Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana 2025-01-23T16:09:55+07:00 Ridi Arif Open Journal Systems <p class="MsoNormal"><strong><img src="/public/site/images/adminactavet/Picture1.png" alt="" align="left">Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana . Acta Vet Indones .&nbsp;The Indonesian Veterinary Journal</strong> is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that publishes articles in the form of research, reviews, case studies, and short communications relating to various aspects of science in veterinary, biomedical, animal husbandry, biotechnology, and biodiversity of fauna. Articles are written in Indonesian or English. Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana is published by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Bogor Agricultural University (FKH IPB) in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinary Medical Association (PDHI). This journal is published since 2013, published 3 (three) times in 1 (one) year, i.e. in March, November, and July. P-ISSN 2337-3202, E-ISSN 2337-4373, Accreditation of "SINTA 2" Kemenristekdikti No. 148 / M / KPT / 2020</p> Pencitraan Ultrasonografi Ginjal dan Profil Symmetric Dimethylarginine (SDMA) Anjing Ras Belgian Malinois di Badan Narkotika Nasional 2024-12-24T19:53:54+07:00 Berlian Widanti Fitriya Nur Annisa Dewi Fitria Senja Murtiningrum Deni Noviana <p style="font-weight: 400;">Pencitraan Ultrasonografi (USG) ginjal dapat memberikan informasi struktur internal organ yang bermanfaat, terlebih apabila dikombinasikan dengan parameter kimia darah seperti profil Symmetric Dimethylarginine (SDMA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk deteksi dini perubahan morfometri dan fisiologis pada ginjal serta mengevaluasi apakah terdapat kaitan mengenai kesehatan ginjal dengan latihan fisik. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 6 ekor anjing ras Belgian malinois dengan umur 3 - 4 tahun. Tiga ekor anjing merupakan anjing yang aktif dilatih dan 3 ekor lainnya adalah anjing yang tidak aktif dilatih. Pemeriksaan USG dilakukan pada posisi hewan right and left lateral dengan microconvex probe frekuensi 5 – 8 MHz. Sampel darah diambil sebanyak 0.5 ml melalui v. cephalica dan dilakukan pemeriksaan SDMA. Hasil pengukuran menunjukan rasio panjang ginjal:aorta pada anjing aktif adalah 6.02, 6.85, dan 6.87, sedangkan pada anjing tidak aktif adalah 5.76, 6.36, dan 5.5. Nilai SDMA pada anjing aktif adalah 10, 11, dan 8 µg/dL, sedangkan pada anjing tidak aktif adalah 12, 11, dan 15 µg/dL. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa anjing yang aktif berlatih memiliki ukuran ginjal yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan anjing yang tidak aktif dilatih. Hasil SDMA pada ketiga anjing yang aktif berada pada rentang normal. Terdapat 1 ekor anjing yang memiliki nilai SDMA diatas rentang normal pada anjing yang tidak aktif dilatih, yang mengindikasikan mengalami chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 1 menurut International Renal Interest Society (IRIS). Berdasarkan penelitian ini, aktifitas fisik mempengaruhi morfometri ginjal tanpa mengganggu fungsi ginjal anjing Belgian Malinois di Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN).</p> 2024-12-24T18:00:55+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Pengujian Toksisitas Akut Lethal Dose 50 (LD50) Infusa Ikan Nomei (Harpodon nehereus) dengan Menggunakan Mencit (Mus musculus) sebagai Hewan Uji 2024-12-24T19:53:55+07:00 Nurasmi yuri yuri I Ketut Mudite Andriyanto Wasmen Manalu <p>Ikan Nomei (Harpodon nehereus) merupakan jenis ikan yang lembek dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi untuk dapat dimanfaatkan secara luas. Penelitian bertujuan menguji toksisitas akut ekstrak infusa daging ikan nomei Harpodon nehereus pada mencit betina dengan menentukan nilai lethal dose 50 (LD50), mengamati pengaruhnya pada organ tubuh mencit, dan menghitung konsentrasi ekstrak yang paling efektif. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah mencit galur DDY sebanyak 25 ekor dibagi secara acak ke dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok kontrol (pemberian akuades) dan kelompok perlakuan pemberian infusa nomei masing-masing dengan dosis 5, 10, 15, dan 20 g/kg BB secara per oral. Parameter yang diamati meliputi mortalitas, respons fisiologis, gejala klinis, bobot badan, bobot absolut organ, dan bobot relatif organ. Nilai LD50 menunjukkan pemberian infusa ikan nomei pada mencit betina bersifat tidak toksik. Pemberian infusa nomei sampai dengan dosis 20 g/kg BB tidak menimbulkan gejala klinis yang bersifat patologis, perubahan makroanatomi organ, atau kematian. Pemberian infusa tidak menunjukkan efek yang signifikan pada peningkatan atau penurunan bobot badan. Berdasarkan penelitian, pemberian infusa ikan nomei sampai dengan dosis 20 g/kg BB bersifat tidak menimbulkan kelainan baik secara klinis atau kelainan pada organ mencit. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah infusa ikan nomei termasuk dalam golongan bahan yang diklasifikasikan dalam sediaan praktis tidak toksik (aman).</p> 2024-12-24T18:39:13+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Morphological Identification and Prevance of Digestive Tract Parasites in Dogs Imported Through Soekarno Hatta International Airport 2025-01-08T11:31:57+07:00 Umi Cahyaningsih <p>Isosporiasis and Toxascariasis are common digestive tract parasites in dogs. The incidence of digestive tract parasitic infections abroad varies from 24 – 63.5%. 100 feces samples were collected from imported dogs entering through Soekarno Hatta International Airport in the period February – August 2023. The samples were examined using the Mc Master method to count Oocysts per gram of feces (OPG) and Eggs per gram of feces (EPG) as well as the flotation method to see if there were any whether or not oocysts or worm eggs are present in the stool sample. Flotation examination results that were positive for oocysts were then fertilized using potassium bichromate, while samples that were positive for worm eggs were fertilized using 2% formalin solution. The results of the flotation examination showed that 5 samples were positive for oocysts and 1 sample was positive for worm eggs with a prevalence of 6%. The Mc Master results showed that the number of OPG was 50 – 2000 oocysts, while the number of EPG was 200 worm eggs. The results of fertilization of oocysts and worm eggs were carried out by morphological identification and 1 sample was identified as being infected with <em>Isospora canis</em>, 4 samples were infected with <em>Isospora ohioensis</em> and 1 sample was infected with <em>Toxascaris leonina</em>.</p> 2024-12-24T18:48:14+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Penambatan Molekuler Senyawa Bioaktif Tanaman Metang terhadap Reseptor Estrogen Alfa sebagai Antikanker 2024-12-24T19:53:57+07:00 Agus Saputra Ietje Wientarsih Lina Novianti Sutardi Mohamad Rafi Silmi Mariya <p>Breast cancer is a common health problem in women and causes a high mortality rate. Cancer cells can grow and metastasize to other organs and related to estrogen and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα). The search for plant-based bioactive compounds that are antagonistic to ERα is currently being carried out using an in silico approach. Lunasia amara blanco is a medicinal plant that contains quinolone alkaloid compounds and has been known to inhibit DNA Topoisomerase II. This study aims to predict the interaction of lunacrine, graveoline, lunine, lunacridine, and lumarine compounds on the estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) (PDB 1SJ0) by in silico method. Docking will be done with PyRex 0.8 and the result visualization will be done with the BIOVIA Discovery Studio Visualizer. Base on the results of molecular docking, graveoline and lunine compounds have bond energies of -8.4 and -8.0 kcal/mol, approaching the native ligan of tamoxifen, which is -9.7 kcal/mol. The type of interaction with amino acids affects the bond energy. The amino acid residues that formed interactions with all the test compounds were Ala350, Leu387, Met388, Phe404, and Ile424. The stability of the binding of tamoxifen and graveoline is also thought to be due to the amino acids Asp351 and Cys530. The interaction of the two amino acids is not found in other compounds and the interactions formed are in the form of hydrogen bonds or hydrophobicity. Lunamarine has the lowest bond energy and make interactions with different amino acids</p> 2024-12-24T18:49:45+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Acute Toxicity Test and Development of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus MG5511 from Bima Horse Milk in the Intestine and Its Effects on Intestinal Mucosa from Probiotic Test Products 2024-12-30T06:31:02+07:00 Mawar Subangkit Andriyanto Andriyanto <p><em>Probiotics are viable microorganisms that promote health benefits by balancing positive microbes in the gut, and controlling pathogenic microbes in the digestive tract. Probiotic from genus Lactobacillus is the most widely used.&nbsp; In addition to effectiveness testing, development and research on probiotics need to be supplemented with evidence from clinical and non-clinical data. This study was aimed to collect non-clinical data by examining the effectivity and toxicity of a probiotic candidate Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus MG5511 from BIma horse milk (KRG) in the intestine and their effect on the intestinal mucosa. Animal study was conducted&nbsp; with administration of the specific strain in MRS broth in 107 to 1010 CFU/mL concentrations to mice. Parameters observed were clinical signs, daily body weight measurement, gross organ pathology, and growth of bacterial populations. Based on the results, the strain Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus MG5511 was able to survive the gastrointestinal tract for 14 days and can be classified as relatively harmless based on the results of toxicity test.</em></p> 2024-12-24T18:56:39+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Physiological Response of Holstein Friesian Supplemented with UMMB Containing Natural Adhesive 2024-12-24T19:53:58+07:00 Renny Fatmyah Utamy <p>Urea molasses multi-nutrient block (UMMB) is a feed supplement for dairy cows, made of fillers and adhesives. The commonly used adhesive is cement; however, cement is an inorganic material that can cause health problems for dairy cows. Therefore, its use must be substituted with organic materials such as tapioca meals, which have good gelatinization properties. Tapioca meal as a cement substitute needs to be tested through physiological responses, as this response indicates animal health. The objective of the research was to examine the physiological response of <em>Holstein Friesian</em> dairy cows supplemented with UMMB containing natural adhesive. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern. Factor A was the time of measurement: morning (w1), noon (w2), and afternoon (w3), and Factor B was the cement:tapioca meal substitution level: 100:0 (P0), 75:25 (P1), 50:50 (P2), 25:75 (P3), 0:100 (P4). The results revealed that Factor A affected (P&lt;0.05) physiological values, with the highest values during the day. Factor B had a significant effect (P&lt;0.05) on respiration frequency and heart rate, where the higher the substitution level, the higher the physiological value of dairy cows. However, these physiological values remained within the normal range, i.e., rectal temperature (38.2–39.10°C), respiratory frequency (24-37 times/minute), and heart rate (58–84 times/minute), respectively. There was no interaction between Factors A and B, indicating that measurement time and tapioca meal substitution were not related in influencing dairy cows’ physiological values. It can be concluded that the physiological values for the dairy cows remained within the normal range even with the tapioca meal substitution at 100%. This could have positive implications for the health and well-being of dairy cows</p> 2024-12-24T19:52:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Development of Calf Mesenchymal Stem Cells through Wharton’s Jelly Umbilical Cord Explant Primary Culture 2024-12-27T10:49:06+07:00 Riris Lindiawati Arief Boediono Wahono Prasetyaningtyas Mawar Subangkit <p>Currently, the use of calf mesenchymal stem cell Wharton's jelly (MSCWJ) could be an alternative for pet animal therapy. The benefits of MSC included regulating cell signaling pathways, low immune system rejection in allogeneic administration, no risk of malignancy, stable storage, and easy transportation. Calf umbilical cord culture had not been reported on the development of WJ explants, especially the growth process of WJ explants from attach to confluent. The aim of the study was to determine the development of calf umbilical cord WJ explants. Factors examined included explant attachment, outgrowth appearance, cell morphology, and cell confluence. Explants were able to attach as much as 42% on day 8 of culture and 88% (day 12). Cell outgrowth was observed in 45% of explants (day 8) and 100% (day 12). The visible cell morphology was fibroblastic. Cell confluence was obtained on day 12, day 16, and day 20 at 3%, 83%, and 100%, respectively</p> 2024-12-24T19:53:39+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Detection of Zoonosis Pathogen Q Fever in Ruminant Livestock in Aceh 2025-01-09T09:44:13+07:00 Adi <p><em>Coxiella burnetii is an infectious agent that can cause Query fever (Q fever). Q fever is a zoonotic disease, namely a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans or vice versa. The main reservoir for Q fever cases that occur in humans is ruminants. Geographically, Aceh Province borders directly on North Sumatra Province. This study aims to detect the presence of C. burnetii as a cause of Q fever and to characterize tissue changes due to C. burnetii infection through molecular and histopathological analysis in ruminants in Aceh Province. The samples collected were liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys of cows and goats from the Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar areas, totaling 100 cow samples and 15 goat samples. The method used in this research was nested-PCR and histopathological examination using Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) staining. The results of this study showed that C. burnetii had been detected in 2 individual cattle samples (2%) from the lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys originating from the Banda Aceh Slaughterhouse, Aceh Province. C. burnetii was not detected in the goat samples examined</em></p> 2025-01-09T09:24:54+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Normal Value of Transthoracic Echocardiography in Swine Model Animals (Sus scrofa domestica) 2025-01-09T09:35:43+07:00 Bintang Nurul Iman Deni Noviana Fitria Senja Murtiningrum Dwi Utari Rahmiati Nindya Dwi Utami Arni Diana Fitri Gunanti <p>Research on cardiovascular system disorders is increasingly being carried out in animal models. Swine is an animal model that is commonly used in biomedical research. This study was conducted to determine the normal value of the heart echocardiography of male and female swine (Sus scrofa domestica). There were 12 swine used in this study with an age of 3 to 4 months with an average body weight of 55 kg (52 to 69 kg).Transthoracic echocardiography examination with right parasternal (RPS) long-axis (LAx) and short-axis (SAx) positions using a 2.5-6.0 MHz phase-array probe transducer was performed on anesthetized swine. The RPS-SAx position aims to assess the shape and structure of the left ventricle of the swine heart, while the RPS-LAx aims to compare the dimensions between the ventricles and observe the movement of the mitral valve of the heart. The results of echocardiography examination showed that the structures of the left ventricle of swine that could be seen were the interventricular septum (IVS), left ventricle (LV), left ventricle wall (LVW), pericardium (P), papillary muscle (PM), and right ventricle (RV). The results showed that the values for the parameters of heart frequency (HR), left ventricular internal dimension at end-diastole (LVIDd), and stroke volume (SV) showed significant different results, while other parameters had non-significant results between males and females. Normal echocardiographic values in swine can be used as a reference in further cardiovascular research using swine as animal models.</p> 2025-01-09T09:35:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Contamination of Escherichia coli in Chicken Meat at Markets in South Tangerang City 2025-01-23T16:07:50+07:00 Nurul Asila <p><em>Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the bacteria found in chicken meat. In general, E. coli is normal in the digestive tract of humans and healthy animals, but some strains of E. coli are pathogenic and can cause disease. E. coli contamination in chicken meat can be detected by the most probable number (MPN) calculation method. This study aims to determine the number of E. coli in chicken meat sold in markets in South Tangerang City. The study was conducted in 6 markets, with 46 meat samples. The samples were tested using the MPN method based on Indonesian National Standard No. 2897:2008 on the test method for microbial contamination in meat, eggs, and milk and their processed products. The standard of SNI 7388:2009 concerning the maximum limit of microbial contamination in food is 1×101 MPN/g. The results showed the highest percentage of E. coli contamination in chicken meat and over the maximum limit of the SNI 7388: 2009 standard is 75% from a total of 46 samples. This study concludes that the level of E. coli contamination found in chicken meat in markets in South Tangerang City exceeds the standard limit of SNI</em></p> 2025-01-23T16:07:21+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Efek Aplikasi Komposit Pati Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah High Fat Diet Rattus novergicus 2025-01-23T16:09:55+07:00 Emma Mauren Moko Priska Rosalina Kawengian Sukmarayu Pieter Gedoan Livana Dethris Rawung Dino Rahardiyan Hendra Pratama Maliangkay <p>Beras, umbi-umbian, dan pangan olahan dari tepung-tepungan dan pati&nbsp;seperti mie, pasta dan bakery merupakan bahan pangan utama bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Tanaman daluga berpotensi sebagai sumber pangan yang baik, mempunyai komposisi karbohidrat dengan kompisis amilosa dan amilopektin yang baik sehingga&nbsp;memberikan karakter pencernaan yang lebih sehat di pangan olahannya dengan mengurangi percepatan pembongkaran karbohidrat menjadi gula<em>. </em>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian komposit pati daluga, tepung jagung dan tepung beras terhadap kadar glukosa darah <em>Rattus novergicus </em>yang diinduksi <em>high fat diet</em>. Pengujian <em>in vivo </em>menggunakan 18 ekor <em>Rattus novergicus</em>&nbsp;jantan dengan modelling <em>syndrom metabolic.</em>&nbsp;Darah tikus dikoleksi melalui <em>vena orbitalis </em>mata pada hari ke-0, 7 dan 14 untuk pengujian kadar glukosa darah. Metode pengujian <em>ex vivo </em>dilakukan nekropsi setelah perlakuan 14 hari dengan pengambilan sampel usus bagian jejunum untuk pengamatan laju absorbsi glukosa pada usus. Data dianalisa menggunakan perangkat lunak R-Software. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa data yang diperoleh pada hari ke-14 terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kelompok (p&lt;0,05) sedangkan, pada hari ke-7 tidak adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antar kelompok (p&gt;0,05). Pemberian komposit pati daluga, tepung beras dan tepung jagung memiliki potensi yang dapat meningkatkan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih yang diinduksi <em>high fat diet.</em></p> 2025-01-23T16:09:13+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana