Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum2024-10-03T08:18:31+07:00Prof. Rita Nurmalinaforum.agribisnis@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<div id="journalDescription"> <p style="text-align: justify;"><input style="margin-right: 9px; margin-left: 9px; float: left;" alt="" height="216" src="/public/site/images/adminjekp/Cover_vol_11_no_2_1.jpg" type="image" width="180"></p> </div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Forum Agribisnis : <em>Agribusiness Forum</em></strong> is a scientific journal as a communication forum between researchers, academics, and policymakers and practitioners in agribusiness scope and other related scopes. Original writings contain empirical analysis or theoretical review and review of recent books. The Agribusiness Forum is managed by the master of science agribusiness in the Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University. The journal is published twice a year (March and September edition) and has been indexed in Science and Technology Index <strong>(SINTA 3)</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Certificate of Accreditation</a> which is valid for 5 (five) years, started Volume 11 Number 2, 2021 until Volume 16 Number 1, 2026.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Forum Agribisnis : <em>Agribusiness Forum</em> is published under the Master Sciences of Agribusiness (MSA), Faculty of Economics and Management IPB University in association with <strong>Agribusiness Association of Indonesia (AAi) with agreement number 240/SP/AAI/XII/2020.</strong> The MOU can be <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">downloaded here.</a></p> <p><strong>P-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2252-5491 </a>E</strong><strong>-ISSN <a href="">2656-4599 </a></strong></p> Cold Storage 1.000 Ton Di Muara Baru Jakarta: Perspektif Ekonomi Kelembagaan Baru2024-10-01T09:40:33+07:00Nova<p><em>Fish cold storage was built by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in various regions as one of the implementations of the National Fish Logistics System policy, which aims to maintain the availability of fish for industrial raw materials and domestic consumption. The cold storage of 1,000 tons was established to become a role model for the government's buffer stock facility in the Jakarta area. However, its implementation is still experiencing obstacles because its use is not optimal and has not attracted the interest of fisheries players in the broader scope. The research objective is to examine the institutional system implemented in managing cold storage of 1,000 tons from a business perspective. The research uses a case study method in government cold storages located in Muara Baru, North Jakarta. The institutional analysis of cold storage management was analyzed descriptively and qualitatively using the New Institutional Economic Theory approach. The research results show that the institution of cold storage of 1,000 tons still needs to improve its management. The aspects that contribute most to the lack of business performance in cold storage are property rights and, flexibility and adaptability. The implications that can be given are institutional improvements through 1) developing business models that are more tailored to user needs, 2) establishing bodies or institutions that are more authoritative in public services, 3) aligning incentives and building cooperation with a wider range of users, 4) implementation of standard procedures balanced with commitment to compliance from stakeholders and strong controls, 5) increased speed and flexibility of services and 6) competitive pricing.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Risiko Usahatani Cabai Rawit: Studi Kasus Di Kawasan Gunung Merapi2024-10-01T09:40:30+07:00Suryani Eka Putrisuryaniekaputri12@gmail.comBayu<p><em>Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L) is a common horticultural commodity cultivated by farmers in the Mount Merapi area. Farmers in this region face the risk of fluctuating productivity due to unpredictable volcanic eruption activities. This study aims to describe the types, sources, and levels of risk, analyze and examine risk management in bird's eye chili farming based on risk levels, risk mapping, and the total household income analysis of bird's eye chili farmers in Mount Merapi. The sample consists of 100 farmers selected through simple random sampling, with the criteria being residents who have been farming cayenne pepper for 10 years in the Mount Merapi area, growing cayenne pepper as the main commodity on their farmland, and farmers with and without additional income sources outside of farming. Data analysis includes risk analysis, total household income analysis, and descriptive quantitative analysis. In Pakem Subdistrict, the coefficient of variation values for production, price, and profit risks are 0.67, 0.08, and 1.20, respectively. In Dukun Subdistrict, these values are 0.55, 0.14, and 2.40, respectively. Lastly, in Selo Subdistrict, the values are 0.45, 0.07, and 0.84, respectively. Household income analysis is divided into two categories: farmers with additional income sources outside of farming and those without additional income sources in each district. The highest average total household income of cayenne pepper farmers is found in Selo Subdistrict. Important considerations in agricultural risk management include providing insurance for cayenne pepperi, market development, and land diversification.</em></p>2024-09-30T10:52:01+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Produksi Kopi Arabika Sistem Agroforestri Dan Non Agroforestri Di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat 2024-10-01T09:40:28+07:00Melania Isti Ratnawatimelaniaratnawati1903@gmail.comAnna Dwi<p>Produktivitas kopi yang terus berfluktuasi menunjukkan adanya risiko produksi yang dihadapi petani setiap tahunnya. Sistem budidaya kopi di Kabupaten Bandung terdiri dari agroforestri dan non-agroforestri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi dan risiko produksi pada budidaya kopi arabika agroforestri dan non-agroforestri di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Responden penelitian adalah petani agroforestri sebanyak 144 orang dan petani non agroforestri sebanyak 56 orang. Analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan transfromasi logaritma model Just and Pope yang diestimasi dengan metode OLS (Ordinary Least Square), sedangkan fungsi risiko produksi diestimasi dengan metode MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimation). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan faktor produksi dan faktor risiko produksi pada kedua sistem budidaya kopi. Perbedaan faktor produksi terletak pada input tenaga kerja yang hanya berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap sistem agroforestri. Sedangkan input pupuk anorganik dan pestisida anorganik berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap sistem non-agroforestri. Perbedaan faktor risiko produksi terletak pada input yang merupakan faktor pemicu risiko, terdapat tenaga kerja dan pupuk organik pada sistem agroforestri, dan input yang merupakan faktor pengurang risiko, terdapat pupuk anorganik pada sistem agroforestri. Persamaan faktor pemicu risiko pada kedua sistem adalah luas lahan dan pestisida anorganik. Penelitian ini nantinya berguna untuk merumuskan kebijakan efektif peningkatan produksi kopi yang tetap berkelanjutan dari berbagai aspek.</p>2024-09-30T11:08:41+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Keputusan Petani Mengelola Usahatani Padi Di Lahan Suboptimal 2024-10-01T09:40:26+07:00Adilla Adistyaadilladst@gmail.comRita<p><em>The conversion of paddy fields seriously impacts rice availability for national food reserves, so the government is implementing a sub-optimal land extension program. Indonesia has suboptimal land that has the potential to become a national rice barn if appropriately managed. The types of suboptimal land most widely used in rice cultivation are lowland and tidal swamps, where the community can work. This research analyzes the determinants of rice farmers' decisions in managing suboptimal land. This research was conducted in West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province, with a sample of 90 rice farmers. Data were analyzed using the multinomial logistic regression method. The determining factors are seen from the demographic and economic aspects. The research results show that factors that significantly influence farmers' decisions to choose tidal land from the demographic aspect are age and farming experience; from the economic element are the number of family dependents, land ownership status, and non-farming income. The significant determining factors in farmers' decisions to manage lowland swamp land from the demographic aspect are age and farming experience, and from the economic element are the number of family dependents and non-farming income. From the research, recommendations that can maximize the use of suboptimal land are increasing promotion and education to the community about rice cultivation on suboptimal land, providing easy access for farmers to rent land, and it is hoped that farmers will continue to have non-farming income to balance household needs and procurement of capital and farming input.</em></p>2024-09-30T11:21:50+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Pemasaran Karet Di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan 2024-10-01T10:42:33+07:00Azka<p><strong><em>ABSTRACT </em></strong></p> <p><em>The rubber commodity in Ogan Ilir Regency plays an important role in increasing family income, but currently the income of rubber farmers is still relatively low because farmers are still traditional in their marketing, causing the prices received by farmers to be low.</em> <em>The aim of this research is to determine the existing rubber marketing channels in Ogan Ilir.</em> <em>Sampling was carried out randomly.</em> <em>75 samples were used in this research, with a population of rubber farmers, namely 236 farmers in Tanjung Batu District and 254 in Payaraman District. Locations were chosen purposively based on the same considerations, namely the subdistricts and villages that produce the largest rubber production.</em> <em>Data collection uses cross-section data.</em> <em>Rubber marketing efficiency is analyzed using marketing margin, farmer's share, profit to cost ratio and the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model.</em> <em>The research results show that rubber farmers in Ogan Ilir Regency use three marketing channel patterns.</em> <em>The most efficient marketing channel is marketing channel 1, namely (1) farmer-UPPB-factory and marketing channel 2 is an inefficient channel</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords </em></strong><em>: marketing channel efficiency; rubber; UPPB.</em></p>2024-09-30T11:37:40+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Saing Kacang Mete Indonesia Di Pasar Negara Tujuan Ekspor 2024-10-01T10:10:32+07:00Agus Kilat<p><em>Cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale) are a leading plantation commodity with high economic value, essential for the development of the agricultural industry. Despite their significant potential as an export commodity, the export value of Indonesian cashew nuts has tended to decline during the period from 2013 to 2022. The aim of this study is to measure the competitiveness and development position of Indonesian cashew nuts from 2013 to 2022 in export destination countries. The data used in this research are secondary data in the form of time series data. The time series data includes annual data over 10 years (2013-2022) with export destination countries being Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Japan, and China. The methods used in this study are the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Product Dynamics (EPD), and X-Model Potential Export Product methods. The results of the study show the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Export Product Dynamics (EPD) values of Indonesian cashew nuts for the period 2013-2022 in the Vietnamese market with an RCA of 4.47 and a Lost Opportunity market position, India at 0.88 with a Retreat status, Singapore at 0.019 with a Falling Star status, Malaysia at 0.43 with a Lost Opportunity status, Sri Lanka at 21.55 with a Falling Star status, Japan at 7.36 with a Falling Star status, and China at 0.21 with a Rising Star market position. Meanwhile, the X-Model analysis shows that the market potential in Vietnam, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Japan, and Malaysia is classified as potential markets, the market potential in China is classified as an optimistic market, and the market potential in India is classified as a less potential market. As an export commodity, cashew nuts require proper handling and special attention. To ensure the quality, selling value, and strong competitiveness of cashew nuts, the government must continuously strive to enhance the selling value of cashew nuts through plantation development, garden and plant maintenance, and processing improvements.</em></p>2024-09-30T12:10:07+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Pupuk Anorganik (Kasus : Desa Srimulyo Dan Sukodono, Kecamatan Dampit)2024-10-01T10:18:19+07:00Muhammad Rafi Tarik Zul<p><em>Inorganic fertilizers are currently still widely used and are the main choice for farmers because they can increase crop productivity. Companies need to pay attention to consumer orientation, which is related to how to find the target market, needs and convince consumers to make a purchase. This study aims to analyze the influence of brand image, price, review, ecology, and credibility on the decision to purchase inorganic fertilizers by coffee farmers. The locations taken are Srimulyo and Sukodono villages, Dampit District, considering that the village is the largest coffee-producing village in Malang. Purposive sampling was used for sampling as many as 35 coffee farmers with the provision of using and purchasing inorganic fertilizers. The data used in the study is primary data collected through surveys with observations, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The research uses SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) data analysis with the PLS (Partial Least Square) approach, and conducts data analysis with the help of SmartPLS 4.0 software. The results of the analysis of respondent characteristics showed that most coffee farmers were dominated by men and the level of education of farmers varied from elementary to bachelor's degree. Most of the respondents' farming experience was from 1 to 50 years with a maximum land area of 2 ha. Testing the inner model obtained a determination coefficient (R-Square) of 60.1% brand image, price, reviews, ecology, and credibility were able to explain the influence on the decision to purchase inorganic fertilizers by farmers. The results of bootstrapping data showed that brand image and ecological had a significant negative effect and reviews had a significant positive effect on the decision to purchase inorganic fertilizers. Factors that do not affect the decision to buy inorganic fertilizers are price and credibility</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Usaha Madu Berbasis Eduwisata Lebah Tanpa Sengat Di Pondok Pesantren Kabupaten Lebong2024-10-01T18:38:53+07:00Akso<p>The demand for honey has increased from year to year, based on BPS data, the number of honey imports has increased significantly every year, however, according to the Indonesian Beekeeping Association, honey consumption in Indonesia is still low per year, namely 15-20 grams/capita/year. The Nurul Qur'an Islamic boarding school in Lebong Regency has a stingless bee educational tour to provide education about bees and honey directly as a promotion to visitors. The aim of this research is (1) to determine the feasibility of various non-financial aspects of an edutourism-based honey business through market aspects, technical aspects, legal aspects, management aspects, social, economic and cultural and environmental aspects. (2) to measure the financial feasibility analysis without a training package and homestay facilities (scenario 1) compared to an edutourism-based honey business with a training package and homestay facilities (scenario 2) using investment criteria, namely NPV, Net B/C, IRR, and Payback Period, . Data collection methods include surveys, interviews and document studies, the sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The results of the analysis of non-financial aspects which include market aspects, technical aspects, management and legal aspects, social and economic aspects, and environmental aspects show that this business is feasible to run. The results of the financial analysis seen from the calculation of Payback Period, IRR, NPV and Net B/C show that scenario 1 is more profitable compared to scenario 2. Then for the results of sensitivity analysis using switching values product prices and honey production are more sensitive compared to total fixed costs. costs) and variable costs, so it is recommended to maintain product availability and quality and improve marketing with various effective approaches.</p>2024-09-30T14:03:29+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum–Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Intensi Berwirausaha Pertanian Siswa SMK Agribisnis Di Kabupaten Cianjur 2024-10-01T09:40:39+07:00Teuku Soedono Sasmoyo Jana Priyatsoedono@gmail.comWahyu Budi<p>Cianjur Regency is one of the areas that relies on agriculture as a support for the economy and welfare of its people. In 2020, the number of poor people in Cianjur Regency decreased, allegedly due to increasing financial prosperity. Simultaneously, the number of entrepreneurs in Cianjur Regency has increased quite rapidly. This then suggests that one of the reasons for the increasing financial welfare of the people of Cianjur Regency is entrepreneurship. The majority of the population in the productive class aged 15-19 years who are currently studying at vocational high schools (SMK) are important capital for advancing agriculture in Cianjur Regency through entrepreneurship. The aim of this research is to analyze the factors that influence the agricultural entrepreneurship intentions of Agribusiness Vocational School students in Cianjur Regency. Determination of the sample in this study used proportionate stratified random sampling. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis and PLS-SEM analysis. The research results show that the factors that influence the agricultural entrepreneurship intentions of Agribusiness Vocational School students in Cianjur Regency are attitudes towards behavior, subjective norms and behavioral control. This research suggests that collaboration between the government, schools and universities is needed so that vocational school students maintain and improve the factors that can influence entrepreneurial intentions.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Kelayakan Pengembangan Bisnis Sayuran Hidroponik (Studi Kasus Kebun Gizi Hidroponik Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Depok) 2024-10-01T09:40:15+07:00Muhammad Dzaki<p><em>Hydroponic Nutrition Garden at Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School Depok is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program of Kimia Farma that utilizes the potential of Islamic boarding schools to support the development of economic independence at Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School Depok. The demand for hydroponic vegetables in this nutrition garden continues to increase, but the amount of production has not met this demand, therefore it needs development. The results of the analysis on non-financial aspects state that the development of a hydroponic vegetable business is feasible based on market, technical, management, legal, social, economic, cultural and environmental aspects. Results of financial aspect analysis based on NPV with a value of Rp. 140,052,675 and Rp. 205,508,544, IRR with a value of 57% and 68%, Net B/C with a value of 6.43 and 6.96, Payback Period with a period of 1 year 8 months and 1 year 6 months, and Incremental Net Benefit with a value of Rp. 65,455,869 show that the business is feasible to run either without or with development.</em></p>2024-09-30T14:21:26+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Pemasaran Beras Bujang Marantau Di Kecamatan Sungai Tarab, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Provinsi Sumatera Barat 2024-10-01T09:40:13+07:00Alviedoalviedo14@gmail.comAndriyono Kilat<p><em>The “Bujang Marantau” rice variety is local rice from Tanah Datar Regency which was registered as a national superior rice variety by BPTP West Sumatra in 2015 and grows well in Tanah Datar Regency. This increase in “Bujang Marantau” rice production must be balanced with a good marketing system so that farmers and institutions marketing can receive more favorable prices. The study is aimed to analyze the channels, functions and operational efficiency of rice marketing (marketing margin, farmer’s share, and profit to cost ratio) in Sungai Tarab District. This research involved 45 farmers as samples obtained through a simple random sampling method. Marketing institution respondents were obtained using the snowball method based on the flow of information from farmers and 15 marketing institution respondents were obtained. Qualitative data is used to analyze marketing channels and institutions. Quantitative data is used to analyze marketing margin, farmer’s share, profit to cost ratio and marketing efficiency index. The results showed that there are 3 marketing channels and 3 types of marketing institutions involved. The results of the marketing operational efficiency analysis show that the relatively efficient marketing channel is channel III because it has the lowest marketing margin value, the highest farmer’s share, and the shortest marketing channel compared to other channels. Marketing institutions should further optimize the marketing functions of each institution, such as the transportation function, so that transportation costs can be lower and minimize marketing costs more efficiently</em><em>.</em></p>2024-09-30T14:29:09+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Yang Memengaruhi Pemilihan Saluran Pemasaran Kopi Robusta Di Kabupaten Malang2024-10-02T13:32:08+07:00Annisa Dwi<p><em>The demand for coffee in Malang Regency by determining the quantity of commodities is very dependent on the marketing subsystem. Robusta coffee marketing channels in Malang Regency include marketing institutions, namely small traders, sub-district collectors and large traders. Coffee marketing is dominated by small traders. This research aims to analyze the determinants that influence the choice of marketing channels for Robusta coffee in Malang Regency. The location of this research was carried out in two villages, namely Srimulyo Village and Sukodono Village, Kec. Dampit, Kab. Poor. The respondents in this research were Robusta coffee farmers in two villages in a </em><em>total </em><em>of 60 respondents. Marketing agency respondents were then determined using snowball sampling techniques. Snowball sampling method by collecting data based on information from previous respondents based on existing marketing patterns in Malang Regency. This research uses multinomial logit analysis by determining efficient marketing channels as a reference variable. Based on the results of marketing channel analysis, it was found that there are 5 marketing channel patterns. Marketing channel 1 consists of 27 farmers and the largest channel choice is 45%, while the results of the marketing efficiency analysis show that channel 5, namely direct farmers to wholesalers, is the most efficient. Marketing channel 5 consists of 11 farmers with a percentage of 18.3%. The results of the research show that 3 variables influence the choice of marketing channels, namely production volume, farming experience, and education level. Suggestions from research for extension workers and local governments need to assist farmers regarding financing and coffee market information so that marketing channel choices are more varied</em><em>.</em></p>2024-09-30T14:38:27+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Kelayakan Finansial Usaha Ternak Kambing Etawa Senduro Di Kecamatan Senduro Kabupaten Lumajang2024-10-01T09:40:09+07:00Salsabila Ika Puspitasalsabilaikapuspita@gmail.comSri<p>Indonesia is known to have many types of livestock and natural resources, one of which is goats. Senduro District is one of the leading goat farming centers. Indicators of the success of the livestock business include the size of the financial aspect. Goat farming business needs to be equipped or accompanied by relevant data information for financial feasibility analysis. The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of the goat farming business in Senduro to determine whether the business being run is profitable or not using NPV, IRR, and BEP assessment criteria because farmers tend to trade their livestock businesses without analyzing their business feasibility. The population in this study is Senduro etawa goat farmers totaling 12 breeders. This research uses financial service analysis methods with assessment criteria, namely BEP, IRR, NPV. The NPV results of the etawa Senduro goat farming business located in Lumajang Regency, especially in Kandang Tepus Village, show that the business is feasible to run, because it produces NPV of Rp 1,617,311,892 and more than 0. The IRR result of the goat farming business in Kandang Tepus Village, Senduro District is also said to be feasible because the IRR yield is 30.15%, this result exceeds the loan interest of 15%. BEP in the goat farming business in Senduro can be said to be feasible or profitable because the average BEP unit in this business is 54 heads and the revenue of this business is IDR 2,298,050,000.</p>2024-09-30T14:46:07+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Negosiasi Antara UMKM A.M Tahu Dan Pemasok Bahan Baku Produksi 2024-10-01T10:25:48+07:00Ifan Rizky KurniyantoIfanrizky95@gmail.comResti Prastika<p><em>SME’s are an industry that play an important role in the Indonesia’s economic development. A.M Tahu as one of SME’s have problems in fulfilling raw materials. The existence of special orders and moral hazard from suppliers were often obstacles in the production process so that A.M. Tahu is needed to make a negotiation process to get affordable prices, good quality, and flexibility in the quantity of raw materials with a limited choice of suppliers. The negotiation process certainly does not immediately reach the desired agreement, but efforts need to be made to convince both parties. The research aims to determine the negotiation process that occurs between A.M Tahu and raw material suppliers in reaching agreements. The types of data used in this study are primary and secondary data using AHP (Analysis Hierarchy Process) analysis methods and qualitative descriptive. The results showed that the negotiation process for A.M Tahu has several stages in reaching an agreement between the two parties, including starting from preparation, meetings, offers, and finally agreements. A.M Tahu gets a more convenient raw material price of Rp3,000 per kilo than the price should be, soybean quantity flexibility, and good quality assurance of soybean grain raw materials. A.M Tahu is also prioritized to choose suppliers who are outside the sub-district, and make raw material variables the main thing to consider in supplier selection.</em></p>2024-09-30T15:11:46+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum Pasar Karet Indonesia Di Pasar Internasional2024-10-03T08:18:31+07:00Sitty<p><em>Indonesia's position as the largest rubber producing country in the world allows them to become the main exporter of natural rubber. Indonesia exports the majority of its natural rubber production to countries like Japan, India, Brazil, the United States, South Korea, China, Turkey, and others. The competition between Indonesia and other producing countries in exporting rubbers to international markets is relatively tight. The aim of this research is to analyze the position of Indonesia’s technically specified natural rubbers (TSNR) in the international market compared to other exporting countries. The analytical method used is the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) Model. The data used in this research is secondary data from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Ivory Coast, Vietnam, Belgium, and Nigeria over the last 10 years (2012 – 2022). The results show that there is a tight competition between Indonesia and Thailand, Ivory Coast, Belgium, Nigeria and the Rest of the World in competing for market share of natural rubber in the international market because the relationship between Indonesia's natural rubber and these countries are substitutional. Meanwhile, Indonesia's natural rubber relationship with Malaysia is complementary. Indonesian natural rubber is a normal good, so if there is an increase in prices it will cause a decrease in demand. If there is an increase in demand for rubber exports in the international market, then the country that will benefit the most is Vietnam. Meanwhile, Indonesia is the fourth ranked country that will benefit the most if it happens</em><em>.</em></p>2024-09-30T15:21:50+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum