Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE)
<p>Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) publishes information of empirical research and reviews in business and entrepreneurship. IJBE is published by the School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB) associated with the <span class="st">Indonesian </span><span class="st">Alliance of Magister Management Program (APMMI)</span>. IJBE was first published at the beginning of 2015 with three issues per year in <strong>January, May, and September</strong>. The editor receives articles of empirical research and reviews in business and entrepreneurship.</p> <p>IJBE is a peer-reviewed journal that has been Accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 32a/E/KPT/2017 which is valid for 5 (five) years since enacted on 26 April 2017. Base on Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No 30/E/KPT/2018 IJBE get ranked 2 accredited (SINTA 2) status.</p> <p>IJBE has been registered in <strong>Crossref, DOAJ, SINTA Rank 2, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Google Scholar, </strong>and other scientific databases. </p> <p>Editors can revise the paper without changing the substance and content after a blind review process. The articles sent by the author must be an original script and is not being considered for publication by other journal or publishers.</p> <p>P-ISSN: <a href="">2407-5434</a><br>E-ISSN: <a href="">2407-7321</a></p> <p>Download the <a href="">Submissions Guidelines</a> and <a href="" target="_self">Author Guidelines</a></p> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;"> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">1.</div> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">username: admin4ff</div> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">password: 4n4t0m1#1</div> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">2.</div> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">username: adminveteriner</div> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">password: med14vet#2</div> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">3.</div> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">username: adminhemera</div> <div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">password: hemer4z04#3</div> </div>School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)en-USIndonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE)2407-5434The Effect of Product Packaging Innovation, Branding, and Technological Capability on MSME Performance: A Case Study of Fresh Noodle Producers in The Madiun Residency
<p>Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the Indonesian economy, highlighting the crucial role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in economic recovery. While previous studies have explored general MSME performance, there is a lack of focused research on how innovative strategies in product packaging and branding can directly impact the operational success of fresh noodle producers.<br>Purpose: This study aims to fill existing research gaps by addressing the limited empirical data on the specific factors influencing the performance of MSMEs in the food production sector, particularly in the context of fresh noodles.<br>Design/Methodology/Approach: An explanatory quantitative approach was used to explore the relationships between these variables. A sample of 40 respondents was selected using purposive sampling, with the criteria that respondents must be fresh noodle producers, located in the Madiun residency area, and have been in business for at least 2 years. Data analysis was performed using multiple regression analysis with SPSS 25 software to examine the cause-and-effect relationships between product packaging innovation, branding, technological capability, and MSME performance.<br>Findings/Result: The results indicate that product packaging innovation, branding, and technological capability have a significant positive impact on the performance of fresh noodle MSMEs. Simultaneously, all three variables significantly contribute to the overall performance of MSMEs in the Madiun Residency.<br>Conclusion: This study offers practical guidance for entrepreneurs and stakeholders in designing strategies to support MSME sector growth. It provides actionable insights into how fresh noodle producers can improve their market presence and overall performance.<br>Originality/Value (State of the Art): By concentrating on innovative strategies in product packaging and branding specifically for fresh noodle producers, this study provides a unique contribution to the broader understanding of MSME dynamics in Indonesia, particularly within the food production sector.</p> <p>Keywords: product packing innovation, branding, technological capability, MSME performance, multiple regression</p>Rochmat Aldy PurnomoRebecca Cindy SartikaAulia Hapsari JuwitaSiti ChamidahSri HartonoThi Thom Thom Nguyen
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
2025-01-242025-01-241111110.17358/ijbe.11.1.1The Influence of Chatbot Information Systems on Customer Experience and Social Media Engagement in Marketplaces
<p>Background: In the era of the e-commerce boom, the role of chatbots in enhancing customer experience and engagement on social media has become increasingly vital in the dynamics of the marketplace market and industry.<br>Purpose: This research aims to investigate how the information quality, system quality, and service quality of chatbots influence customer satisfaction and positive emotions, leading to increased social media engagement.<br>Design/Methodology/Approach: An online survey was conducted with 305 respondents who use chatbot services on marketplace platforms. Data collected from an online survey are analyzed against the research model using PLS-SEM.<br>Findings/Results: The results show a positive impact and direct influence of information quality, system quality, and service quality on positive emotions and customer social media engagement, but no direct influence was found between satisfaction and customer social media engagement<br>Conclusions: The study indicates that the quality of chatbot information and service plays a crucial role in enhancing customer satisfaction and fostering positive experiences. Positive emotions, in turn, significantly drive customer engagement in activities such as co-developing and advocating on social media. <br>Originality/Value (State of the Art): By focusing on the mediating role of positive emotions, the study offers a deeper understanding of how chatbots contribute to customer interaction and social media behavior.</p> <p>Keywords: chatbot services, information system, customer satisfaction, positive emotions, customer social media engagement.</p>Annisa Giwang CempakaTriana Rahajeng Hadiprawoto
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
2025-01-242025-01-24111161610.17358/ijbe.11.1.16Digital Entrepreneurship on Purchase Decisions: Analysis of Content-Based Business, Online Store, and Business Matchmaking
<p>Backgrounds: The advancement of technology has significantly impacted various sectors, including food and beverage (F&B) companies. Previously, trading, shopping, and promotion activities were conducted directly, but now these activities are primarily online. Consequently, F&B owners need distinctive characteristics and effective use of digital media to stay competitive.<br>Purpose: This study aims to determine the influence of digital entrepreneurship on purchase decisions within F&B companies in West Java, Indonesia.<br>Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative research method was employed, surveying 100 respondents from F&B consumers using purposive sampling. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire and analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS v.4.0, including validity and reliability tests.<br>Findings/Results: The study found a significant impact of digital entrepreneurship on purchase decisions. Positive influences were noted in content-based business, community-based business, matchmaking business, and promotion. However, the online store variable showed a positive but statistically insignificant effect.<br>Conclusion: The results underscore the importance for F&B proprietors to strategically integrate digital entrepreneurship elements to enhance and optimize purchase decision dynamics.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This research highlights the growing significance of digital entrepreneurship in the F&B sector, offering insights into how various digital strategies influence consumer purchasing behavior, which is crucial for adapting to the evolving market landscape.</p> <p>Keywords: digital entrepreneurship, social media, digital marketing strategies, promotional content, purchase decisions.</p>Mumuh MulyanaBambang Hengky RainantoSulistiono SulistionoAdil FadillahJamaliah Said
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2025-01-242025-01-24111292910.17358/ijbe.11.1.29Influence of Entrepreneurship Education, Market Trends, and Family Business Ownership on Students' Entrepreneurial Intention
<p>Background: In Indonesia, unemployment remains a significant challenge, especially among university graduates. Enhancing entrepreneurial skills is considered an effective solution to address the high unemployment rate. Entrepreneurship education at the university level has great potential to better prepare students for the competitive labor market.<br>Purpose: This study aims to analyze how entrepreneurship education, market trends, and family business ownership contribute to the formation of entrepreneurial intentions among students. Each of these variables is supported by relevant theories: human capital theory, market orientation theory, and social capital theory.<br>Design/methodology/approach: This study adopts a quantitative approach using the SEM-PLS method to explore the relationships between the relevant variables. The research sample was taken from 100 MSMEs in Semarang, using an online questionnaire as the data collection instrument.<br>Findings/Result: The findings in the analysis indicate that entrepreneurship education, market orientation, and family business ownership have a positive and significant impact on students' entrepreneurial intention through various relevant aspects.<br>Conclusion: Entrepreneurship education provides a foundation of knowledge and practical skills necessary for students to start and manage their own businesses. Market orientation helps students understand market trends and attractive business opportunities, increasing their interest and motivation to explore careers as entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, family business ownership provides students with direct experience in the business world, access to resources, and strong motivation to start their own ventures in the future. Further research using a qualitative approach and involving a larger sample size can provide deeper insights into the factors influencing students' entrepreneurial intentions from various contexts and backgrounds.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This study stands out by integrating multiple factors entrepreneurship education, market trends, and family business ownership to provide a holistic understanding of what influences students' entrepreneurial intentions in Semarang. Unlike previous research, which often focuses solely on educational aspects, this comprehensive approach captures the interaction between internal and external influences, offering a more nuanced and practical insight into fostering entrepreneurship among university students.</p> <p>Keywords: entrepreneurship education, market trends, family business, students' entrepreneurial intention</p> <p> </p>SutrisnoDwi Prasetiyo HadiHeri PrabowoIka Menarianti
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2025-01-242025-01-24111404010.17358/ijbe.11.1.40Feasting Through Screens: Unpacking The Power of Social Media Influencers on Culinary Purchasing Intentions
<p>Background: In the vibrant context of Indonesia's growing culinary scene, food waste poses significant environmental and economic challenges, leading to a rise in consumer demand for sustainability and eco-friendly practices. <br>Purpose: This study examines the role of social media influencers in shaping consumption values and purchase behaviors toward sustainable culinary practices. <br>Design/Methodology/Approach: Data were collected from 260 respondents in Greater Jakarta using purposive sampling via structured online questionnaires, targeting social media users aged 17–43 who follow culinary influencers. The data were analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS software. <br>Findings/Result: The results demonstrate that environmental concerns significantly influence both social and epistemic values. Consumers who are more concerned about environmental issues perceive higher social and epistemic value in sustainable culinary products promoted by influencers, leading to increased purchase intentions. <br>Conclusion: Marketers in the culinary industry should collaborate with influencers who advocate for environmental sustainability to enhance the perceived social and epistemic values of their products, effectively boosting consumer engagement and purchase intentions, and contributing to reduced food waste. <br>Originality/Value (State of the Art): This research enriches the discourse on influencer marketing in the culinary industry by highlighting the role of environmental concerns in shaping consumers’ consumption values and purchase intentions, offering actionable insights for businesses aiming to implement sustainable marketing strategies.</p> <p>Keywords: consumption value, culinary product, environmental concern, epistemic value, generation, income, intimate self-disclosure, spending self-control, purchase intention</p>Annisa Nadya FadhilaKarto Adiwijaya
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2025-01-242025-01-24111535310.17358/ijbe.11.1.53Managerial Practices in The Circular Business Model: Case Study of Indonesian Food Industries
<p>Background: The circular economy is an emerging paradigm designed to address sustainable economic development challenges in Indonesia. At the micro-level, it emphasizes managerial practices in adopting and implementing circular business models.<br>Purpose: This study uses a case study approach to analyze three Indonesian food companies that have incorporated circular economy principles into their operations.<br>Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative approach is utilized, employing semi-structured interview methods to gather in-depth and detailed information. <br>Results: The research identifies managerial practices through a taxonomic framework of circular business model dimensions, focusing on value creation and capture. Managerial practices vary across the three companies based on the nature of their products and waste management processes.<br>Conclusion: The findings underscore the need to strengthen the ecosystem through collaborative efforts among the industrial sector, government, and other institutions.<br>Originality/value (State of Art): This is the first multicase study in Indonesia to explore managerial practices in circular business models at the micro level, specifically within the food industry.</p> <p>Keywords: circular economy, business model, managerial practices, food industry, external factor</p>ZakiyahArviansyah
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2025-01-242025-01-24111696910.17358/ijbe.11.1.69Social Entrepreneurship Management of Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia
<p>Background: Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges, including extreme poverty. Educational institutions, particularly Islamic boarding schools, act as key players in social entrepreneurship by empowering local communities economically. Many Islamic boarding schools operate businesses with dual objectives: providing self-reliance education for students and generating income to support the schools' economic independence. Purposes: This study aims to analyze the management of social entrepreneurship in two Islamic boarding schools that have managed various kinds of businesses (conglomerates) in a modern and sustainable manner: Pondok Al-Ashriyah Nurul Iman (PANI) and Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat (PPSD). <br>Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted with a qualitative approach using a case study method on two Islamic Boarding schools in Bogor, West Java and Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia. In depth interviews were conducted with kyai and managers of both Islamic boarding schools. <br>Findings/Results: This study identifies the key factors driving the success of pesantren social entrepreneurship: (1) waqf-based assets; (2) a large and high-quality student body; (3) committed pesantren leaders; and (4) professional and reliable human resources. <br>Conclusion: The application of entrepreneurship is managed and led by the leaders of the two Islamic boarding schools who are committed to implementing social entrepreneurship in Islamic boarding schools to provide quality but inexpensive and even free education. <br>Originality/Value: Pondok Al-Ashriyah Nurul Iman (PANI) and Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat (PPSD) demonstrate best practices in the input-based approach to pesantren social entrepreneurship systems.</p> <p>Keywords: boarding school, economic development, entrepreneurial management, social entrepreneurship, waqf asset</p>Hasan HasanDina Yustisi Yurista
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2025-01-242025-01-24111828210.17358/ijbe.11.1.82Evaluating Machine Learning Approaches in Structural Equation Modelling to Improve Predictive Accuracy in Marketing Research
<p>Background: This study aimed to fill a critical research gap by comparing traditional Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with hybrid Bayesian-Machine Learning (ML) models in marketing research, focusing on the limited exploration of these advanced techniques.<br>Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of integrating Bayesian SEM with advanced machine learning techniques to enhance predictive model performance, manage complex data structures, and improve marketing applications.<br>Design/methodology/approach: The study employed a systematic comparative research design to assess the predictive accuracy and robustness of traditional SEM in comparison to hybrid Bayesian-(Bayesian-ML) models. A rigorous review of 262 scholarly articles from major databases was conducted, with 23 studies meeting inclusion criteria to inform the model development and evaluation. <br>Findings/Result: The findings show that traditional SEM excels in theoretical modelling and interpretability but lacks predictive accuracy and robustness, which Bayesian SEM improves by using prior distributions. ML techniques further enhance predictive accuracy and robustness, while hybrid models combining Bayesian SEM with ML achieve the highest levels of both.<br>Conclusion: Adopting hybrid models can substantially enhance the predictive accuracy of marketing outcomes and the robustness of model analyses.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This study contributes to knowledge by advancing methodological approaches through challenging existing data analysis paradigms, methods and approaches and therebefore offering practical guidance for future studies.</p> <p>Keywords: accuracy, bayesian methods, hybrid models, machine learning, predictive, robustness, structural equation modelling (SEM)</p>Chacha Magasi
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2025-01-242025-01-24111939310.17358/ijbe.11.1.93The Role of Innovation and The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Creating Sustainable Development of Islamic Endowment (Waqf) : A Systematic Review
<p>Background: A more focused examination of the specific themes of waqf, innovation, and entrepreneurship is needed to deepen our understanding of their role in promoting the sustainability of waqf institutions and benefiting the community. <br>Purpose: This study attempts to present literature works over 50 years related to sustainable waqf development from the perspective of innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem (EE).<br>Design/methodology/approach: This study employed a two-step qualitative methodology. First, a bibliographic analysis was conducted. Second, a content analysis of all reviewed articles was performed.<br>Findings/Result: This study discovered that process and product innovation was the most frequently carried out by previous research. Meanwhile, position and paradigm innovation are still uncommon. The study proposes that the mediating role of EE between innovation and sustainable waqf development, as well as highlighting how factors of sharia compliance, governance, transparency and accountability, community engagement, and stakeholders’ collaboration can moderate this relationship.<br>Conclusion: This study contributes to the literature on waqf and entrepreneurship by providing valuable insights for academics seeking to develop sustainable waqf models and innovations. Practically, this study can inform various stakeholders in formulating strategies to promote sustainable waqf development and contribute to national economic growth.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): To the author's knowledge, previous research has yet to specifically discuss the waqf theme concerning innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem (EE) in supporting the growth and sustainability of waqf development.</p> <p>Keywords: sustainable development, innovation, entrepreneurship ecosystem, waqf, systematic review</p> <p> </p>Rindawati MaulinaWawan DhewantoTaufik Faturohman
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2025-01-242025-01-2411110610610.17358/ijbe.11.1.106Buy or Bye: Exploring The Trigger of Impulse Buying Behavior Among Gen Z in Lifestyle Retail
<p>Background: In today's competitive retail business, many stores, including KKV, are implementing innovative marketing strategies to attract customers, especially Generation Z. However, this generation is known to be more critical and selective in shopping, including in making impulse buying.<br>Purpose: This study explores the influence of product assortment and store atmosphere on impulse buying with hedonic shopping motivation as an intervening variable at KKV outlets.<br>Design/Methodology/approach: This research uses an explanatory research approach. The study's population consisted of all customers, including Generation Z, who had shopped at KKV Mall Olympic Garden Malang City. The sample was selected by purposive sampling of 100 respondents. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques were used to analyze data collected through questionnaires.<br>Finding/Result: The results showed that product assortment and store atmosphere positively and significantly influence hedonic shopping motivation. However, these two variables do not directly affect impulse buying. Hedonic shopping motivation is shown to have a positive and significant influence on impulse buying and can function as a mediator between product assortment and impulse buying, but the relationship between store atmosphere and impulse buying cannot be mediated by it.<br>Conclusion: This research provides practical, useful information to retailers on creating more successful marketing campaigns to encourage impulse buying behavior in Generation Z and opens up opportunities for further research on other factors that can influence consumer purchasing decisions in the retail environment. <br>Originality/value (State of the art): This research fills the literature gap by exploring the role of hedonic shopping motivation as a mediator between external stimuli and impulse buying. Previous research has rarely addressed this topic, thus providing significant managerial implications and a valuable contribution to understanding consumer behavior.</p> <p>Keywords: hedonic shopping motivation, impulse buying, product assortment, store atmosphere</p>The Syifaul MaulaRini Rahayu KurniatiRio Era Deka
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2025-01-242025-01-2411112112110.17358/ijbe.11.1.121Determinant of Entrepreneurship Action of Resettled Peasant Displaced By Land Acquisition
<p>Background: In Indonesia, land acquisition policies prioritize providing compensation in the form of cash. This policy allows the community to obtain replacement land, investment, business capital, etc. Entrepreneurship is widely recommended as a more sustainable solution for the livelihoods of peasants who have lost their agricultural land. Entrepreneurship is a strategic solution for unemployment and employment discrimination of land-lost peasants. <br>Purpose: This research examines the entrepreneurial actions of peasants who lost land due to land acquisition in Indonesia. <br>Design/methodology/approach: The entrepreneurial actions of peasants who lost land due to land acquisition were revealed using questionnaire survey data from 125 farming households relocated due to the construction of an international airport in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. <br>Finding/Result: The research results show that entrepreneurial actions after land acquisition are significant with the variables of intention (feasibility), age, income, and understanding of land acquisition policies. Displaced peasants who have the confidence to conduct entrepreneurship are primarily in their older age with higher incomes and better acceptance of land acquisition policy.<br>Conclusion: Job/business training must continue on an ongoing basis, and mentoring and supervision must be carried out until people feel capable of becoming independent entrepreneurs. <br>Originality/value (State of the art): This research was the first study on land-lost peasants’ entrepreneurship due to land acquisition in Indonesia. The research results were expected to provide new evidence and understanding regarding the influence of land-lost farmers' knowledge of land acquisition policies on entrepreneurial actions.</p> <p>Keywords: cash compensation, entrepreneurship action, displacement, land acquisition, resettled peasant</p>Embun SariJoyo WinotoEndriatmo SoetartoZenal Asikin
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2025-01-242025-01-2411113313310.17358/ijbe.11.1.133The Effect of Gender-Role Orientation, Volition, and Parental Influence on Entrepreneurial Intention
<p>Background: Indonesia's low percentage of entrepreneurs is impeding the country's economic progress, which in turn is exacerbating the country's high unemployment rate and low entrepreneurial inclination among the youth.<br>Purpose: This research examines the effect of gender-role orientation, volition, and parental influence on entrepreneurial intention among undergraduate students in Indonesia. <br>Design/methodology/approach: Data analysis for this quantitative study, which involved 172 Indonesian undergraduate students, was done using the Structural Equation Model - Partial Least Square. Purposive sampling was used to choose the sample, and questionnaires were used to collect data.<br>Findings/Result: The research concludes that feminine gender-role orientation and parental influence positively impact entrepreneurial intention, while masculine, androgynous, and undifferentiated gender-role orientations, as well as volition, do not have a significant effect.<br>Conclusion: To increase the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia, it is crucial to develop entrepreneurial programs tailored to undergraduate students with a feminine gender-role orientation and to involve parents, given their significant influence on entrepreneurial intention.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): Despite traditional beliefs favoring masculine gender-role orientation in entrepreneurship, research suggests that feminine, androgynous, and undifferentiated orientations also have potential, and factors like volition and parental influence play crucial roles in shaping entrepreneurial intention.</p> <p>Keywords: gender-role orientation, volition, parental influence, entrepreneurial intention, undergraduate students</p>Nony Kezia MarchytaCynthia Ariela SuliantoEddy Madiono Sutanto
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2025-01-242025-01-2411114714710.17358/ijbe.11.1.147Understanding Non-Wage Workers Behavior Towards BPJS Employment Programs: A Boundedly Rational Planned Behavior Analysis
<p>Background: The ongoing gap in social security protection for informal workers (BPU) presents a significant challenge for BPJS Employment, necessitating a deeper understanding of factors influencing participation in social security programs.<br>Purpose: This study aims to analyze the characteristics of BPU workers and their participation in BPJS Employment programs through an expanded Boundedly Rational Planned Behavior theory.<br>Design/methodology/approach: Conducted in Jakarta, the research employed a convenience sampling method with 130 respondents. Data analysis was performed using Smart PLS software.<br>Findings/Results: The study found that attitudes and subjective norms did not significantly influence rational planning, although some trends were observed. Similarly, perceived behavioral control had no significant effect on rational planning, consistent with previous research suggesting that perceptions of control are more relevant in less complex decision-making contexts. However, knowledge was identified as a significant predictor of rational planning, underscoring its crucial role in fostering engagement. While rational planning did not directly affect participation, positive attitudes were found to significantly influence participation levels. In contrast, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control did not significantly impact participation. Although perceived behavioral control showed a marginal effect on participation, this effect did not reach statistical significance, suggesting that individuals' perceptions of their ability to control participation outcomes may have a limited influence in this context. Knowledge was also a critical factor in encouraging participation, emphasizing the importance of awareness in promoting active involvement.<br>Conclusion: The findings highlight that the attitudes of informal workers significantly drive participation in the BPJS Employment program, while knowledge plays a crucial role in enhancing rational planning and engagement. Although subjective norms and perceived behavioral control have a minimal direct impact, the marginal effect of perceived behavioral control suggests that boosting individuals' confidence in managing their participation could enhance involvement. Overall, addressing knowledge gaps and fostering positive attitudes are essential for increasing participation rates among informal workers and providing insights for targeted interventions to promote social security protection for this vulnerable group.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This research contributes to the understanding of participation dynamics in social security programs for informal workers, advocating for targeted educational campaigns to enhance knowledge, foster positive attitudes towards BPJS, and address barriers to participation.</p> <p>Keywords: employment programs, informal workers, theory of planned behavior, BPJS</p> <p> </p>Sri HartonoSufrin HananAgustinus Hariadi Dwi Purwanto
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2025-01-242025-01-2411115715710.17358/ijbe.11.1.157Entrepreneurship Orientation and Business Performance: Do Business Strategy and Government Policy Matter?
<p>Background: Entrepreneurial-oriented business actors are better able to innovate and create products or services that align with market needs. It helps them stay relevant and competitive. Entrepreneurial orientation is closely related to the competitiveness of companies and the acquisition of competitive advantages. Thus, entrepreneurial orientation is critical to the sustainability of MSMEs and contributes to overall economic growth.<br>Purpose: This research investigates the influence of entrepreneurial organizations on the performance of halal food-based Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in developing countries. This study further explains business strategy as a mediating role and government policy as a moderator in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance. <br>Design/methodology/approach: This research uses hierarchical regression techniques using cross-sectional data collected from March to April 2024 from 180 MSMEs based on the halal food sector in Malang City, Indonesia. This study relies on resource-based theory, which provides a theoretical lens to test the hypothesized relationships between EO, business strategy, government policy, and halal food business performance. <br>Findings/Result: The findings show that business strategy and government policy are essential in the relationship between entrepreneurial organizations and business performance. Namely, EOs of halal food businesses can improve business performance both directly and indirectly through their business strategies. Government policies can also increase EO's influence on their business performance. <br>Conclusion: This study has practical implications for management and policymakers. Regarding its practical implications for management, research shows that government policies strengthen the influence of EO on business performance. Therefore, halal food entrepreneurs can take advantage of the institutional environment, such as government policies, programs and norms, and societal norms, to develop and strategically improve their business performance.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This study emphasizes the importance of long-term growth over short-term profits for MSMEs. The capacity for long-term development is considered necessary for MSMEs, and this study reveals the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on MSME growth and performance both directly and through business strategies with strengthening from government support.</p> <p>Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, business performance, business strategy, government policy</p>Esy Nur AisyahMaretha Ika PrajawatiYuliati Yuliati
Copyright (c) 2025 Author
2025-01-242025-01-2411117117110.17358/ijbe.11.1.171Impact of Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Orientation On Women Entrepreneurs’ Business Performance in Bogor
<p>Background: Women entrepreneurship is emerging as a significant catalyst for sustainable development and economic growth in urban and rural areas in Indonesia. Empirical evidence suggests that women entrepreneurs having rich social capital and strong entrepreneurial orientation tend to achieve positive business performance.<br>Purpose: This paper investigates the impact of social capital and entrepreneurial orientation on the business performance of women entrepreneurs in Bogor.<br>Design/methodology/approach: A survey was administered to a sample of 136 women-led enterprises in Bogor. The independent variable of social capital was operationalized as trust, norms, and networking, while entrepreneurial orientation was assessed in terms of innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking. Profitability indicating business performance served as the dependent variable. Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis was performed to test the hypothesized subsequent relationships between the variables.<br>Findings/result: This paper reveals that social capital significantly enhances entrepreneurial orientation (t-stat = 7.192, p < 0.01), and entrepreneurial orientation positively impacts the business performance of women-led enterprises (t-stat = 4.857, p < 0.01). Furthermore, entrepreneurial orientation mediates the relationship between social capital and business performance, as indicated by a significant indirect effect (t-stat = 3.442, p < 0.01).<br>Conclusion: This paper proves the importance of social capital (namely norms, trust, and networking) and entrepreneurial orientation (including risk-taking, proactiveness, and innovativeness) to enhance the profitability of women-led firms. Enhancing social capital can be encouraged through family support, networks, business community engagement, and stakeholder policies in improving entrepreneurial orientation in women, leading to improved business performance and economic growth in Bogor.<br>Originality/value (State of the art): This paper contributes to a better understanding how business performance of women entrepreneurs is influenced by subsequent relationships of social capital and entrepreneurial orientation, including the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation.</p> <p>Keywords: business performance, entrepreneurial orientation, social capital, small and medium enterprises, women entrepreneurship</p> <p> </p>Ananda PutriBurhanuddinEtriya Etriya
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2025-01-242025-01-2411118518510.17358/ijbe.11.1.185The Influence of Hedonic Consumption Tendency and Scarcity Message on Impulsive Buying Mediated By Positive Emotions
<p>Background: Populix stated the number of impulsive buying increases along with the development of e-commerce, which provides many stimuli for ease in shopping.<br>Purpose: The aims of the research are to measure and analyze the influence of Hedonic Consumption Tendency on Impulsive Buying, Scarcity Message on Impulsive Buying, Hedonic Consumption Tendency on Positive Emotions, Scarcity Message on Positive Emotions, Positive Emotions on Impulsive Buying, and Hedonic Consumption Tendency and Scarcity Message on Impulsive Buying through Positive Emotions. <br>Design/Methodology/Approach: Seven hypotheses were made based on the relationships between the variables. We then tested these hypotheses using PLS-SEM on SmartPLS 4.0. The sample size is set for the minimum of 190 respondents, and the research sample can represent the research population, namely the customers of Shopee Live videos in Surabaya City. We collected primary data from the responses of 195 respondents using Google Forms, surpassing the minimum requirement. The primary data was processed and evaluated to provide research findings that can be used as implications for the company and supporting data for further research. <br>Finding/Result: he findings of this research show that 1) hedonic consumption tendency has a positive and significant effect on positive emotions and impulsive buying, 2) scarcity message has a positive but not significant effect on impulsive buying, 3) scarcity message has a positive & significant effect on positive emotions, 4) positive emotions have a positive & significant effect on impulsive buying, and 5) hedonic consumption tendency and scarcity message have a positive and significant effect on impulsive buying through positive emotions.<br>Conclusion: Impulsive Buying is purchasing decision as a response to external stimulus in the form of marketing strategies such as Scarcity Massages and internal stimulus in the form of shopping behavior such as Hedonic Consumption Tendency which is influenced directly or indirectly by the Organism process in the form of Positive Emotion that created.<br>Originality/Value (State of The Art): The novelty of this research is the research results provide a new perspective on the SOR Theory, that Stimulus can directly create Response without going through the Organism process if the Stimulus is Internal or stimulus comes from the Individual.</p> <p>Keywords: hedonic consumption tendency; scarcity message; positive emotions; impulsive buying; e-commerce</p>Arya Emerald Dwiguna RahmaChristina Whidya Utami
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2025-01-242025-01-2411119919910.17358/ijbe.11.1.199The Impact of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Reuse Intention in Urban Public Transportation
<p>Background: Public transportation is an important key to solving traffic congestion and air pollution problems. Bogor is ranked as the 832nd most congested city globally in 2022 and has a poor air quality index. In an effort to mitigate these challenges, the government initiated a soft launch of a public transportation service in Bogor City, named BISKITA Transpakuan, in November 2021. But, from May 2023 to May 2024, the average daily ridership of BISKITA Transpakuan was only 0.86%. In contrast, cities worldwide that have successfully achieved public transportation utilization targets aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals typically exhibit daily ridership percentages ranging from 9% to 12%. Consequently, concerted efforts are necessary to increase BISKITA Transpakuan ridership.<br>Purpose: The study investigates the impact of service quality and customer satisfaction on reuse intention within the urban public transportation context, specifically focusing on the BISKITA Transpakuan bus transit system in Bogor, Indonesia.<br>Design/methodology/approach: The research employs a hybrid data collection approach, combining online and offline surveys, to gather responses from 250 BISKITA Transpakuan passengers. The study utilizes Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to analyze the relationships between transportation performance, driver performance, service quality, customer satisfaction, and reuse intention.<br>Finding/result: The findings reveal that both transportation performance and driver performance significantly influence service quality. However, while transportation performance directly impacts customer satisfaction, driver performance's effect is mediated through service quality. The study also confirms the significant role of service quality and customer satisfaction in shaping reuse intention. The predominance of female passengers and those aged 19-35 underscores the need for gender-sensitive infrastructure and services.<br>Conclusion: The direct and positive influence of transportation performance on service quality, customer satisfaction, and reuse intention highlights its significance in enhancing the overall passenger experience. While driver performance also plays a crucial role in shaping service quality, its impact on customer satisfaction and reuse intention is indirect, mediated through the perceived quality of service. The substantial proportion of passengers residing in Bogor Regency suggests potential for service expansion. To enhance Bogor's public transportation, management should optimize vehicle maintenance, routes, schedules, and driver training, prioritizing passenger comfort and female passenger safety. The government should also analyze bus stop regulations for efficiency and accessibility while increasing subsidies to reduce fares and support operators.<br>Originality/value (state of the art): This study contributes significantly to the measurement of service quality in the transportation service sector. The use of reuse intention variables provides a better understanding of the relationship between service quality and consumer decision-making.</p> <p>Keywords: bus transit system, customer satisfaction, reuse intention, service quality, structural equation model</p>Gita Indri AnjaniPopong NurhayatiLilik Noor Yuliati
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2025-01-242025-01-2411121221210.17358/ijbe.11.1.212Strategies For Developing Women’s Entrepreneurship in The MSMEs Sector: A Systematic Literature Review
<p>Background: The increase in the number of women entrepreneurs in Indonesia reflects progress in gender participation in business, particularly in the MSME sector, which is heavily occupied by women entrepreneurs. MSMEs themselves are a crucial pillar in Indonesia's economy. However, many barriers and challenges still need to be addressed for women’s entrepreneurship to reach a higher level.<br>Purpose: This study seeks to examine the growth of women’s entrepreneurship within the MSME sector, identify the shortcomings and challenges encountered by women entrepreneurs, and determine the strategies necessary to enhance their effectiveness.<br>Design/methodology/approach: The research method uses a systematic literature review (SLR) of 20 studies related to women entrepreneurs in the MSME sector.<br>Findings/Result: The findings show that while women entrepreneurs can sustain themselves through various economic conditions, there are significant weaknesses, particularly in financial management and marketing.<br>Conclusion: This study concludes that implementing a comprehensive strategy and policies, including education and training in entrepreneurship, enhancing marketing support, leveraging technology and e-commerce, improving financial literacy, increasing access to capital, and creating stronger social networks, will help balance personal and professional responsibilities.<br>Originality/value (state of the art): This study uniquely and specifically addresses women’s entrepreneurship, which plays a key role in Indonesia’s economy, particularly in the MSME sector that is often overlooked. Researching women’s entrepreneurship can provide significant contributions to both academics and practitioners in enhancing the sustainability and performance of women while tackling various challenges in business.</p> <p>Keywords: women entrepreneurship, MSMEs, challenges, strategies, systematic literature review (SLR)</p>Riska AwaliaRizal SyariefTeti Haryati
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2025-01-242025-01-2411122622610.17358/ijbe.11.1.226Smartphone Purchasing Decisions Among Teenagers in Terms of Lifestyle, Brand Image and WOM Communication
<p>Background: The research was conducted because there are empirical phenomena as well as previous research phenomena, the empirical phenomenon of smartphone use among teenagers with use limited to ordinary activities, not to support productivity.<br>Purpose: This research aims to analyze and discuss the influence of lifestyle and brand image on purchasing decisions, both directly and through word-of-mouth communication. Apart from that, to measure the influence of word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decisions.<br>Design/methodology/approach: The method used is quantitative, which aims to analyze the relationship between variables and determine the influence of a variable on other aspects. The research methodology used in this research is the use of a survey, where the researcher provides a questionnaire as a data collection tool.<br>Findings/Results: Brand image has no influence on purchasing decisions. Brand image influences word-of-mouth communication. Word-of-mouth communication influences purchasing decisions. Lifestyle influences purchasing decisions. Lifestyle influences word-of-mouth communication. And brand image influences purchasing decisions that are mediated by word-of-mouth communication. Lifestyle influences purchasing decisions, which are mediated by word-of-mouth communication.<br>Conclusion: Lifestyle and word-of-mouth communication influence purchasing decisions. Brand image has no effect on purchasing decisions. The influence of brand image on purchasing decisions when mediated by word-of-mouth communication.<br>Originality/value (state of the art): This study is a previous research that yielded different results. The findings indicate that brand image does not have a direct effect on purchasing decisions. However, when word-of-mouth communication is used as an intervening variable, both lifestyle and brand image influence purchasing decisions.</p> <p>Keywords: brand image, lifestyle, purchasing decisions, word of mouth communication</p>Heri PrabowoIsna Catur OctavianiM Fadjar Dharmaputra
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2025-01-242025-01-2411123823810.17358/ijbe.11.1.238Measuring Digital Literacy Among Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia: Case Study From Pontianak City
<p>Background: The rapid changes in people's consumption behavior resulting from technological and information advancements require business actors to have a high level of digital literacy to increase sales performance. <br>Purpose: This study aims to measure the level of digital literacy among micro and small-scale businesses particularly in the vibrant region of Pontianak City. <br>Design/Methodology/Approach: Primary data are taken from non-formal MSEs category of business as they make up the largest share of business ownership category in the region. This study employs descriptive qualitative research through grand mean methodology which is accurate to analyze the distinct characteristic across multiple groups of samples, as well as to facilitate interpretation of unchanging effects by controlling of inclusive variability.<br>Conclusion: This study finds that the level of digital literacy among MSEs in Pontianak City is categorized into upper-middle group with average total score of 3.64 where micro-scale enterprises are found to have lower level of literacy as compared to small enterprises. It is also found that imbalance of digital literacy within variables used in this study. Internet searching variable (X1) and hypertextual navigation (X2) and knowledge assembly (X4) variable are found to be in the category of upper-middle group, while content evaluation variable (X3) is found to be lower at medium group.<br>Originality/value (state of the art): This study provides a nascent overview of digital literacy level in Pontianak City, highlighting significant differences between micro and small enterprises. These findings serve as a critical reference for policymakers in designing localized strategies to improve digital literacy and foster economic growth.</p> <p>Keywords: digital literacy, mses, non-formal business, digital business</p>Arninda ArnindaDarusman DarusmanFathia Alya Supandih
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