Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm <p>Journal of Applied Business and Management (JABM) published articles in the field of business and management applications such as business strategy management, financial management, human resources and organization, business value chain and other issues in the field of business and management. This scientific journal is published by School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB) associated with <span class="st">Indonesian&nbsp;</span><span class="st">Alliance of Magister Management Program (APMMI)</span>. JABM began the publication in August 2015 with a frequency of three times a year. Starting in 2016, JABM will be published in January, May and September.</p> <p>JABM is a peer reviewed journal that has been&nbsp;<strong>Accredited</strong>&nbsp;by Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE), Republic of Indonesia No 51/E/KPT/2017 which is valid for 5 (five) years since enacted on 4 December 2017.&nbsp;Base on&nbsp;Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No 30/E/KPT/2018 JABM get&nbsp;<strong>ranked 2 accredited (SINTA 2)</strong>&nbsp;status.&nbsp;JABM has been registered in <strong>Crossref, DOAJ, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Google Scholar, </strong>and other scientific databases.</p> <p>Editors receive written results of scientific research, both in the form of empirical research in fields related to business and management applications. Editors can revise the paper without changing the substance and content after a blind review&nbsp;process. The articles sent by the author must be an original script and is not being considered&nbsp;for publication by other journal or publishers.</p> <p>Download the <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OLTGLqQK5JT6SdIqRD-D11EmVqMhWwRp">Submissions Guidelines</a>&nbsp; and Author Guidelines <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=19FgVW0uOLqScyAVQU42SE_bM50rN7_1d">[Bahasa]</a> <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KzOiE8mCF8CYpeDnACS4WOLFBhX4q40_">[English]</a></p> <p>P-ISSN: <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1469435578&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2528-5149</a><br>E-ISSN: <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1439371234&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2460-7819</a></p> School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB) en-US Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2528-5149 Customer Loyalty Based on Service Quality, Banking Image, and Fairness Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/54890 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Technological advances have impacted intense business competition in the banking world, requiring all banks to compete in updating systems to maintain customer loyalty, which is essential to a business' success. Influencingtors influencing customer loyalty are service quality, banking image, and fairness. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is to examine how customer satisfaction functions as a mediating factor between service quality, banking image, fairness and customer loyalty. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> Quantitative methods are used in this study. The population consists of Bank Muamalat customers. Accidental sampling was utilized as a research sampling method. The sample amounted to 210 respondents with research data using primary data. The SmartPLS 3.3 analysis tool was used to assist this research. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The findings of this study show that CARTER service quality can significantly improve customer loyalty at Bank Muamalat Malang. A favorable banking image has a strong positive impact on customer loyalty. Likewise, the Maqashid Syari'ah Index (MSI) fairness concept can have a direct impact on consumer loyalty. In addition, the study's findings suggest that customer happiness can mediate the impact of service quality, image, and fairness on customer loyalty. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study shows that service quality and banking image have a substantial impact on customer loyalty. At the same time, the concept of fairness has a substantial impact on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction can mediate the impact of service quality, banking image, and the concept of fairness on customer loyalty. <br><strong>Originality/Value (State of The Art):</strong> This study attempts to explain service quality based on an Islamic perspective; it is hoped that this model development will reduce the scarcity of literature on service quality.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> service quality, banking image, fairness, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction</p> Abdul Fatah Rusydi Muhtadi Ridwan Vivin Maharani Ekowati Achmad Sani Supriyanto Fuadah Binti Johari Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 717 717 10.17358/jabm.10.3.717 Building Sustainability Strategies in The Creative Culinary Industry Sector To Enhance Tourist Destination Attraction in Semarang Regency https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/52302 <p><strong>Backgroud:</strong> The creative culinary industry plays a vital role in enhancing tourist destination attraction, serving as a cultural and culinary gateway for travelers. With growing awareness of sustainability and environmental concerns, it becomes imperative to investigate the development of sustainability strategies in this sector.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study focuses on Semarang Regency, a burgeoning tourist destination, to assess the impact of sustainability strategies on attracting and retaining visitors.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This quantitative research study was conducted with a sample of 250 respondents, comprising owners and managers of the culinary industry. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with WarpPLS 7.0 software.<br><strong>Finding/Result:</strong> The research unveiled significant relationships between sustainability strategies and tourist attraction. Environmental values were identified as a key driver, significantly influencing both cognitive and affective images. Additionally, low-carbon knowledge played a crucial role in shaping these images, highlighting the importance of eco-friendly practices and awareness in enhancing the industry's image. Cognitive and affective images were found to significantly contribute to the overall image of the sector, emphasizing their importance in shaping perceptions of sustainability efforts.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> These findings provide valuable insights for stakeholders in the creative culinary industry who are seeking to develop and implement sustainability strategies that enhance the attractiveness of tourist destinations in Semarang Regency.<br><strong>Original/value (State of the art):</strong> This study contributes to the understanding of how sustainability strategies can be effectively integrated into the creative culinary industry to boost tourist destination appeal.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> business strategy, sustainability strategies, tourist destination, creative industry, Semarang</p> Nurchayati Bambang Riyadi Lisa Efri Yunita Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 727 727 10.17358/jabm.10.3.727 How Do Executives Benefit From Investment Efficiency? Investigating The Use of Accounting Performance-Based Pay: Evidence From Indonesia https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/53135 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Investment efficiency is expected to mitigate agency problems in investment decision-making. However, the role of investment efficiency in accounting performance-based pay is less well-known. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study investigates the moderating effects of investment efficiency on the nexus between accounting performance and executive compensation, which is termed accounting performance-based pay. We predict that executives at firms with more investment efficiency will receive a higher accounting performance-based pay. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study uses a sample comprising 888 firm-year observations of non-financial companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2010 to 2018.<br><strong>Finding/result:</strong> Using the level of investment efficiency and executive cash compensation as measures, we find that executive accounting performance-based pay significantly increases in investment-efficient firms. We also find that the association between investment efficiency and accounting pay-for-performance sensitivity is consistent with a robustness check using a different measure of investment efficiency. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Our findings suggest that Indonesian firms generally incorporate relative investment efficiency when designing executive compensation contracts. <br><strong>Originality/value (state of the art):</strong> This study fills an important gap in the literature on the role of investment efficiency and the use of accounting performance-based pay to address empirical evidence of the incentive alignment effect of strategic decision-making.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> accounting performance-based pay, efficient use of resources, executive compensation, investment, investment efficiency</p> Aang Kunaifi I Made Narsa Ardianto Ardianto Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 737 737 10.17358/jabm.10.3.737 The Influence of Personal Norms and Tax Compliance Intentions on The Tax Compliance Behavior of MSME Actors https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/56321 <p><strong>Background:</strong> MSMEs dominate the Indonesian economy. The growth of MSMEs shows that the number of MSMEs is quite large and continues to increase every year, thus indicating that MSMEs may be able to generate tax revenue. Semarang City is no exception. However, the problem is that MSMEs still view taxes as a burden that must be minimized and there is a lack of supervision from the tax authorities. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The aim of the research is to determine the influence of personal norms and tax compliance intentions on tax compliance behavior in MSMEs for processed agricultural products in Semarang City. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The researcher used TPB. The idea that social and moral norms originate from subjective norms is examined in this study. Social norms focus more on providing social expectations and often aim to maintain harmony in a group or society, originate from society or social groups, and are often taught or enforced through socialization, social supervision, and social sanctions. Moral norms focus on behavior that is considered right or wrong from a moral or ethical perspective, are often related to a sense of personal responsibility or justice, originate from internal values, ethics, religion, or philosophy believed by the individual, and can vary from one individual to another, although they are often also influenced by certain religious or philosophical teachings. Three variables personal norms, intentions, and behavior, were used in this study. The questionnaires were given to UMKM taxpayers for processed agricultural products in Semarang City, totaling 120 respondents. PLS-SEM was used for the analysis.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The first hypothesis is that personal norms have an impact on intentions. The second hypothesis is accepted which shows that tax compliance intentions have a positive and significant influence on tax compliance behavior. The Influence of Personal Norms on Intention where the statistical value for the personal norm and intention variables are respectively, the P value is 0.000 &lt; 0.050 and the T statistic value is 7.706 &gt; 1.96 so that the hypothesis is accepted. The Influence of Intention on Behavior, where the P value is 0.002 &lt; 0.050 and the T statistic value is 3.117 &gt; 1.96 so that the hypothesis is accepted. The Influence of Personal Norms on Behavior, where the P value is 0.000 &lt; 0.050 and the T statistic value is 4.010 &gt; 1.96 so that the third hypothesis - namely, that personal norms have a major impact on behavior is accepted. The Influence of Intention on Behavior where the P value is 0.002 &lt; 0.050 and the T statistic value is 3.117 &gt; 1.96 so that the hypothesis of intention has a major impact on behavior is accepted by the test.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The behavior is very positively influenced by personal norms and the intention to comply with taxes in MSMEs for processed agricultural products in the city of Semarang. The implications are: The Importance of Tax Education and Counseling, The Role of Moral and Ethical Values in Tax Compliance, The Influence of the Social Environment, The Need to Improve the Perception of Ease in Paying Taxes. <br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Originality/value of this research is that this research highlights the importance of education and counseling about taxes for MSMEs, as well as the need for policies that support and facilitate the taxation process for this sector.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> tax compliance, agricultural products, MSMEs, personnel norms, social norms</p> Aprih Santoso Susanto R. Dwi Widi Pratito Vensy Vydia Cristino Gusmao Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 748 748 10.17358/jabm.10.3.748 Synergy of Environmental Education Programs at The Bodogol Nature Conservation Education Center, Complementing The Independent Curriculum at Junior High Schools https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/59353 <p><strong>Background:</strong> The global environmental crisis needs fundamental changes in people's attitudes and behaviors towards sustainability. The Bodogol Nature Conservation Education Center (PPKAB) in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park has significant potential to support environmental education but remains underutilized due to a lack of integration with school curricula. The research problem is that PPKAB’s programs are not fully integrated, leading to suboptimal use and stagnant development. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to develop a synergy between PPKAB’s environmental education programs and the Independent Curriculum for junior high schools. <br><strong>Design/Methodology:</strong> The Study is a quantitative and descriptive qualitative. Utilizing the Analysis of Operational Areas and Natural Tourism Objects and Attractions (ADO-ODTWA) method, and involving ten including academics, business, community, government and media, the study assessed the feasibility and developed a synergy matrix. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The findings indicated a feasibility score of 76,3%, suggesting suitability for developing educational programs. The research recommends developing two environmental education synergy programs, namely School Visit Synergy and School Visits, to complement the independent curriculum at junior high school (SMP). <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> As a conclusion, it is highly advised integrating PPKAB’s programs with school curricula to improve environmental education quality at the junior high level. This research produced significant results in environmental education.<br><strong>Originality/Value (State of the art):</strong> The added value of this research is that it emphasizes the business potential of ecotourism in supporting local economies and conservation efforts through strategic partnerships and innovative program development.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> ecotourism, environmental education, independent curriculum, program synergy, the bodogol nature conservation education center</p> Hapriza Aprilia Rinekso Soekmadi Hadi Susilo Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 757 757 10.17358/jabm.10.3.757 Factors Affecting Continuance Intention Towards Adoption of Linkaja Mobile Payment https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/52809 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Technological developments make all activities easy, practical, and efficient, one of which occurs in instruments and payment systems that can be accessed mobile using a smartphone. LinkAja is one of the many mobile payment services in Indonesia<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study examines the factors in the modified UTAUT2 model and factors affecting continuance intention in using LinkAja. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The research analyzes the impact of factors within the modified UTAUT2 model on influencing continuance intention in using LinkAja, understanding respondent characteristics, and formulating managerial implications to enhance the continued use of LinkAja. The study involved 200 respondents who have used LinkAja, selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected through online questionnaires, and the analysis was conducted using Covariance-based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM).<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of this research reveal that time savings, user-friendliness, the influence of individuals' highly valued smartphone ownership, enthusiasm, cost savings, routines, and habits are crucial factors identified in the modified UTAUT2 model. Continuing to use LinkAja over alternatives is the key to continuance intention in using LinkAja. Performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, and habit significantly affect continuance intention in using LinkAja.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study identifies key factors from the modified UTAUT2 model that significantly affect the continuance intention of using LinkAja, such as performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, and habit. Managerial implications suggest that enhancing application reliability, introducing innovative features, and forming strategic partnerships can promote continued use of LinkAja.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research uniquely applies a modified UTAUT2 model to mobile payments in Indonesia, identifying critical factors influencing the continued use of LinkAja. It enriches academic understanding and offers practical strategies for improving mobile payment systems.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> CB SEM, Continuance Intention, LinkAja, Mobile Payment, UTAUT2</p> Muhammad Damar Hafizh Arif Imam Suroso Joko Ratono Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 768 768 10.17358/jabm.10.3.768 Optimizing Job Performance Through Perceived Organizational Support and Self Efficacy: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/53161 <p><strong>Background:</strong> This research examines the importance of perceived organizational support (POS) and self efficacy (SE) in optimizing job performance (JP) through work wngagement (WE) in medical recorders. Optimal performance of medical recorders will have an impact on improving the quality of health services.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This paper aims to determine the effects of POS and SE on WE and JP, the effect of WE on JP, and also the mediating role of WE between POS and SE on JP in medical recorders. <br><strong>Design/Methodology/Approach:</strong> Data was gathered based on census with the help of a structured questionnaire from 161 medical recorders who are members of PORMIKI group in Yogyakarta. SmartPLS was used to test the proposed structural model.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The findings revealed that POS has a positively significant effect on WE. Additionally, SE has a positively significant effect on WE. However, POS does not have a direct effect on JP. Conversely, SE has a positively significant effect on JP. Moreover, WE has a positively significant effect on JP. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> WE has an important role in mediating POS and SE towards JP. Practical implications suggest that management can create policies that imply justice and productivity. As practitioners, medical recorders should upgrade themselves to improve their performance.<br><strong>Originality/Value (state of the art):</strong> This study contributes toward JP to adding knowledge and providing insight into the mediating role of WE for medical recorders in healthcare, which prior studies only focused on non-health institutions or companies. In addition, this research highlights the combination of four interrelated variables.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> job performance, medical recorder, perceived organizational support, self efficacy, work engagement</p> Anisa Indigovera Wargoputri Rr. Sri Handari Wahyuningsih Arni Surwanti Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 780 780 10.17358/jabm.10.3.780 Exploring The Employee Characteristics On Employee Engagement and Performance Towards Organizational Performance of Central Bank https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/55050 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Bank Indonesia, as the central bank with a special task of maintaining financial system stability and macroeconomic policy, must be supported by good human resources. In this case, talent management becomes an important part in the recruitment of quality human resources by Bank Indonesia.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study examines the relationship between employee characteristics and key talent outcomes, including employee engagement, employee performance, and organizational performance, at Bank Indonesia.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The research employs a quantitative approach, utilizing data collected through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions from 30 work units at the head office, 46 domestic representative offices, and five foreign representative offices. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests are used to analyze the associations between respondent profiles and the research variables.<br><strong>Findings/Results:</strong> The results reveal significant relationships between several employee characteristics (e.g., generation, rank, tenure, age, employment status, sector) and the studied variables.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The findings highlight the importance of considering employee demographics in talent management strategies to foster engagement, optimize performance, and enhance organizational effectiveness in central banks.<br><strong>Originality/value (state of the art):</strong> This study contributes to the existing literature on talent management in central banks and offers a foundation for further research and evidence-based practices in diverse organizational contexts.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> central bank, employee engagement, employee performance, organizational performance, talent management</p> Imam Hartono Lukman M. Baga Rizal Syarief Anggraini Sukmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 790 790 10.17358/jabm.10.3.790 Adopting Sustainability: The Role of Motivation and Intention to Forming Green Behavior https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/52256 <p><strong>Background:</strong> In the midst of increasingly worrying environmental conditions, various actions are needed from both individual and organizational sides in determining their behavior. All behavior is believed to have an impact on the environment, depending on the behavior itself. It was discovered that employee green behavior (EGB), was used as an instrument to realize corporate sustainability.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to determine the influence of employee knowledge and awareness on EGB, which is mediated by the factors of green motivation and behavioral intentions.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This research uses primary data taken from a survey from a state-owned company in Indonesia running in the energy sector, disguised as XYZ Company. The sample used was 422 employees. The data analysis was conducted by structural equation modeling (SEM) with Lisrel 8.80.<br><strong>Finding/result:</strong> This research found that green motivation and behavioral intentions were proven to significantly mediate the relationship between employee knowledge and awareness on employee green behavior. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This research has deep implications in enriching the perspective of implementing environmentally friendly behavior in the business environment and strengthening managerial management by providing comprehensive considerations for management in realizing environmentally friendly business processes as a whole, especially in the field of human resource management.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research fills the empirical gap by providing research in the energy sector and increasing the number of samples used from previous research.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> behavioral intention, green behavior, green motivation, knowledge and awareness, sustainability</p> Khrisna Vembri Yudanto Fanny Martdianty Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 801 801 10.17358/jabm.10.3.801 The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Satisfaction: Hospitaly Contex https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/53072 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Human resource management (HRM) practices are essential tools employed by hotel management to achieve organizational objectives.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The aim of this study was to investigate how HRM practices impact job satisfaction and employee retention in the hotel industry in Indonesia.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study used a completely random sample of 361 hotel employees from Indonesia. This study employed regression modeling on online survey collected data. <br><strong>Findings/Results:</strong> Research has demonstrated that human resource management (HRM) practices, including job security, empowerment, training, and quality of work life, have a substantial influence on employee retention rates. Furthermore, job satisfaction emerges as another critical determinant of the duration employees choose to stay with their present employer.<br><strong>Conclusions:</strong> Furthermore, the results of the regression analysis indicate that there is a direct link between HRM practices and employee retention. However, this connection is significantly stronger when job satisfaction levels are initially increased. As a result, effective HRM practices have been shown to enhance employee satisfaction, leading to greater loyalty and commitment to the company.<br><strong>Originality/value (state of the art):</strong> This study aims to enhance our understanding of the relationships between human resource management (HRM) practices, employee satisfaction, and employee retention. While previous research on the connection between HRM practices and employee satisfaction is limited, this study is noteworthy for exploring the effects of four dimensions of HRM practices on employee satisfaction, and how this in turn impacts employee retention.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> employee satisfaction, hospitality organizations, HRM practices, regression analysis, retention</p> Paniran Paniran Juliansyah Noor Soleh Soleh Mukhtar Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 813 813 10.17358/jabm.10.3.813 The Influence of Consumer Knowledge of Halal Supply Chain Practices on Purchase Intention in Halal Personal Care & Beauty Products https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/54576 <p><strong>Background:</strong> As a country with the largest Moslem population in the world, halal products are in demand in Indonesia, and manufacturers need to start implementing halal supply chain practices to ensure that their products meet the halal standards of Moslem communities. Consumer knowledge about the Halal Supply Chain is now more essential, ensuring product compliance with halal standards and religious integrity. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research analyzes the influence of consumers' knowledge about the Halal Supply Chain (such as sourcing, production, handling and storage, logistics and packaging, and retailing) on purchase intention for personal care and beauty products. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The research uses an explanatory quantitative approach through an online survey with instrument test analysis, and hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression. Data were collected using convenience sampling and the snowball approach. <br><strong>Findings/results:</strong> The results of statistical tests on 104 valid consumer data show that halal resourcing positively influences consumers' purchasing interest in personal care and beauty products. Meanwhile, there needs to be more evidence that other aspects, namely halal sourcing, production, handling and storage, logistics and packaging, and retailing, positively affect purchasing interest. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Developing a halal supply chain will be one strategy for responding to market demands. This requires producers to carry out production, storage, and delivery in a halal manner or under Islamic law. This research shows that consumer knowledge about halal raw materials significantly affects their intention to purchase halal personal care and beauty products. Managers must ensure that information about halal raw materials is communicated to consumers because it will attract their buying interest. Further research could enrich the results of this study with data from companies’ perspectives. <br><strong>Originality/value (state of the art):</strong> This research highlights the importance of consumer knowledge of halal supply chain practices in influencing purchasing interest in halal personal care and beauty products. Consumer understanding regarding halal products and halal supply chain practices is key to understanding increasingly religious purchasing behavior in Indonesia. This research contributes to supply chain management literature in the field of Halal Supply Chain as well as to Indonesian companies in the personal care and beauty industry.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> purchase intentions, halal logistics, halal resourcing, halal supply chain, personal care and beauty products</p> Yayang Adiningtyas Erlinda Yunus Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 823 823 10.17358/jabm.10.3.823 Storytelling Marketing Design of Wanaland Coffee Roastery To Improve Brand Awareness https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/46241 <p><strong>Background:</strong> The trend of coffee consumption in Indonesia encourages many business players in the coffee industry. Storytelling marketing is one of the tools that can be used to build brand awareness and, in the long run, will encourage consumer buying interest. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to identify business activities and brand awareness levels and provide a storytelling marketing design for Wanaland Coffee Roastery.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> Data was collected through in-depth interviews, online surveys, and literature studies. Quantitative data processing and descriptive statistics results are then analyzed using value chain analysis tools, brand awareness pyramids, and marketing storytelling.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of this study are in business activities, Wanaland Coffee Roastery sells coffee in the form of beans offline and online. The promotional media used are Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and word-of-mouth. Brand awareness that is derived from promotional activities that have been carried out is still minimal, so storytelling marketing is used to increase brand awareness. Storytelling design was organized into three scenarios by utilizing five digital communication channels: website, social media, Google My Business, e-commerce, and SEO/SEM.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Based on the research results, consumer brand awareness is still low. Therefore, the marketing storytelling design in this study is needed to increase brand awareness.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Research conducted at Wanaland Coffee Roastery using a storytelling marketing strategy is the novelty of this research because no similar research has been found.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> brand awareness, coffee business, digital marketing, storytelling, value chain analysis</p> Muhammad Chosasih Mahendra Retnaningsih Adhitya Rahmana Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 834 834 10.17358/jabm.10.3.834 Digital Literacy on SME Business Performance and The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Skills https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/53511 <p><strong>Background:</strong> In the digital era, SMEs must adapt to technological advancements to remain competitive. Digital literacy is increasingly recognized as a crucial factor in enhancing entrepreneurial skills and business performance. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The aim is to uncover how improving digital literacy can lead to better business outcomes for SMEs. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The research targeted 101 SMEs from manufacturing and trade sectors in the Greater Solo area. Data were collected through online surveys and offline methods. Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) was used to test the hypotheses.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The study found that digital literacy positively affects the development of entrepreneurial skills, which in turn enhances business performance. Performance was measured through revenue growth, profitability, market share, and customer satisfaction. Digital literacy is a key driver of entrepreneurial skills development and improved business performance in SMEs. Investing in digital literacy can significantly enhance SMEs' competitive edge and overall success.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The research concludes that digital technology is vital for improving SMEs' performance and competitiveness by expanding market access, attracting customers, and increasing sales. Additionally, digital literacy is crucial for enhancing operational efficiency, product and service innovation, and customer communication.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> The research broadens the understanding of digital literacy, positioning it as more than just a technical skill. It shows that digital literacy equips SMEs with essential tools for market access, operational efficiency, innovation, and customer communication. By linking digital literacy to strategic business study highlights its critical importance in navigating the modern digital economy.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> digital literacy, entrepreneurial skills, business performance, SMEs, digital era</p> Intan Novela Q.A Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri Asri Laksmi Riani Suryandari Istiqomah Anastasia Riani Suprapti Mugi Harsono Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 847 847 10.17358/jabm.10.3.847 Factors Influencing The Use of QRIS in Digital Transactions https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/53096 <p><strong>Background:</strong> QRIS as a payment method through QR codes has emerged as one of the products initiated by the implementation of the Indonesian Payment System Blueprint (SPI). <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of QRIS is to expand the efficient acceptance of non-cash payments, focusing on traditional mass economic functions (such as traditional markets and MSMEs). <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The analysis in this research utilized Partial Least Square Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results indicate that habit and hedonic motivation variables have a significant positive influence on behavioral intention, while usage barriers have a significant negative impact on behavioral intention. Furthermore, habit and facilitating conditions variables have a significant positive impact on use behavior. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The findings highlight that the decision to use QRIS is largely habitual, influenced by prior experiences and quick decision-making (Hedonic Motivation) at the point of transaction. The decision-making process is no longer lengthy, as QR-based payment systems were already familiar before QRIS implementation in Indonesia.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> The approach of simultaneously measuring acceptance factors and barriers is still rarely employed in technology adoption studies. Evaluating both factors concurrently can provide a more comprehensive assessment of the technology adoption process.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> UTAUT 2, IRT, digital transaction, QRIS, technology acceptance</p> Fadhil Muhammad Arif Imam Suroso Setiadi Djohar Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 858 858 10.17358/jabm.10.3.858 Factors Affecting The Frequency and Amount of Purchase Value in Online Food Delivery Apps https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/52953 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Currently, the trend of using online food delivery applications in Indonesia is growing. Many people are buying food or simply searching for information about available restaurants through food delivery apps. Indonesia itself has become one of the countries with the highest number of internet users utilizing online food delivery applications in the world.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to determine the factors that influence repeat purchase decisions on online food delivery applications, which are based on purchase frequency and total purchase value. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis and logistic regression analysis. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The research results showed that product intrinsic factors and loyalty had a significant effect on purchase frequency, while product extrinsic factors, motivation factors, and situational factors did not have a significant effect on purchase frequency. Situational factors and loyalty have a significant effect on the total purchase value, while product intrinsic factors, product extrinsic factors, and motivation factors do not significantly influence the total purchase value.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This research shows that a person's purchase frequency is influenced by the intrinsic qualities of the product being sold and by loyalty, where the individual is accustomed to buying the product. Additionally, the total purchase value on food delivery apps is influenced by situational factors and loyalty, where situational factors, such as ongoing promotions, also have a significant impact.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research attempts to explain which factors can influence a person in purchasing a product based on the purchase frequency and the total purchase value.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> loyalty factors, product intrinsic factors, purchase frequency, situation factors, total purchase value</p> Salman Fauzan Shidqi Ujang Sumarwan Popong Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 871 871 10.17358/jabm.10.3.871 How Organizational Citizenship Behavior Stimulant: Transformational Leadership Identification Model Approaches https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/55200 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Workers with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) are more likely to put in more effort and go above and beyond what is required of them. Workers who accept the company's aims and values and step up their efforts to work hard for the company's advantage, and are proud of their company, the employee's willingness to take on a role that exceeds his main role in an organization, is referred to as extra-role behavior. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to analyze the influence of Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with Organizational Commitment as a mediating variable in National Gas Company. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The data collection method uses a survey method, with the research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The analysis used is statistical analysis in the form of SEM-PLS.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of this research prove that transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on OCB, the impact of job satisfaction on overall corporate branding (OCB) is both positive and not significant. However, the combination of job satisfaction and transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, which in turn has a positive and significant effect on OCB. While organizational commitment cannot mediate the influence of job satisfaction on OCB, it can partially mediate the influence of transformational leadership on OCB.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Leaders who have the ability to lead with a good transformational style will create an atmosphere of OCB among most of their employees, including employee work engagement will increase if the organization has a transformational leadership style. Including high and low job satisfaction does not affect the high or low level of employee OCB. Satisfied workers often exhibit high OCB behavior, which improves overall business success in the long run. This condition can trigger an increase in individual performance which will ultimately improve overall organizational performance.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> The study's intriguing conclusion is that there is no significant relationship between work satisfaction and OCB. This condition is possible because employees are able to behave in ways that exceed what is standardized by the employees themselves (beyond expectations), so that high job satisfaction does not necessarily encourage someone to carry out OCB as expected company.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> transformational leadership, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), organizational commitment, SEM-PLS</p> Mochamad Soelton Agus Arijanto Yanto Ramli Suprapto Irmayunita Subur Karyatun Anees Janee Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 883 883 10.17358/jabm.10.3.883 Determinants of Indonesian Government Bond Yield https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/59354 <p><strong>Background:</strong> The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the bond market in early 2020. As the pandemic unfolded, there was a surge in uncertainty and risk aversion among investors. One of the important factors used by investors when buying or investing in government bond instruments is the yield. Although considered a relatively risk-free alternative due to government guarantees, government bonds have other risks influenced by factors outside the bonds themselves. These factors include domestic and international economic conditions such as exchange rate risk, domestic and international interest rate risk, and other global events like the COVID-19 pandemic. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to analyze the factors affecting the yield of Indonesian government bonds with maturities of 5, 10, and 30 This research was conducted to identify factors that influence government bond yields using a symmetric approach with the ARDL model. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This research was conducted to identify factors that influence government bond yields using a symmetric approach using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. These factors included the short-term interest rate, consumer price index, industrial production index, exchange rate, BI rate, stock price index, foreign exchange reserves, the Fed rate, the world oil price and US bond yields.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The industrial production index was found to have a significant negative effect on yields, while the stock price index was found to have a significant positive effect. There was no significant long-term effect of world oil prices on yields; the effect was only present in the short term. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted yields in the short term. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bond yields is related to the perception of risk regarding a country's economic uncertainty.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Indonesian government bond yields in the long term were influenced by almost all observed variables, except for world oil prices. The impact of world oil prices and the COVID-19 pandemic was found to occur only in the short term. Foreign exchange reserves were the main factor affecting 5-year bond yields, while the exchange rate was the primary factor influencing the yields of 10- and 30-year bonds. The BI rate and the Fed rate significantly impacted all three bond yields in the long term. Investors needed to be responsive to yield fluctuations and conduct thorough risk analyses to make informed investment decisions regarding government bonds.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This study contributes significantly to the understanding of the dynamic and complex interactions between domestic and global economic factors that affect Indonesian government bond yields. By using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) methodology, this research integrates both short-term and long-term factors, focusing on multiple bond maturities (5, 10, and 30 years).</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> ARDL, domestic economics, global risk, government bonds, yield</p> Hestiani Wulandari Noer Azam Achsani Moch. Hadi Santoso Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 895 895 10.17358/jabm.10.3.895 Mapping Supply Chain Risks and Resilience Strategies For Startups Using The SCOR and FMEA Model: An Innovation Hub Perspective https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/55335 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Startups often encounter significant challenges in developing sustainable and efficient supply chain operations, particularly when resources are scarce and the business environment is in flux. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study explores supply chain risks and resilience strategies within the vibrant startup ecosystem of the IPB (Institut Pertanian Bogor) Startup Innovation Hub in West Java, Indonesia. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the research includes questionnaires, interviews, and analytical techniques such as Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify and prioritize risks. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The findings reveal that effective supply chain resilience strategies for startups should focus on maintaining quality, enhancing flexibility and promoting sustainability. The analysis highlights that planning processes are particularly vulnerable, underscoring the need for robust forecasting and improved coordination. Innovation hubs are critical in supporting entrepreneurial growth by providing resources and facilitating networking. To navigate these challenges, the study recommends the implementation of a comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management framework and the cultivation of a risk-aware culture.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> By continuously refining their risk management strategies, startups can enhance their resilience, promote sustainability, and improve their capacity to manage supply chain disruptions, thereby boosting their growth potential in the innovation landscape. <br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This study is distinguished by its focus on the IPB Startup Centre innovation hub the research offers a cross-sectoral analysis of startups within a single innovation hub which allows the study to identify differences in supply chain risks across various startup types, contributing to a more inclusive understanding of risk management in entrepreneurial ecosystems.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> innovation hub, startups, supply chain resilience, supply chain risk</p> Armah Kemi Daisy Alim Setiwan Slamet Eko Ruddy Cahyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 908 908 10.17358/jabm.10.3.908 Subjective Career Success in The Modern Career: A Parallel Mediation of Perceived Internal and External Employability https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/55286 <p><strong>Background:</strong> There has been a notable shift in career theory, whereby traditional career paths, which were largely determined by an employee's initial training and investment from the employer, have shifted towards modern career paths that are largely guided by the employee themselves. This shift is accompanied by a change in the contemporary workforce, where success is now characterised by a stronger focus on subjective aspects. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study investigates the impact of perceived organizational support and perceived employability on the subjective career success among independent workers in Hajj and Umrah travel companies in West Sumatra. It also explores the parallel mediating effects of perceived internal and external employability. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This quantitative investigation was conducted using a survey approach. The study involved 210 participants, and data collection was conducted through the utilisation of a questionnaire. To test the hypotheses, a quantitative approach incorporating structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed using SmartPLS 4.0. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The research findings indicate that perceived organizational support has a positive influence on subjective career success. We also discovered that perceived external employability influenced subjective career success, whereas perceived internal employability did not. The results also show that perceived external employability plays a mediating role in the relationship between perceived organizational support and subjective career success. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The research findings indicate that individuals exhibit a higher level of sensitivity towards their subjective career success when it comes to external options, as opposed to internal ones. <br><strong>Originality/value (state of the art):</strong> This study expands the existing literature by exploring parallel the mediation of perceived internal and external employability.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> independent workers, perceived internall employability, perceived externall employability, perceived organizationall support, subjective career successs</p> Syahrizal Syahrizal Tika Rahma Yani Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 920 920 10.17358/jabm.10.3.920 The Effects of Employee Relations, Workplace Well-Being, and Compensation on Turnover Intentions: The Mediation Role of Work Stress https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/50641 <p><strong>Background:</strong> An employee who works at a company may intend to resign from his job for various reasons. Employee Turnover Intention (TI) occurs because it is related to career commitment and the expected utility of the current job in achieving valuable career outcomes. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to determine the impact of work relationships, workplace welfare, and compensation on TI mediated by work stress.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> PT PICID MM Bogor was used as the research object, and as many as 135 factory employees were respondents. The analysis technique used for hypothesis testing is the Structural Equation Model (SEM)-Partial Least Square (PLS).<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The research found that work relationships positively affected work stress, while TI did not. Workplace well-being does not affect work stress, while TI has a positive impact. Compensation has a positive effect on TI and work stress. Job stress directly influences TI and indirectly mediates the influence of employee relations and compensation on TI.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Employee relations have a positive impact on work stress. That is, there is a good employee relationship so that employees have positive perceptions or experience stress towards their work. Employee relations do not affect TI. Employee relations do not cause employees to decide to move to another company. Workplace well-being does not affect work stress. Employees feel well-being but do not experience prolonged negative stress. Workplace well-being has a positive impact on TI. The well-being experienced by employees at work causes work stress and has the potential for employees to experience TI.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This study considers work stress a mediating variable of work relationship factors, workplace well-being, and compensation about turnover intentions. The findings contribute significantly to developing previous empirical literature on human resource management regarding the relationship between work stress and TI.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> employee turnover intention, job satisfaction, job stress, SEM-PLS</p> Tine Yuliantini Abdul Rahmat Eri Marlapa Fadhila Dhia Malihah Endri Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 931 931 10.17358/jabm.10.3.931 Business Development Strategy of Beverage Powder Company https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/59360 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Indonesia is currently experiencing the fourth wave of the coffee trend, characterized by a sharp increase in the market size of the coffee shop business. This growth is due to the ease of starting a coffee business and the emergence of digital businesses. Coffee trends have triggered an increase in domestic consumption of coffee and other drinks like chocolate and tea. The powdered beverage industry as a supporting ingredient for beverage shops has also increased with the rapid growth of modern drinks. In the last five years, this business has also increased following the growth of the ready-to-drink coffee business. Frezzo is one of the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of powdered beverage that enters the medium industry category which is quite strong in the B-to-B segment. Meanwhile, Frezzo is experiencing idle capacity and achieving low market share in beverage industry. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The objective of the research is to focus on the challenges encountered by PT Frezzo. The challenges include optimizing production capacity and market share in the rapidly evolving beverage industry through analyzing both conditions, internal and external, that influence the business growth of Frezzo Powder. This research aims to develop priorities that strategic for Frezzo’s business advancement, as well. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This research describes analytical tools used to solve the problems which include Business Model Canvas (BMC); Porter's Five Forces; Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT); Internal External Matrix (IE Matrix) and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of the analysis found that Frezzo had weaknesses in the retail sales aspect, lack of promotion and marketing network. The study concludes that there are priority strategies can be mapped into a new business model that should be applied rapidly. The priority strategies involve addition of new partnerships to cooperate with, such hotels, restaurants and cafes (horeca). Another priority is addition of Frezzo outlets and retailers in considerable towns. And then, new product differentiation in practical drinks, size variations, along with intense advertisement and promotions via Google, TikTok and YouTube. The last priority is addition of horeca sales representatives and procurement of fully automatic machines.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> To optimize production capacity and market share in the rapidly evolving beverage industry, company focus market penetration through infiltration of market comprises activities of promoting, discount or reduction of price, and comprehensive in distributing product. In this case, the activities of market penetration are conducted by extending avenues in reseller and Frezzo stores.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research is useful for similar companies to provide an overview for business development by taking advantage of opportunities, level of competition and alternative strategies according to market segments and company characteristics.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> beverage industry, beverage shops, priority strategies, Frezzo, business development </p> M. Zaenal Mahasin Hartoyo Rokhani Hasbullah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 942 942 10.17358/jabm.10.3.942 Dynamics of the Cadastre System: An Analysis of Challenges and Evaluation of Cadastre Implementation in Various Regions of Indonesia https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/57950 <p><strong>Background:</strong> The implementation of the land cadastre system in Indonesia presents complex social, economic, and political implications. Despite its formal establishment, the system continues to face substantial challenges across various regions. The persistently low levels of land registration in certain areas underscore significant deficiencies in the system's execution, potentially heightening legal ambiguities and intensifying agrarian conflicts.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study analyzes the issues of Indonesia's cadastre system and evaluates its implementation across various regions from the perspectives of land valuation, technology utilization, and stakeholder involvement.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study employs a qualitative approach. A total of 428 respondents, all of whom represent state officials within the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) at various levels, participated in the study. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive analysis by comparing the issues and implementation of the land cadastre system across the Western, Central, and Eastern regions of Indonesia.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The national cadastral system in Indonesia is plagued by five primary issues: overlapping land certificates, outdated and inaccurate land data, incomplete land registration, imprecise boundary mapping, and inconsistent coordinate measurements, which are also prevalent at the local level. These challenges are exacerbated by significant regional disparities, with Eastern Indonesia showing the lowest levels of land registration and technology adoption, in stark contrast to the more developed Western and Central regions.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Indonesia's cadastral system faces critical challenges, including legal uncertainties, overlapping land certificates, and outdated data, which are exacerbated by significant regional disparities, particularly in Eastern Indonesia. To address these issues, it is essential to implement targeted reforms that enhance local government capacity, integrate advanced technology, and ensure public participation, thereby improving cadastral accuracy and equity across regions. These efforts are crucial for ensuring legal certainty, reducing agrarian conflicts, and supporting sustainable land development nationwide.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This study comprehensively maps the issues related to the cadastral system and evaluates the level of cadastral implementation across different regions of Indonesia, categorizing them into Western, Central, and Eastern regions.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> cadastre system, cadastre challenges and issues, regional disparities, cadastral implementation, land valuation</p> Jonahar Joyo Winoto Hermanto Siregar I Wayan Nuka Lantara Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 955 955 10.17358/jabm.10.3.955 Consumer Preferences in Developing Derivative Product of Gluten Free Bread Cookly https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/53163 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Cookly is a bread manufacturer that uses cassava as the main ingredient to produce gluten-free products. Cookly requires innovative development of derived products that cater to consumer needs. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to identify consumer characteristics, analyze consumer preferences, and formulate an innovation plan for Cookly gluten-free derived bread products. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The sample for this study consisted of 100 participants selected through purposive and snowball sampling. Data analysis utilized descriptive analysis and conjoint analysis. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The study found that Cookly consumers were evenly distributed in terms of gender, aged between 18-25, mostly unmarried, residing in Bogor, with a high school education, and working as students or employees, with a monthly expenditure ranging from IDR500,000-IDR3,000,000. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The most preferred attribute combination by respondents was a dominant savory taste with relatively low sugar content, a soft texture, bread with color, packaged in environmentally friendly boxes, and priced between IDR10,000-IDR25,000<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Cookly developed a convenient gluten-free bread product, the Gluten-Free Toasted Cassava Bread, with savory flavors offered as signature menu items and a "make your own" option. Additionally, Cookly switched from plastic packaging to eco-friendly packaging and improved production efficiency through the use of new tools and adjustments to raw material restocking schedules.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> bread, conjoint analysis, consumer preferences, gluten free, product development</p> Thania Usamah Balweel Anny Ratnawati Ani Nuraisyah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 967 967 10.17358/jabm.10.3.967 Adoption Internet of Things on Islamic Boarding School: A Systematic Literature Review https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/53418 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Internet of Things in Islamic boarding schools can become an embedded system that aims to expand the use of continuously connected internet connectivity. The importance of IoT modernization in Islamic education is because it eliminates skills gaps and lags. A brief comprehensive review is needed to help researchers and practitioners understand the adoption of internet of things on Islamic boarding school.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to analyze and classify the literature on Internet of Things on Islamic Boarding school. Design/methodology by conducting literature studies published between 2017-2023 in the journal listed in the Journal Citation Report<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This research is analyzed according to a systematic literature review approach involving interpretation-based assessments of research methodologies and critical findings in the study. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The direction of this research is expected in the future to have implications for academics and practitioners. Internet of Things (IoT) brings the potential for significant disruption in various sectors, including education and places such as Islamic boarding schools.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Some of the problems and importance of IoT disruption for Islamic boarding schools include limited human resources where Islamic boarding schools may have limited resources, both in terms of finances and technological infrastructure. Implementing IoT technology requires initial investment and maintenance which can be an additional burden.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> IoT in Islamic boarding schools can become an embedded system that aims to expand the use of continuously connected internet connectivity. The importance of IoT modernization in Islamic education will eliminates skills gaps and lags in the education areas.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> internet of things, islamic boarding school, connectivity, systematic literature review</p> Konita Lutfiyah Mohamad Syamsul Maarif Yudha Heryawan Asnawi Laily Dwi Arsyianti Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 978 978 10.17358/jabm.10.3.978 Impact of Blended Learning Use On Agricultural Entrepreneurship Development https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/59363 <p><strong>Background:</strong> The combination of traditional in-person instruction with online learning components is known as blended learning. The higher education system benefits from blended learning. Mentoring blended learning can help undergraduate students improve their entrepreneurial skills. However, research on the specific benefits of blended learning on the growth of entrepreneurship remains limited in agriculture enterprises, particularly in regions such as Sri Lanka.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is to fill this research gap by investigating how undergraduate agricultural entrepreneurs use blended learning to develop their entrepreneurship.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This research was conducted at the University of Colombo Institute for Agrotechnology and Rural Sciences in Hambantota, Sri Lanka. The university is well-known for its innovative approach to blended learning. The target population consists of agricultural entrepreneurs seeking a bachelor's degree in Agro Technology. The entire population was responsible for data collection (204). The variables for the study were blended learning usage, entrepreneurship development, financial and non-financial aspects, innovativeness, achievement motivation, risk-taking ability, time management, and resourcefulness. Correlation and regression analysis were performed to test the hypothesis of the study.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> Blended learning has a strong positive associate with entrepreneurial development among undergraduate entrepreneurs. When analyzing the key influences on entrepreneurial development in this population via blended learning, time management emerges as the most important predictor. After time management, the ranking from highest to lowest is as follows, risk-taking ability, achievement motivation, resourcefulness, financial elements, non-financial aspects, and finally innovativeness.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> undergraduate entrepreneurs grow their entrepreneurship through blended learning. Time management is the most important one among them all.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Understanding these characteristics is critical to entrepreneurial development in Sri Lanka, particularly in the field of agriculture.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> agriculture, blended learning, entrepreneurship development, time management, undergraduate entrepreneurs</p> B. P Siriwardena L. M Abeywickrama A. L Sandika N. P Vidanapathirana Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 988 988 10.17358/jabm.10.3.988 Examines The Impact of Product And Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction at PT. BMTP With Personal Branding https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/56186 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Factors such as the bank's reputation, visualization of logo and visual identity, communication with consumers, and the unity between the brand's commitment and the customer's real-life encounter. Personal branding refers to the perception and reputation of the bank's employees or representatives as individuals. However, there has been no concrete research on the effect of all three of these factors affects customer satisfaction.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The objective of this study is to fill the void in current research. Knowledge gap and a better understanding of the correlation between the quality of a product as well as the quality of service, and the establishment of a personal brand with customer satisfaction.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study utilized quantitative research methods to perform statistical tests, namely multiple linear regression analysis, employing the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach with the SmartPLS tool. This research was conducted at PT. BMTP, data collected from November to December 2023. The research sample was 120 customer respondents, Data was collected by administering a questionnaire with structure to the respondents based on the scale known as the Likert.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of the conducted study research and hypothesis tests indicated a positive and significant direct impact on variable product quality on variable personal branding, variable quality of service on variable personal branding, and variable personal branding on customer satisfaction. Indirectly, the variable product quality positively and significantly impacts customer satisfaction through intervening variable personnel branding. The variable quality of service positively and significantly impacts customer satisfaction through the intervening variable of personal branding. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study's findings also indicate that personal branding plays a mediating role in the relationship between product and service quality and customer satisfaction. <br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Personal branding can improve customers' perceptions of the company's product and service quality, leading to increased customer satisfaction.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> business competition, banking business, customer access, customer retention, positive brands, purchasing services</p> Andi Nadirah M. Indrawan Suparman Parintak Anne Attas Burhanuddin Harahap Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 998 998 10.17358/jabm.10.3.998 Impact of Tiktok Live Stream Attributes on Social Presence and Behavioral Intention Among Surabaya Users https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/57301 <p><strong>Background:</strong> The use of live streaming on a social commerce platform is now an innovative step for business actors in marketing their products in real-time that can reach a wider market through digitalization. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of livestream attributes on social presence and behavioral intention also aims to determine the effect of motivational mindset as a moderator.<br><strong>Design/Methodology/Approach:</strong> This research uses a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires online using a purposive sampling method to 200 sample respondents who have used and made transactions via live streaming TikTok Shop in Surabaya. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis using the SEM-PLS and the data is processed using Smart PLS. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of the study stated that sociability has a positive significant effect on social presence, while information task fit and visual effect do not have a significant effect on social presence. Social presence has a significant effect on behavioral intention. Promotion focus does not moderate while prevention focus moderates the effect of social presence on the behavioral intention. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Broadcasters need to focus on sociability such as friendliness to create a social presence for potential customers to make purchases.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> The difference is the social commerce used, namely TikTok Shop, and previous studies using QQ and WeChat. This also complements previous research that suggests testing in each country with different societies, such as economic levels, political backgrounds, and cultural backgrounds, especially in Surabaya, Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> live stream attributes; social presence; behavioral intention; online live streaming shopping; motivational mindset</p> Made Nibbana Ganesha Putra Artha Timotius FCW Sutrisno Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 1009 1009 10.17358/jabm.10.3.1009 Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Situasional, Motivasi dan Kompensasi Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/49787 <p><strong>Background:</strong> The competition in the business world is so tight, but the development of manufacturing companies that are increasingly showing that the positive trend is related to the role of leaders who are figures who regulate the company's operational system. HR work productivity will increase through the implementation of the impact program of leadership style, appropriate compensation.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The research examines the impact of situational leadership style, motivation, compensation on employee productivity in the Kudus Wood Manufacturing Industry.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> Using quantitative methods. Data were collected using online questionnaires to production employees. Sampling with Accidental Sampling, obtained 86 respondents using the Slovin method. Data analysis was assisted by IBM SPSS and the analysis was carried out with tests: validity, reliability, classical assumptions, linear regression, coefficient of determination.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results show that situational leadership style, motivation, compensation have a significant effect on employee work productivity in the Kudus Wood Manufacturing Industry.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> These findings can be a reference in making policies for companies to increase compensation so that work productivity increases.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This study helps organizations understand the importance of adapting leadership styles to suit employee needs in order to increase productivity. In addition, it provides insight into how effective motivational strategies, such as recognition, responsibility, and career development opportunities, can increase productivity. Furthermore, the study shows that not only financial compensation, but also non-financial forms of compensation (such as benefits, time off, and work flexibility) have a significant impact.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> situational leadership, work productivity, appropriate compensation, employee productivity, timber industry kudus</p> Yuni Pratikno Bambang Nurakhim Eric Hermawan Maulana Arief Rachman Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 1023 1023 10.17358/jabm.10.3.1023 Rekomendasi Pemberian Layanan Terapi Trombolisis (rt-PA) Untuk Pasien Stroke Iskemik Akut: Pendekatan Pengambilan Keputusan Multi Kriteria https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/51153 <p><strong>Backgroud:</strong> Stroke is a cardiovascular disease classified as a catastrophic and has significant effects on society and the economy. According to data from the World Stroke Organization, 89% of stroke-related death and disabilities occur in low- and middle-income countries (WSO 2022). In Indonesia, stroke continues to be one of the leading causes of mortality and disability. Data from the Global Burden of Diseases Study (2019) and Riskesdas (2018) indicate that 65% of stroke sufferers have a risk of impairment and 15% have a chance of death.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to analyze management policies and implementation of acute ischemic stroke patient management in hospitals and evaluate inter-criteria with multi-criteria decision making. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This research method uses a quantitative approach with a total of 15 respondents from 5 hospitals. Data analysis technique used is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). <br><strong>Finding/Result:</strong> The results of the study show that the effective factor has the highest weight (0.276) in improving thrombolysis therapy service (rt-PA) for acute ischemic stroke patients. Meanwhile, the alternative strategy that becomes the priority in this research is standardizing stroke protocols and pathways with a weight value of (0.275). The AHP processing results in private hospitals prioritizing effective factors or criteria as the main priority, and the alternative strategy in the form of standardizing stroke protocols and pathways becomes the first alternative priority strategy. In government hospitals, the AHP data factor or criteria prioritize tariff and time as the main priority, while the alternative strategy is the formation of a stroke team. The policy implications include tariff adjustments, awareness, and the establishment of standardized stroke protocols and clinical pathways, which also have a positive impact on the outcomes of stroke patients.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> In order to enhance thrombolysis therapy (rt-PA) services for patients with acute ischemic stroke, the most effective factor is the one with the maximum weight, which is (0.276). The alternative strategy that is the top priority in this study outcome is "standardization of stroke protocols and pathways" with a weighted value (0,275).<br><strong>Original/value (State of the art):</strong> In this study, analyze management policies, implement acute ischemic stroke patient treatment in hospitals, and assess the criteria using multi-criteria decision-making. Using 6 criteria: efficacy, feasibility, tariff, time, fairness, and acceptance. The multi-criteria combination and alternative strategies are assessed using AHP to determine the criteria that have the greatest influence on thrombolysis therapy recommendations, and the alternative strategy priority that can improve thrombolysis therapy services.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> clinical pathway, effective factor, stroke patient, tariff, thrombolysis</p> Jidin Abdullah Dikky Indrawan Popong Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 1036 1036 10.17358/jabm.10.3.1036 AHP Approach To Developing a New Natural Toothpaste Product https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/59393 <p><strong>Background:</strong> A new approach to marketing an inventive product is needed as the development of a new natural toothpaste product is challenging. When choosing herbal-based products, consumers value taste and flavor, preferring natural, appealing flavors over synthetic flavors. Health advantages are also noteworthy, especially, herbal smells promote well-being and satisfaction.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The study main objective aimed to examine how the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to create a new natural toothpaste product. The study also aimed to design a strategy for innovative toothpaste commercialization based on nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHAP) and Curcuma aeruginosa.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The AHP technique used to evaluate and prioritize elements of natural ingredient, and consumer preferences. The study framework identified herbal toothpaste benefits with known oral health benefits, such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and desensitizing qualities, as well as consumer preferences for tooth paste. These attributes were ranked according to their performance using the AHP framework.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of the study stated that the new natural toothpaste, based on nanoHAP and Curcuma aeruginosa, was designed based on quality natural ingredients and consumer preference for naturalness, influencing formula design and marketing efforts. The strategy to develop new toothpaste aimed to provide a holistic health solution, emphasizing natural components and general health perspectives. This strategy could capture the attention of the target market and outpace competitors, attracting customers interested in natural health products.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study addresses the possibility of using nanoHAP alongside Curcuma aeruginosa in a natural toothpaste product that can enhance the remineralization and antibacterial characteristics of the dental product. The research suggests incorporating nanoHAP with Curcuma aeruginosa in a natural toothpaste product for holistic health solutions. Strategies include targeted marketing, loyalty programs, and strategic partnerships, ensuring a comprehensive and data-driven approach to reach and engage target audiences.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> The AHP facilitates complete review, data-driven planning, and commercial viability for commercialization strategy. AHP aids in balancing functional benefits with quantifying subjective assessments, and incorporating customer feedback to increase product success in the competitive oral care industry.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHAP), curcuma aeruginosa, consumer preferences, functional benefits, commercialization strategy</p> Dikky Indrawan Stevia Septiani Galih Saputra Arista Asep Rakhmat Yessie W Sari Nur A Nuzulia Wulan T Wahyuni Irmanida Batubara Y. Aris Purwanto Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 1049 1049 10.17358/jabm.10.3.1049 Design Thinking Approach in Handling Food Waste In PT Atim and Wanti Saiyo Jaya Catering Business https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/article/view/59483 <p><strong>Background:</strong> Waste and environmental management are important factors to improve the quality of life of the community. As a business actor, especially a business engaged in the F&amp;B sector, innovation in managing waste generated from their business is one of the major challenges to the sustainability of a business. Thus, the topic related to handling food waste in this food business is considered important to study. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to obtain solutions in handling food waste that can be done to minimize the impact caused by food waste produced by the catering business of PT Atim and Wanti Saiyo Jaya. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The analysis of problems and solutions in this study uses a qualitative approach with the design thinking method. <br><strong>Findings/Results:</strong> The results of the analysis show that this business's ability to process food waste is still lacking so it ends up in a landfill, which is widely complained about by the local community. Internal training, creating a waste cycle process, and establishing partnerships are alternative solutions that can be done to overcome these problems. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The design thinking approach is one of the comprehensive alternatives to help business people in mapping problems and finding solutions to these problems. <br><strong>Originality/Value (State of The Art):</strong> The catering business of PT Atim and Wanti Saiyo Jaya is a catering business that has been established for quite a long time. The support of the government, community, and private sector in improving waste management can help this catering business become a more sustainable business.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> environment, food waste, design thinking, catering business, waste management</p> Asep Taryana Ummi Kalsum Md Ivan Zachary Yatim Muhammad Azman Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10 3 1059 1059 10.17358/jabm.10.3.1059