KM. Jala Jana 05 is Vessel that own by Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah (SUPM) Pariaman. Its operation use hand line as fishing gear. The activity of operating fishing gear on fishing vessels have a high chance of accidents. This also applies to safety of workers starting from preparation activities both at the port, to fishing ground, and to return to dock. The aspects that observed were the types of life safety equipment, navigational aids equipment, personal protection equipment and their number. Based on the results of the identification carried out on the ship, it found that several safety equipment on board and navigational equipment consisted of lifeboats/rafts, life buoys, life jackets, VFH DSC, fire extinguishers, magnetic compasses, marine maps, GPS, and echo sound device. KM personal protective equipment. KM. Jala Jana 05 contained on the ship consisted of 2 boxes of gloves, 3 units of work glasses, and 1 box of first aid kit.
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