07:52 +0700Optimizing The Financial Domain With Robotic Process Automation: Invoice Data Extraction
<p>Background: The industrialization process has led to the automation of business processes with the goal of economic efficiency. This research was conducted at a trading company that requires an effective administrative process with time efficiency. So this need becomes a reason for the need for technology. Currently, a new technology has emerged that will revolutionize how humans work in companies, namely Robotic Process Automation.<br>Purpose: This study focuses on first, proposing a model in the scope of financial domain, especially in invoice processing and reconciliation. Second, proposing an RPA solution using UI Path which can be used to improve invoice processing and reconciliation processes. <br>Design: This study uses the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, so that the research object is the framework of the design itself. There are several steps taken to build RPA, namely (1) Problem Analysis and Motivation, (2) Determining Solution Goals, (3) Designing and Developing Solutions (4) performance evaluation. From the research, the results show that RPA performance has met expectations in terms of: speed.<br>Finding/ Result: The findings of this study indicate that there are limitations in implementation due to variations in invoice formats across different companies. As a result, there is a need for ongoing adjustments and regular updates to the system and hardware to accommodate changes in invoice formats and business processes of each company.<br>Conclusion: According to the study's findings it was concluded that RPA model has a good performance and has already met the side's expectations in terms of speed.<br>Originality/ value (state of the art): The use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in financial processes, notably invoice data extraction, is a cutting-edge technology that improves financial efficiency and accuracy. This study, conducted on an Indonesian trading organization, reveals how RPA may be used to streamline financial workflows by automating repetitive, time-consuming procedures, minimizing human error, and enhancing data management processes.</p> <p>Keywords: financial domain, robotic process automation, Design Science Research (DSR), data management, invoice formats</p>Andre Suryaningprang, Yoyo Sudaryo, Riyandi Nur Sumawidjaja (Author); Andhika Mochamad Siddiq; Dedi Supiyadi (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/53553Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:09:49 +0700Operational Risk Management Design of General Reinsurance Facultative Administration PT. XYZ
<p>Background: The facultative administration of general reinsurance of PT. XYZ has experienced several operational risks, such as scattered and incomplete bargaining documents between companies and emails from insurance companies that were not promptly responded to. However, in practice, the facultative administration of general reinsurance of PT. XYZ has not implemented operational risk management.<br>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify operational risks and their causes, analyze the priority level of handling, and recommend handling operational risks. <br>Design/methodology/approach: This research was conducted from November 2023 to January 2024 and required 9 respondents. Furthermore, the information received based on the respondents' statements will be processed using Fishbone Diagram, FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis), and Pareto Diagram methods.<br>Finding/Results: 11 risk sources were identified and grouped into process, human, system, and external risk categories, of which 3 were prioritized for handling, namely the risk that emails related to offers from insurance companies were not responded on time, an error occurred on the company's website database, and the information in the business offer slip did not explain in detail the coverage value of each risk to be reinsured. <br>Conclusion: Some of the handling efforts proposed in this study include adding competent human resources, carrying out regular system maintenance, and providing reminders to insurance companies.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): The facultative administration of general reinsurance of PT XYZ does not escape the existence of several operational risks that fall into the categories of process, human, system and external risks.</p> <p>Keywords: facultative administration, FMEA, operational risk, Pareto diagram, risk priority</p> <p> </p>Christi Vidya Mahacintya, Nur Hasanah, Widodo Ramadyanto (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/54813Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:14:49 +0700Work Breakdown Structures Vs. Business Processes: An Investigation of Appropriate Method For Identifying The Number of Risks
<p>Background: Risk identification is a critical first step in the risk management process, laying the groundwork for subsequent stages like analysis, assessment, mitigation, and monitoring. Accurate identification is crucial to ensure that identified risks align with the company’s specific context<br>Purpose: This research aims to investigate how knowledge and understanding of various risk identification techniques influence the number of risk events identified by practitioners.<br>Design/Methodology: An experimental approach was employed, involving 84 business school students. The study measured the dependent variable number of risks identified against independent variables comprising different risk identification approaches, both with and without context knowledge. Data analysis utilized the Chi-square technique of non-parametric statistics, maintaining a 95 percent confidence level.<br>Findings: The findings reveal a significant correlation between the methods of identification approach (with or without knowledge of risk context) and the number of risks identified. Participants using the Business Process (BP) approach, regardless of context knowledge, identified more risks compared to those using the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) approach or a No approach (NT).<br>Conclusion: The findings highlight the importance of selecting appropriate risk identification methods and underscore the value of context knowledge in enhancing risk identification effectiveness. This research provides actionable insights for practitioners, analysts, and decision-makers actively engaged in risk management.<br>Originality: This study contributes to the field by emphasizing the role of risk identification approaches and contextual knowledge, providing a framework for improving risk management practices.</p> <p>Keywords: risk identification, risk context, experiment approach, and risk knowledge</p>Martdian Ratna Sari, Ronny Kountur (Author); Bram Manuel; Adura Ahmad (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/54932Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:17:05 +0700The Integration of The Indonesian Stock Market With Developed Stock Markets: Pre- and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic
<p>Background: Stock portfolio management is essential for risk reduction and forecasting future stock market movements. When Covid-19 was declared a pandemic, stock markets worldwide, particularly the Indonesian stock market, faced significant declines. The Indonesian market dropped by 33%, mirroring a global trend of simultaneous declines, indicating a joint movement among stock markets.<br>Purpose: This study aims to investigate the integration of the Indonesian stock market with the ten largest stock markets by market capitalization globally, comparing the periods before and after the Covid-19 pandemic.<br>Design/Methodology/Approach: The study utilizes daily closing returns of stock market indices, divided into two periods: before the crisis (January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2019) and after the crisis (January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2023). Data is sourced from Yahoo Finance. The analysis combines Orthogonal Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (OGARCH) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA).<br>Findings/Results: The results show that integration between stock markets was higher in the post-crisis period, indicating an increase in market integration after the Covid-19 pandemic. The Indonesian stock market remained segmented in both periods, exhibiting low correlation with other markets. European and American stock markets showed higher integration, while Asian markets were generally segmented.<br>Conclusion: Post-pandemic integration was higher than before, though the Indonesian stock market continued to have low correlation with other global markets, despite a slight increase in correlation over time.<br>Originality/Value: This research offers a novel comparative analysis of stock market integration, highlighting Indonesia’s persistent market segmentation despite global shifts before and after the Covid-19 pandemic.</p> <p>Keywords: Covid-19, market capitalization, OGARCH, stock markets, PCA</p>Tri Purwani, Rahmat Budi Santoso , Ana Kadarningsih (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/56338Wed, 22 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700Factors Influences Customer Loyalty for Online Shopping: Study Case on Xiaomi's Online Store Customer in Bekasi
<p>Background: Customer satisfaction and loyalty are crucial factors for enhancing sales and profitability. In the context of e-commerce, understanding how brand image, product quality, and service quality influence these outcomes is essential for maintaining competitiveness.<br>Purpose: This study investigates the relationship between brand image, product quality, and service quality, and their effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty in the online purchase of Xiaomi products.<br>Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative research approach was employed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze data collected from 105 respondents in Bekasi City who have made at least two transactions through Xiaomi's e-commerce platform. Respondents were selected through simple random sampling, and data were analyzed using SPSS 25 and SmartPLS software.<br>Conclusion: The findings indicate that customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between brand image and customer loyalty. Brand image significantly influences customer loyalty, even without the mediation of customer satisfaction. However, customer satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between product quality and customer loyalty, while service quality directly impacts customer loyalty.<br>Originality/Value (State of art): This study provides insights into the role of brand image and service quality in driving customer loyalty in the e-commerce sector, offering specific recommendations for Xiaomi to implement Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to maintain superior product quality and improve service quality for better customer satisfaction and loyalty.</p> <p>Keywords: service quality, product quality, brand image, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction</p>Franky Anggreiawan, Rhian Indradewa (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/53524Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:24:12 +0700The Influence of Digital Talent Development and Green Innovation and The Use of Green Innovation As Mediation To Measure Data Centre Performance
<p>Background: Data Centre industry activity in Asia Pacific is experiencing significant growth, driven by the increasing adoption of cloud technology and data-driven solutions. Telkom Group faces the biggest challenges in data centre development in the form of compliance with increasingly stringent sustainability regulations, increasing demand for skilled and experienced talent, as well as the challenge of adopting green innovation as a solution to sustainability issues. Data Centre Managers need to encourage talent who are capable of developing innovations to reduce carbon emissions, as well as the need for very high electrical power.<br>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how data center performance is impacted by green innovation and digital talent development. It also looks at how green innovation may help data center companies become more competitive, increase operational sustainability, and improve energy efficiency in the face of regulatory obstacles and a lack of skilled digital workers.<br>Design/methodology/approach: The research uses Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis using SmartPLS software to test various related variables. Data collection used a survey method which included in-depth interviews and questionnaires. Respondents are Data Center Managers, Digital Talent Development Experts, Data Center Operational and Technical Teams, and Experts and Consultants in the Field of Green Technology and Data Centers.<br>Findings/Result: By increasing energy efficiency and reducing negative impacts on the environment, green innovation greatly impacts data centre performance. Data centres can significantly reduce their energy consumption and carbon emissions by implementing renewable energy and efficient cooling systems. This research emphasizes the importance of green innovation and digital transformation to improve data centre performance, and emphasizes the positive benefits of green innovation on data centre performance. The research also shows that incorporating environmentally friendly practices and advanced technologies into data centre operational strategies can provide major benefits in terms of energy efficiency, resource efficiency and cost efficiency<br>Conculusions: Through modern technology, carbon reduction, and energy efficiency, digital transformation and green innovation greatly improve data center performance. Reliability, cost effectiveness, and sustainability are increased by integrating automation, efficient cooling, and renewable energy. According to this survey, green innovation is essential for streamlining operations and encouraging eco-friendly data center practices.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This study highlights the unique role of green practices in boosting energy efficiency, operational sustainability, and competitiveness in the data center business despite regulatory and talent shortages by using renewable energy and modern technologies.</p> <p>Keywords: data centre performance, digital transformation, digital talent, green innovation, green energy</p>Rifa Herdian, Mohammad Syamsul Maarif, Anggraini Sukmawati, Irman Hermandi (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/58077Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:29:03 +0700Determinants of Solvency and Performance in Insurance: Role of Risk-Based Capital in Stability
<p>Background: The insurance sector's solvency and performance are critical for financial stability, particularly under the influence of Risk-Based Capital (RBC) regulations. These regulations enhance industry resilience, mitigating financial instability risks.<br>Purpose: This study aims to identify the determinants of solvency and performance within the insurance industry, emphasizing the role of RBC regulations.<br>Methodology: A systematic literature review of 20 empirical studies, published from 2018 to 2024, was conducted. Studies were selected based on relevance to solvency and performance and analyzed for regional and economic trends.<br>Findings: Profitability, company size, and leverage were identified as significant internal factors influencing solvency. Specifically, profitability positively impacts solvency, while high leverage heightens vulnerability during economic downturns. RBC regulations contribute to industry stability but may restrict insurers’ capacity for higher-yield investments, thereby affecting profitability.<br>Conclusion: Effective solvency management requires balanced regulatory strategies. RBC regulations support financial stability but must be crafted to allow growth, enabling insurers to manage risks while pursuing profitability.<br>State of the art: This research provides insights into RBC regulation effects on the insurance sector's financial health, offering policy recommendations to promote stability and growth.</p> <p>Keywords: solvency, risk-based capital, insurance sector, profitability, regulatory frameworks</p>Kevin Rafif, Noer Azam Achsani, Laily Dwi Arsyanti, Abylay Syzdykov (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/58349Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:34:56 +0700The Role of Leadership, Religiousness and Work Environment in Supporting Employee Performance and How Motivation Affects The Relationship
<p>Background: Human resources are very important for organizations, because human resources support the formation and running of the organization in accordance with the goals to be achieved. an organization really needs human resources in order to create good employee performance in the organization. Factors that affect employee performance are leadership, religiosity, and work environment.<br>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how leadership, religiosity and work environment affect employee performance and how motivation affects these relationships.<br>Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative methods were used in this study. The population consists of employees of PT X (Insurance Company). Cluster Random Sampling was used as the research sampling method. The sample amounted to 252 respondents with research data using primary data. SmartPLS 3.3 analysis tool is used to help this research.<br>Findings/Result: The results of the study indicate that leadership and religiosity can improve employee performance. This is seen from the P value of 0.000 <0.050 and the T statistic value of 3.705> 1.96 for the leadership variable and the P value of 0.000 <0.050 and the T statistic value of 4.573> 1.96 for the religiosity variable. The motivation variable strengthens the positive relationship between the work environment and religiosity variables on employee performance with a p value of <0.050. However, motivation does not moderate the effect of Leadership on employee performance at PT X (Insurance Company) with a p-value of 0.093 <0.05.<br>Conclusion: This study shows that leadership and religiosity have a substantial impact on employee performance. At the same time, the work environment has a negative effect. motivation can have a positive influence on the relationship, as well as the work environment on employee performance.<br>Originality/Value (State of The Art): This study highlights the importance of religiosity as a factor that has a positive impact on employee performance, especially if religious values are applied in a balanced and constructive manner. Leadership values driven by religiosity can improve employee performance and create a harmonious work environment. It is hoped that the development of this model will reduce the scarcity of literature on employee quality.</p> <p>Keywords: leadership, religiosity, work environment, employee performance, motivation</p>Syafran Pardamean, Dodi Indrianto, Sekar Wulan (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/58440Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:38:59 +0700Pengaruh Stres Kerja, Motivasi Kerja, Kompensasi, dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT CRI
<p>Background: Companies serve as institutions where economic actors interact to achieve specific goals. The success of a company is heavily influenced by the quality and capability of its human resources. To attain optimal performance, human resources play a crucial role in realizing company objectives. This study investigates the impact of work pressure, work motivation, and compensation on employee performance at PT Citra Resins Industries.<br>Purpose: The research focuses on determining how these factors affect employee performance and satisfaction within a specific organizational context.<br>Design/methodology/approach: This study examines 77 employees at PT Citra Resins Industries using a quantitative approach to identify relationships between the variables.<br>Findings/Result: The findings of this study demonstrate that work stress exerts a significant influence on employee performance at PT Citra Resins Industries, highlighting the critical role of effective stress management in enhancing organizational productivity. Furthermore, work motivation is shown to positively contribute to employee performance, emphasizing the importance of fostering a motivational work environment to achieve optimal outcomes. However, compensation does not exhibit a direct effect on employee performance, indicating that financial incentives alone may not suffice to drive employee productivity. As an intervening variable, job satisfaction is affected by work stress but remains unaffected by work motivation or compensation. These findings suggest that to enhance job satisfaction, the organization should prioritize reducing work stress. Meanwhile, additional strategies may be required to maximize the impact of work motivation and compensation on employee satisfaction and performance.<br>Conclusion: Work stress and motivation are critical drivers of employee performance. Companies must strategically address these factors while reevaluating their compensation structures to enhance satisfaction and performance outcomes.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This research highlights the unique organizational dynamics at PT Citra Resins Industries, providing valuable insights for companies facing similar challenges in managing employee stress, motivation, and compensation.</p> <p>Keywords: employee performance, employee satisfaction, work motivation, sem-pls, work stress</p>Muhammad Rayno Septian, Popong Nurhayati, Arry Ekananta (Author)
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https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/50965Wed, 22 Jan 2025 11:58:44 +0700 Erratum to: Work Stress, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention: The Intervening Role of Work Satisfaction
<p>Correction to: Marlapa E, Endri E. 2024. Work Stress, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention: The Intervening Role of Work Satisfaction. Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM), 10(2): 503. https://doi.org/10.17358/jabm.10.2.503</p> <p>An error appearedin the article entitled “Work Stress, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention: The Intervening Role of Work Satisfaction” published in Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM).</p> <p>In the published article, several punctuation marks and commas were found that were not appropriate, corrections to these errors are as follows:</p> <p>Corrections on page 510:<br>Line 6, Column 1: Should be 96.3%<br>Line 8, Column 1: Should be 0.986<br>Line 12, Column 1: Should be 98.6%<br>Line 28, Column 1: Should be 0.723<br>Line 30, Column 1: Should be Q2<br>Line 32, Column 1: Should be Q2<br>Line 24, Column 2: Should be 20.057</p> <p>Corrections on page 511:<br>Line 5, Column 1: Should be 6.737<br>Line 7, Column 1: Should be value 0.427</p> <p>Corrections on page 512:<br>Line 5, Column 1: Should be 10.792<br>Line 15, Column 1: Should be 14.760<br>Line 25, Column 1: Should be 2.473<br>Line 26, Column 1: Should be 0.014 <<br>Line 38, Column 1: Should be 2.234 ><br>Line 39, Column 1: Should be value 0.091<br>Line 51, Column 1: Should be 2.577<br>Line 2, Column 2: Should be 0.125</p> <p><br>The original article can be access online at: <br><a href="https://doi.org/10.17358/jabm.10.2.503">https://doi.org/10.17358/jabm.10.2.503</a></p>JABM Editorial (Author)
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM)
https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/60713Fri, 29 Nov 2024 13:54:23 +0700