This study aims to analyze the percentage of coral reef cover in Perlang waters and determines the types of health problems on coral reefs in Perlang waters. This study conducts in November 2021 in the water of Perlang Village through the method of collecting data on coral reef cover using the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) with 4 data collection stations. The results show that the percentage of live coral reef cover from the 4 observation stations ranged from 40.27%-69.13%. The most affected lifeforms are Coral Massive with 71 colonies followed by Acropora Branching with 43 colonies, Acropora Tabulate with 14 colonies, Coral Branching with 2 colonies, Coral Folliose with 34 colonies, and Coral Submassive with 29 colonies. There are 5 types of health problems, consisting of Sediment Damage, Growth anomalies, Bleaching, Pigmentation Response and Crown of Thorns Starfish. The highest prevalence is sediment damage 2.46% and the lowest is Crown of Thorns Starfish 0.07%. The species found in the study site has values of 0.0225 colonies/ and 0.0010 colonies/. Sediment damage is the most common coral health disorder found in all study stations. There is a relationship between live coral cover and the prevalence of coral reef health problems.Downloads
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