The coastal waters utilization that has potential to be developed in Barru regency is the cultivation of pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima). However, to get the maximum results, site selection through inventory activities and mapping of potential of the waters is an important early stage to do. The purpose of this study was to assess the suitability of Barru regency coastal waters for pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima) farming. The method used in the current study were the characteristics analysis, plankton abundance SID analysis (Simpson's index of diversity), and suitability analysis of pearl oyster farming by weighting. Conditions of physical parameters i.e tidal waters was characterized by a mix tidal or semidiurnal tides which has two high tides and two low tides in each tidal day. The waters current ranged from 14 until 69 cm/s. Water depths contour ranged from 5 until >200 meters and the water temperature was relatively highΒ at the first transitional season (May) which ranged from 30.1 to 31.6 0C. Chemical parameters, such as salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and nitrate still met the water quality standard of marine waters. However, the posphat concentration in the estuary had exceeded the level of quality standard , i.e >0.015 mg/L. Barru coastal waters that had the potential for pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima) farming with a very appropriate status has an area of 3,201 ha.
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