Kuliah Kerja Nyata sebagai Media Gerakan Rehabilitasi Pantai di Desa Sidogemah, Sayung, Demak
Mangrove is a plant community or an individual plant species that make up the community in tidal areas. Mangrove is a natural resource that can be recovered (renewable resources or flow resources) that have dual benefits (economic and ecological benefits). Mangrove have many benefits, as a producer of oxygen, timber, medicines, material feeding, breeding ground flora and fauna, and can be used as natural tourist spot. Sidogemah Village bordering the Pantura path, that the path of the most congested land transportation on the Java Island. The problems encountered are mangrove communities are still small, thus causing frequent occurrence of rising sea levels and damage to road construction as well as the loss of some villages. The method used by the team include counseling and education devotion to plant mangroves, mangrove process into more valuable ingredients corresponding benefit to be achieved, training and socialization, mentoring, and evaluation. All of these activities assisted by students and village officials. The results achieved in the implementation of this society devotion is the formation of public interest to open a food business in the form of chips of mangrove, which will open up the opportunity to plant more mangrove.Downloads
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