Geminivirus infecting pepper: symptom variation and transmission study Infection of geminiviruses has been reported to cause signz3cantyield loss on various crops. Polymerase chain reaction was able to detect geminivirus infection on pepper samples around Bogor and Cipanas, West Java. Symptom variation and transmission of the geminivirus infectingpepper was studied using five solanaceae plants with three dzgerent transmission mannec i.e. mechanical inoculation, side grafirng, and insect vector. The transmission study showed that mechanical inoculation was not able to transmit the eminivirus, while side grafting and insect vector, Bemisia tabaci, caused infection with symptoms varies from yellow mosaic, leaf curl leaf distortion, to stunting of the plant. Higher infection was observed on pepper var. Hot Chilli through B. tabaci (8009) and side grafting (71.4%) than those on chilli pepper and tomato. DNA fiagment of - 1.7 kb was amplified wing PCRfim those plants showing symptoms, but no DNA fiagment was observedfrom symptomless eggplant and tobacco var. White Burley. Thus it can be concluded that the last two kina3 ofplants were resistant to the geminivirus infectingpepper.
Morphological Variation of the Asian Honeybee Apis cerana (F.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in West Java. The diversity of Asian honeybee Apis cerana (F.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) occupying low and high altitude habitats in West Java was studied using morphological analysis, based on the length of proboscis, hindleg, front wing, tergites, and sternites. All morphological characters measured were signifcantly longer in high altitude bees compareded to those of low altitude bees (p < 0.05), except proboscis. Dendogram analysis showed that bees from those two altitudes were separated, whereas the result of principal component analysis indicated that both belong to the same group (P < 0.05).
Selection of Coconut Resistance to the Nutfall Disease (Phytophthorapalmivora Butler) The objective of this research was to select the coconut resistance to nutfall phytophthora disease. Using wounding inoculation method, detachedhits of 11 coconut populations at Pakuwon Coconut Cropping Pattern Research Station were inoculated with Phytophthora palmivora Co5 isolate. Based on the dhease lesion size at seven days after inoculation, Genjah Salak (GSK) coconutpopulation was more resistant than the other coconutpopulations and showed individual resistance variation to the disease. From 238 GSK coconut trees selected, 226 (95%) trees were resistant and 12 (5%) trees were susceptible.