Syaukat, Yusman, Indonesia

  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 33 No. 3 (2010): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    The government of Kutai Kartanegara Regency indicates that the problem of shrimp pond’s business production and profit has been going down and being stagnant in Muara Badak.  It is caused by capital source i.e own capital, ponggawa, bank loan and government loan.  And directly capital source influenced different of quantity, input and output cost.  In fact, the performance of lending mechanism is inefficient.  The objectives of this research were to analyze the effect and capital source condition and lending mechanism of capital source to production and profit.  Econometrics approach was used to solve the problem through production and profit function.  OLS and IPA were applied in this research.  The result of estimated parameter and perception of fish farmer related to lending mechanism were used as policy implication.  The result showed that capital loan from ponggawa, bank, and government were used only as working capital and the mechanism of capital loan from ponggawa was better than the other.  It was caused by easier requirement and procedure application for lending is better facility and its services, free of charge lending mechanism and relatively clearance time of credit.  Production rate of fish farmer who related to ponggawa were lower than the other.  However, profit rate of fish farmer who related own capital were higher than the other.


    Key words: capital source effect, shrimp pond production, Muara Badak, Kutai Kartanegara

    Abstract  PDF
  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 31 No. 2 (2008): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    South Kalimantan is a province with large dryland area.  This potency can be used for maize cultivation that will contribute to national maize production and play an important role as import substitution.  One of the major problems in maize cultivation is its low productivity that might be caused by its low efficiency of input use.  The objectives of this research are (1) to estimate factors influencing maize production and to analyze dryland farming efficiency, both in technical and allocative efficiency of dryland farming, and (2) to analyze dryland maize farming competitiveness in Kabupaten Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan, and the efficiency effect to its competitiveness.  The methods used are the stochastic frontier production function and the dual frontier cost function for the first objective, and criterion of private cost ratio and domestic resources cost ratio for the second objective.  The results showed that land, seed, organic fertilizer, P-fertilizer, pesticide, labor and land treatment significantly influence production.  Generally, the farmers at research area have been technically efficient but allocatively inefficient. In order to increase economic efficiency, reduction in N-fertilizer is suggested.  The maize commodity in Kabupaten Tanah Laut is profitable and has competitive and comparative advantages.  The increasing of allocative efficiency will increase the competitiveness.


    Key words: dryland maize farming, efficiency, competitiveness
    Abstract  PDF
  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 31 No. 1 (2008): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    Integrated crop-livestock systems program with special reference to rice field and beef cattle is a potential alternative to support the development of agriculture sector in Indonesia.  The implementation on this integrated program was to enhance rice production and productivity through a system involving beef cattle with its goal on increasing farmers’ income.  The impact of integrated crop- livestock systems program to household economy farmers was studied in order to identify factors influencing behavior of farmer’s decision-making along with its interrelation between factors.  Impact of changes due to the external policy options was also assessed and farmer’s characteristics were described descriptively.  Five districts in the province of DIY, Central Java and East Java with 274 farmers were purposively used in the study. Simultaneous equations model with two SLS method was used to estimate the parameter, followed by the non-linear simulation approach.  The results show that most of the explanatory variables significantly affected to its endogenous variables.  Rice production is responsive to harvested land area which influenced by its volume of input rice derived demand.  The volume of its input derived demand also influences cattle and compost production.  Family labor utilization for rice and cattle production and their time allocation on non-farm and off farm jobs are related to each other. Input price of rice and live cattle are affected to their derived demand function.  Rice consumption is responsive to its price which the lower the price, the higher its consumption.  Credit on crops farm that has to be paid by farmers is also responsive and positively related to its commercial credit rate.  Effect of a 10 percent increase on output and input price of production rice, cattle and compost will increase their production; hence will also increase farmers’ income and the expenditures. This will apply to farmers that involved in a program of integrated crop-livestock systems.  On the other hand, alternative policy of combination between a 10 percent increase of output price along with 5 percent increase on its input price yield in the increasing production for farmers that are not involved in the crop-livestock systems program, hence will also increase the income.


    Key words: household economics, simulation analysis, crop-livestock systems

    Abstract  PDF