Damar, Ario, Indonesia

  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 33 No. 4 (2010): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    The mangrove area of Togean Islands have been used for marine ecotourism activities.  The increasing of anthropogenic activities affected to decreasing of mangrove area and mangrove tourism attractive.  This research aim to assess characteristic and suitability of mangrove forest area for mangrove ecotourism uses.  The data were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) and spatial analysis with geographic information system (GIS) approach.  The result showed that the correlation value of those four parameters was relatively higher in November than in July.  Those parameters were the component that forms the main axis in both month. The increasing of turbidity and decreasing of salinity in November rather than in July were correlated with rainy season.  Generally, mangrove area in Togean Islands was suitable with conditional categories to mangrove ecotourism uses.  Ecotourism has the most potential to meet these goals and it will be able to tackle most of the problems when GIS technology would be used as a tool to minimize the impact.


    Keywords: area suitability, mangrove, ecotourism, Togean Islands

    Abstract  PDF
  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 32 No. 2 (2009): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    This research to study relation between environment parameter, plankton abundance and primary productivity with abundance of tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry, calculates plankton predating rate speed by tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry and other larva and studies plankton population dynamics, tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry before, at the time and after peak season.  Result of research indicates that some environment parameters significant differs according to observation period and season.  Highest abundance of tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva reaches to 29067, 7733 and 54400 ind/1000 m3. Highest grazing rate to population of phytoplankton and plankton (phytoplankton + zooplankton) found when predator consisted of tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva with grazing rate up to 125 cells/liter/hour and 129 plankter /liter/hour respectively.  Highest predating rate to zooplankton population when predator consist of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry and there is phytoplankton as their prey up to 12 individual/liter/hour.  The certain plankton species significant correlation and estimated as natural food of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry that is some types of diatom and crustaceae from zooplankton.  Plankton population dynamics especially controlled by predator by tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva, while influence of environment parameter is small relative. Abundance of each phytoplankton and zooplankton ranged from 583-28563 cells/liter and 22-3413 ind/liter.  Average abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton significant differs higher at peak season compare  before and after tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry season. Predator-prey relation between phytoplankton and zooplankton shows phase change which succession between phytoplankton controls to zooplankton phases with zooplankton control to phytoplankton.  Abundance of plankton influences abundance of population of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry especially after peak season.  There is concordance of time between peak abundance of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry and other larva with peak abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton.


    Key words : population dynamics, predating, predating rate, predator, prey, phytoplankton, zooplankton, tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry, other larva, Pinrang

    Abstract  PDF
  • Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 32 No. 4 (2009): Forum Pascasarjana - Articles

    The objective of this research is to formulate a specific model of Citarum’s watershed and its coastal management policy.  The method applied in the research is the descriptive method or retrospective through a study case with an approach system.  The multidimensional systematic approach is applied to formulate policies, to develop scenario strategies involving several stakeholders and experts on coastal areas and regional and inter sectors.  The results of the research determine that the economical value relating with the aspects of pollution which in general involves replacement costs indicate impacts of pollution from public activities in the coastal stream in de facto costs Rp 31 billion/year.  The Index Value of a Sustainable Watershed and Coastal Management System (IkB-SIPPDAS) applied in the study area according to a multidimensional Rap-SIPPDAS method for upland, center and downstream area of the Citarum’s Watershed are 38.23; 38.27; and 33.59 respectively in a sustainability scale of     0-100, showing a non-sustainable status.  The analysis result for every dimension of development management indicates that the economical dimension for the upland, middle and coastal part of the Citarum Watershed contains the highest index rate, which amounts up to 88.29.  The index value is categorized ”good” or sustainable with the lowest value in ecology.  The results of the statistics indicates that the Rap-SIPPDAS method is effective enough for application as a method to evaluate the Watershed and Coastal Management System in a specific river stream or a rapid appraisal area.  The selected ideal design of the three scenarios for the watershed management policy and West Java’s Citarum coastal area is the progressive-optimistic scenario stressing the possible future condition to receive maximum support or in other words the scenario is based on the scientific way of thinking and being optimistic about the future.


    Key words: watershed, coastal, scenario, system, management, pollutant, policy
    Abstract  PDF