Sutjahjo, Surjono H., Indonesia

  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 32 No. 2 (2009): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    Residential solid waste is being a critical problem in many cities in clauding Jakarta.  Cummnity-based management is the most important strategy even when sophiticated treatment such as bio-energy or waste industrial park word be implemented soon, as every waste processing neds separated wastes.  Increasing the participation through community-based manajement is more effective than cange people’sperception and behavior on domestic wastes.  In some cates, to change community behavior in waste separition and recycling need more than ten years i.e. at Kampung Banjarsari, but with appropriate support system on sosial planning only took two years i.e. Kampung Rajawati.  The implementation constrain of this progammeis on replication or expandability of the progamme to implemented in another place.  There are also lack of government’s significantefforts to push and to supprots than action.  It’s true that some cummunities develop the some model, but without acceleration and exvandable progamme, the significance of that effort is very poor.  This study tried to ellaborate the model of system based ofnspatial analyses to determine resedential typology and found five resedential types i.e. high, middle-high, middle, middle-lower and lower level of resendential.  Quantitative analyses to determine typology of community participation found four types of cummnity participation i.e. moral-normative, moral-remunerayive, calculative-remuneraive and calculative-coercive.  Qualitative analyses had been ellaborated to determine authority or government policies typology.  Breaking down from these clssification, there strategies could develop, namely community participation strategy, infastructure development strategy and institutional manajement strategy.  Implementation of these models could accomodate the heterogeneity of communities and give positive impact on social acceptability.


    Key words: social planning, community management, residential solid wastes

    Abstract  PDF
  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 31 No. 1 (2008): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    Transmigration program has been done for many years. However, many transmigration sites are identified as underdeveloped, especially in upland farm transmigration site laboured with food crops. The main constraint for such development relates with the limit of upland resource in supporting plant growth. The upland resources is generally marginal in physical properties (undulating, wavy and hilly topography); the poor quality in land clearing which cause removal upper layer and loss of organic matter; relatively high rainfall intensity which causes the high erosivity. Such degradation has caused accumulation of problem for farmer. This research in erosion is done in order to know the strategy needed to be done. This research is done in Rantau Pandan SP 1 as case study. Several methods have been applied to determine 1) the amount of erosions 2) the permissible erosion, 3) the spatial pattern of erosion,and 4) the soil conservation action.


    Key words: upland farming system, erosion, conservation
    Abstract  PDF
  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 31 No. 4 (2008): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    The change of environmental problem is very complex.  The highest population growth caused supply of land and natural resources to be increased.  If it does not control, it can influence natural resources stock and disturbs environmental balance system land use control is part of Bogor land use planning.  The objectives of this research were (1) to analyze the dynamics of land use and population in the period of 1972-2005 in Bogor Municipality, (2) to develop dynamics model and analyze the relation between the instrument of land use control and the factors related to the sustaina tozbility of Bogor Municipality, and (3) to analyze stakeholders’ roles benefited to space control system in Bogor Municipality.  The methods used for this research were (1) GIS analysis to observe the alteration influence landcover in period 1972-2005, (2) dynamic system analysis for landcover using in Bogor Municipality, and (3) AHP analysis to observe stakeholders’ role controlling use of landcover in Bogor Municipality.  This research indicate that the dynamic of landcover such as forestry, mixed plantation, and open area (1972, 1983 and 1990) before to be extended were larger than after.  For the landcover change such as resettlement, bush, water and wetland showed that were larger than before extended (2000 and 2005).  The population dynamic analysis showed the optimum increasing on 1985-2020 (22,38%) but was not followed by good landcover use planning as indicated by forestry depletion from 25% to 2%, depletion of mixed plantation from 42% to 36%, resettlement need increased from 12% to 43%, and declining open area from 17% to 2%.  These showed that Bogor developments were unsustainable.  The dynamic analysis showed the correlation between the environmental component and land use control.  Land use control to achieve Bogor sustainable development need many aspect such as land area, population number waste number, vehicle number, the length of roads and the role of stakeholder on land use control system in Bogor municipality though license mechanism and control.  The government can influence land use control at level of controlling and level of licensing.  For the government input as the authority that gives the permission of land using need to be consistent on the regulation they made.


    Key words: the dynamic, land use model, and controlling

    Abstract  PDF