PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN NUTRIEN SAPI POTONG BIBIT YANG DIGEMBALAKAN DI PADANG MENGATAS (Nutrient sufficiencies of cows grazing in Padang Mengatas pasture)

  • Muhajirin Muhajirin Bogor Agriculture University
  • Despal Despal Bogor Agricultural University
  • Khalil Khalil University of Andalas


Nutrients and biomass produced from a pasture depend on many factors. Among others are the pasture fertility and water availability. This study was aimed at identifying nutrient supply from pastures to satisfy beef cattle nutrient requirements grazing in BPTU-HPT Padang Mengatas, Luhak, 50 Kota District pasture at different seasons. Forage species, biomas and nutrient productions, land and nutrient carrying capacities as well as nutrient sufficiencies have been observed from paddocks in 3 stratified topographies ((TWL = Topography Wavey Leaning, TSC = Topography Sloping Currugated and THL = Topography Hilly Leaning) during two different seasons (rainy and dry seasons). This study used stratified random sampling with five replications. The observations have been conducted from January until March 2016 for the rainy season and from Augus until October 2016 for the dry season. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that signal grass (B. decumbens) were dominant species in the pasture (83.95% during rainy season and 81.33% during dry season). Legume species were found in relatively low percentage (0.66% during rainy season and 0.13% during dry season). There were significant different (P <0.05) of biomass (DM) and nutrient (crude fiber, ash, NDF and ADF) production, carrying capacity between rainy and dry seasons but crude protein, cellulosa and hemicellulosa production were not affected by the seasons. Number beef cattle grazing in the pasture were 1228.8 AU. Carrying capacities of the pasture based on biomass production during rainy season were 1054.6 AU for heavy grazing, 689.8 AU for middle grazing intensity and 268.8 AU for mild grazing intensity. During dry seasons the capacity become less (891.7, 583.2, and 280.4 AU respectively). Comparing the number of cattle kept in the pasture to their carrying capacity, it can be concluded that the pasture could not provided sufficient biomass for the animals in both seasons, therefore supplementation of concentrate or legume are suggested

Keywords: forage, pasture land, the production of biomass, seasons, topography


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Author Biography

Muhajirin Muhajirin, Bogor Agriculture University


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