Optimalisasi Ketersediaan Produk-produk Pertanian Berbasis Organic Farming Menuju Gaya Hidup Sehat melalui Sistem Pertanian Terpadu
A crucial problem concerning the target community is the inhibition of changes in the paradigm of the farming community over the process of changing mindsets and patterns of action in organic and conventional cultivation systems. While the potential application of organic agriculture in the village is wide open, because the market for organic fertilizer and biological pesticide products has begun to run. The objectives of the IbDM program are as follows: 1) Dissemination and dissemination program; 2) Carry out an organic village cycle; 3) Comparative study to Bondowoso Regency; 4) Complete Analyze laboratory of soil and demonstration plot land, 5) Training in making organic fertilizers and biological pesticides, and 6) conducting participatory reviews. The implementation methods that will be offered as a form of solution are social engineering and technology engineering through socialization and training. The support carried out for the engineering process must involve participatory, empowerment and inter-entrepreneurial development in an effort to increase the capacity of human resources by involving stakeholders with a village sistering model. The implementation program is as follows: 1) the program of socialization of the implementation of IbDM with partners resulting from discussions on the concept of this activity and is ready to discuss in building Organic Villages, 2) The Organic Village Cycle has been activated well by properly forming OFI Al-Istiqomah, 3) Has analysis of soil samples with 10 types of complete analysis and mapping of 3 hectares of demonstration plots have been carried out, 4) comparative studies have been conducted to the Al-Barokah Bondowoso Gapoktan, 5) training has been made in the production of organic materials, and 5) Participatory review results show achievements an indicator of success at 65% and OFI performance at 30.23% or Semi Empowered and ready to go organic.
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