Pelatihan Teknis dalam Rangka Perbaikan Mutu Gula Semut di Kabupaten Tasikamaya
Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in Tasikmalaya District are still managed traditionally. SME’s has not implemented a standard process so that the final product has various qualities. This activity aims to provide training on brown sugar quality assurance, Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP), sanitation, as well as good practice of brown sugar making and the use of measuring tools to standardize the process. The training was carried out for five days in Sariwangi District, Tasikmalaya Regency with the target of 20 sugar entrepreneurs from 4 districts, namely Sariwangi, Culamega, Puspahiang, and Curug Gambir. The results showed that all participants did not yet have production facilities that met the GMP requirements, did not understand the meaning of quality assurance and the use of measuring instruments that supported the improvement of the quality of brown sugar. The post-test results showed an increase in the awareness of SMEs about quality assurance of brown sugar, as indicated by the rise in the test score from 31.39 to 49.72. Process improvements include improving the sap filtering, crystallization, and adding egg white to bind the impurities. The quality of post-training products has improved, especially in terms of cleanliness and brighter colors.
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